Met Prostate Cancer Survivor connection and advice PLEASE
My Father was diagnosed with prostate cancer. He has been on hormone treatment but was recently advised to undergo chemo. I am trying to educate myself about the condition and give my dad as many options as possible. I would like my father to speak to someone in a similar situation, just to give him advice on the process…
New diaganosis
Just got biospy result. Andocarcinoma in Right medial apex, and suspicious in left medial mid. Gleason score, 3+3=6. Age 65 good health, meeting with Oncologist in three days. Any advice?
Anybody els having as much fun as I am
Had a 9.5 PSA, Gleason score 3+4. I'm 54. Asked the Doctor, "what would you do if it were you". Told me "at your age I'd get it out". Well I never had any health problems before so I figured these guys would know. So I get hooked up with a surgeon. Get the robotic surgery, come home the next day. cath out 10 days later,…
Blood Vitamin D Concentration
I have been off hormones for almost 2 years with a rising PSA currently at 3.8. The doubling time approximates 10 months with no detectable PC identified by CT, fereheme MRI, and f-18 PET scans. When first monitoring blood vitamin D levels from October through January, my levels actually dropped even though I was taking…
Newly Diagnosed in Tampa Bay Area (FL) - Age 44
My research is leading me toward surgery - any rec's regarding surgeons & facilities in the area. Not sure if there is much local expertise w/robotics.
Has anyone had an increased PSA after taking Citalopram?
Hi, My brother had a radical prostectomy about 3 years ago. His PSA's have been 0.04 since the radical prostectomy . About 3 months ago, he started taking Citalopram. His PSA jumped to 3.4 last week. QUESTION: Has anyone had an increased PSA after taking Citalopram? Thanks kindly and blessings to each and every person who…
Has anyone had an increased PSA after taking Citalopram?
Hi, My brother had a radical prostectomy about 3 years ago. His PSA's have been 0.04 since the radical prostectomy . About 3 months ago, he started taking Citalopram. His PSA jumped to 3.4 last week. QUESTION: Has anyone had an increased PSA after taking Citalopram? Thanks kindly and blessings to each and every person who…
High PSA, Clear CT Scan, Positive Core Biospy
Hello everyone. I am new to this forum but already impressed with the information sharing and support I have seen. During the past 8 years my PSA has climbed steadily from 8 to 60, but with five negative needle biopsies (75 samples) until a positive core sample (through the urethra) was taken last month, with one chip…
I have enlarged prostate. My doctor wants to find out if the enlargement is benign or cancerous. He has advised biopsy. If the enlargement is cancerous, will the biopsy cause it to spread?
Planned CSN outage
Hello everyone, Between 3:00 and 4:00 Eastern Time this morning, CSN will be taken offline for about 2 hours. Exhaustive efforts were made to find a way to restore all private messaages. I'm not qualified to provide technical details but the bottom line is that all private messages that you sent from September 2009 forward…
Bone & CT scans when biopsies are clear?
I'm writing with a question/concern for my father who has had a steadily climbing PSA over the years, with 5 biopsies. On the 3rd biopsy, one sample came back positive for cancer out of the 24 collected. It was decided at that time to do 'watchful waiting" and monitor. They have done two more biopsies that were both clear…
External Cathethers
Has anyone used external cathethers and are you happy with them? Does anyone use them all day instead of Pads? Thanks, Lion1
Artificial Urinary Sphincter Implant (AMS 800) -- help!!!
Seeking Others to Discuss Their Experience w/ AUS Implant (AMS 800): I am inquiring for my father-in-law (fil) who has limited internet access. He is 63, prostate removed 13 months ago, now suffering from incontinence. Received 2nd opinion yesterday from Mayo and was told he had 2 options: 1) status-quo -- it won't get…
Reluctant New Member
Recently diagnosed. PSA slowly increased from 0.78 in 2005 to 4.1 in 2012. DRE indicated small area of irregularity. Biopsy - 4 of 12 cores positive. Staged as T2C. Original Urologist along with 2nd and 3rd opinions all recommend surgery given age (58) stage and overall health (no real issues). MRI scheduled for late March…
When are you cured?
Are you ever cured from prostate cancer? I had RLRP November 5th, all has gone well 1st PSA 0.03 2nd PSA at 3 months 0.01. So when can you relax, 5 years, 10 years? I wish everyone that has this disease could have the same experience as I have had so far. Good luck guys and gals.
