Stage 3 (IIIIC) Undifferentiated Endometrial Carcinoma

xely Member Posts: 1 Member

My mom got diagnosed around February 2019 with endometrial cancer, stage 3 grade c (late/advanced). Within a month or so, they did a total hysterectomy and then she continued with a pretty aggressive chemo and radiation plan, with discussions on immunotherapy as well (but those haven't begun yet). She completed her chemo and radiation treatments a few months ago, but at a regularly scheduled follow-up, they spotted two lumps on a scan that looked concerning. They did a biopsy on them 2 days ago (4/27/22) and the results came back saying:

Final Diagnosis:

A. Lymphoid tissue, "Paraaortic lymph node", needle core biopsy: Metastatic carcinoma consistent with endometrial undifferentiated carcinoma. See comment. 

Comment: Immunohistochemical study performed on block A1 show tumor cells to be positive for EMA (weak and focal) and P16 (diffuse and strong) and negative for PAX-8 and CD45. CAM 5.2 stain shows rare positive cells. Diffuse positivity for P16 was reported in the outside report (O21-578). The overall morphologic and immunophenotypic findings are consistent with metastatic endometrial undifferentiated carcinoma. A1 and A2 blocks contain adequate tumor cells for additional testing."

The doctor is going to get back to her some time next week once they get results back from her PET scan. She's getting a portacath installed to help in her additional chemo treatments but she's nervous about it.

She also said that after the biopsy, she had so much pain she was only able to work 5 hours, then had to go home. She doesn't want to stop working since she needs the insurance for all the kinds of treatments she has. Her BP was 190/110 that time , and she's worried about internal bleeding. She took extra blood pressure meds and got it down to 160/95. The nurse at her work told her to go to the ER at KU Med, but after she took a different pain med she felt a bit better, but she has to keep taking them every 6 hours otherwise the pain at the site of the biopsy is intense. Is that concerning? She's also started to cough occasionally throughout the night :( I'm worried it's spread and is affecting her other organs. She has a history of diabetes and hypertension with heart arrhythmia. I've taken steps to try and be as cautious as I can be with my health at an early age due to understanding I might be at increased risk due to family history...

Has anyone had (or known someone with) this kind of diagnosis for endometrial cancer? I'd appreciate any input or feedback. I've been doing my best to find research and going through whatever discussion boards and trying to find support groups, but there's not much about this undifferentiated endometrial cancer, especially not at this later stage. Most the research I did manage to find mainly talked about regardless of what they did or stage it was, undifferentiated endometrial cancer turned out more aggressive than a stage 4 diagnosis.


  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,032 Member

    What a hard time your Mom is having. I have not had that type of cancer but I do remember some members who had undifferentiated cells. You said your Mom just finished treatment. She must have had a long treatment. I'm sure she is upset about her biopsy report but immunotherapy has potential for her. She had a lot of genetic testing done on those cells so they can determine which treatment will be effective on her mutations. She also had very high blood pressure. I hope she saw her family doctor about that. I am an RN and her blood pressure was very high. Make sure she lets her doctors know how high it was. That might be the reason the nurse told her to go to the ER and not her pain. I hope her pain is being relieved. I would certainly tell her doctor about the pain. Let us know how she is doing. Hugs to you.

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,539 Member

    xely, your mom has a few other things going on that are all factors in her treatment. Forherself has some good comments there, especially regarding the concern on her high BP. Please let us know what her doctor has planned and let us know how she is doing.
