Endometrial Biopsy

Hello there,

In 30 days I will be having an endometrial biopsy. I have no symptoms, but my endometrium is 6mm and I'm postmenopausal. Not only am I scared about the possibility of having cancer but I'm read so many horror stories about how painful the biopsy is and now I'm terrified. I can't stop thinking about it. My doctor said it's painful, so he wants me to take vagifem until the biopsy and also to make sure I take advil before arriving. I have to wait 30 days but I can't get rid of the terror. Any suggestions? I sure wish I hadn't read any of those horror stories. Thanks for listening.


  • Arx001
    Arx001 Member Posts: 36 Member

    If I may respond as a guy who has cancer: A friend had a tough time after her breast biopsy because she was given a very light painkiller. I also benefited from a strong painkiller at the end of my radiotherapy when the radiation burns accumulated. My humble suggestion is make sure to get one medium and one strong painkiller. Insist on this!

    Cancer is scary but first you have no such diagnosis yet. Second you have no symptoms so that’s good. Third, no matter what, medicine has improved a lot.

    Little tip: If you encounter (not that you would) unbearable pain go for repeated breathing like in child birth or in the Wim Hof method. And keep moving…

  • Suemarie
    Suemarie Member Posts: 28 Member

    Thank you for your response and great advice. I've calmed down. I guess I was in shock. I have no symptoms and had a CT scan and abdominal ultrasound and they found nothing - just a bit of thickening. So I was shocked that a biopsy is needed and also that my doctor said it was painful. But my doctor is preparing me and suggesting I take advil etc. The good thing is that it's quick. So sorry to hear about your own cancer and your friend who had the breast biopsy. I hope you're okay.

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,539 Member

    Suemarie, of course it is normal to have anxiety. As part of diagnosing if anything is there, tests like this are part of it, so try to take a breath.

    I believe since I never had children, when my doc went to perform the biopsy, she gave up and didn't even charge me. I went on to have a D&C which I was knocked out for, so maybe ask the office if that will be possible if it is too difficult.

    Good to hear your doctor is wanting to see what is going on and try not to get too far ahead of yourself here. Please let us know how it goes.


  • Suemarie
    Suemarie Member Posts: 28 Member

    Thanks 'No time for Cancer' - I haven't had children either, so we have that in common for sure. I am grateful that my doctor is moving on this. I appreciate how thorough he is. I'll give it a try in his office and I'm sure if we can't get it done, he'll refer me somewhere where I can be knocked out. He's doing the pap smear too, to get them both over with. He's suggested I take advil and so on, to make it more comfortable and he said it's really fast. He said the thickening could be just the way my body is but he wants to be safe about it - catch it early if it was. Thanks for listening and responding. I did go down the rabbit hole of fear, but I'm pulling myself out of it. Thanks.

  • HollyJArmstrong
    HollyJArmstrong Member Posts: 2 Member

    Ask for numbing creme before the biopsy. A lot of doctors don't/won't do that but my gyno used it and always uses it for IUD insertions too. If they can mitigate pain, they should. Most people don't even know this is available. Good luck!