My PSA came back 0.000. My last HT shot nurse told me that Dr. Did research now had to get shot divided, on both sides of stomach. Side one did great. Side two, after two weeks, finally stopped hurting but was still about three inches long and skin at end of injection site started flaking off. Like it was dying. Called…
Looking for men to talk to about experience with Robotic surgery
I was diagnosed after a biopsy in October 2012 with cancer, gleason score of 6. Doctor took 6 pieces. I was told that I was a good candidate for waiting and watching. I had a biopsy in Jan 2013 and now have a gleason score of 7 3+4. I have no idea of what type of treatment is best. I suppose cutting the cancer out is…
Zytiga, hopefully this is the answer to prayer
My dad will turn 78 this April .....God willing his first battle was 12 years ago when he went in for a prostatectomy, which do to complication the removal was unsuccessful. He thn went through several weeks of radiation, and PSA levels returned to normal. We were told watchful waiting until the prostate cancer rears its…
Mercy me
Iam on eligard for 6 months because I had a psa of 6.3. I have had robotic surgery and radiation. What is the relationship between rising psa and the reoccurance of prostate cancer. So if you didn,t do anything about a rising psa eventually cancer pops up somewhere in your body,what is the percentage of that. I really…
Prostate Robotic Surgeon recommendations
My husband was recently diagnosed with PC – gleason 7 – 3,4 – he is 50 years old. We are trying to figure out options – and doctors are recommending surgery. We are not sure what to do – but given everyone is pushing surgery due to his age, I want to ensure my husband has the best possible doctor. Reading about the…
Any Scholarships out there for students of Prostate cancer survivors?
My son who is 18 is starting college in the fall, just wondering if there is any scholarship money out there for those children who help thier fathers surive prostate cancer? Thanks for your help My information: My Information: PSA: 4.9 (Initial test performed Feb 14th) Antibotics taken for 6 weeks prior to next test. PSA:…
Looking for went through radiation treatments. Good or Bad
I have to go through radiation treatments. Looking for people who went through it. What to expect. The good the bad and the ugly.
I am still experincing a great deal of incontinence 5 months after my surgery, especially while I am standing. getting to the bathroom after I have been sitting for awhile or sleeping has gotten alot better. Is it abnormal to go this long with this type of incontinence, or am I expecting too much too soon ?
Eligard & casodex for Metas. Pc And now Kidney stones
I've been taking Eligard every 3 months since Nov. 2011. Now Casodex was added taking 1 pill everyday since Nov. 2012. Last week I began to have severe pain in my groin and pelvic area which did go to the lower back. They did an MRI and located a kidney stone. Long story short they prescribed Flomax to help stone pass…
Having PCa Has not Made me an Expert on this topic
Having had stage iv PCa- Devinci surgery, radiation and hormone shots- Eligard- has not made me an expert. What advice I share is only observations from my own experience. I picked up a few medical terms along the way, but really, from my lone prospective I know very little. I do know I did not feel comfortable with the…
CWRU School of Medicine discovery
This research facility is saying they have discovered a gene Chk1 that when turn on stops, and kills cancer cells. Interesting read. Hopefully a cure is coming for metastic cancer. Mike
Funny things that happen
I have read horror story after horror story and this topic is in no way trying to minimize the pain and suffering cancer imposes. But there where some funny things that happened or I did. (I blame the drugs) As I was walking by the nurses station while on my many trips up and down the hallway, I stopped and looked in. They…
Vietnam Veterans eligible for disability for prostate cancer
My husband is a Vietnam Vet and likely exposed to Agent Orange. He has just been approved for 100% VA disability and is getting a nice monthly check because his prostate cancer (at age 54) is likely due to his exposure to Agent Orange in Vietnam. All Vietnam Veterans should check with their local or state veterans affairs…
Is second opinion recommended with Gleason score of 10?
I learned last week Tuesday I had an aggresive cancer in my prostate. It started with my PSA = 12.30 on a routine bloodwork test for my insurance wellness program (new to me this year). Biopsy of 10 samples taken, 5 from each side; my doc tells me left side gleason scores are 7's and right side are 10's. He highly…
Dads PSA 43, worried about his wellbeing. Need help!
Hi Guys I'm very worried that my dad might have prostate cancer. His latest blood tests revealed a PSA of 43, his 3 previous tests revealed a PSA of 3,3.2 and 3.6. The specialist told him to have a biopsy when the PSA was 3.6 which he did...they took 10 samples but couldn't find anything. During this past few weeks he has…