When Recurrent PCa Isn’t Cancer
Someone else posted this a few weeks back but I’m reposting https://askdrmyers.wordpress.com/2012/12/19/when-recurrent-pca-isnt-cancer/
Anyone here post surgery with bouncing PSA?
March 2010-Post surgery Gleason 4+3 (clinical the same), SVI (right), positive margin (one). No psa reading until August 2011 (18 months post surgery) which was 0.2. December 2011- 0.15, April 2012-0.2, August 2012-0.3, December 2012-0.17 (yes down from previous). The only reference I have seen on bouncing psa after…
Cant make decision
Hi, im a 46 year old husband and father. My wife "made" me go to the Doctor mid 2011 as I was experiencing "hestation". Doc completed PSA test and it came back at 4.1. It was decided I would be monitored and completed blood tests every three months. PSA continued to rise very slowly until August 2012 when it came back at…
General Norman Schwarzkopf
The Telegraph General Norman Schwarzkopf is dead at the aged of 78. This was the news on the Telegraph (and on every media) two days ago. It is sad thought to think that nobody seems to really know what killed the “Stormin” (The Grizzly Bear of the desert as many called him). They write this; “Schwarzkopf himself largely…
New, anyone care to guess what the doc might do
I’m 67 years old white male. For the past several years my prostate has been slightly enlarged. My PSA have been around 2.3. I have a physical every year. This December my PSA was 5.9 I have an appointment with the urology Jan 2nd. Anyone care to guess what he might do beside the old finger up the rear. Do you think he…
Different Models of CyberKnife
Does anyone know if there are different models of CyberKnife and what they are? I am considering it and would like to know what model the facility I am going to be is using. I think this is a reasonable question. Any thoughts?? David
Merry Christmas
To all my brothers here and now I wish you all a Merry Christmas. Thank you all for advice and support over the last year and I wish nothing bet the best, a zero:). Enjoy your holiday with your families and God bless you all.
Who does the cutting
I am probably going to have a RPP in January. The hospital is a teaching hospital and I am concerned about who actually performs the operation. Does anyone know if there are standard operating procedures as to whether the attending physician, resident, or intern performs the operation - specifically the cutting and…
Prostate Cancer Humor
A researcher was researching impotence after various prostate cancer treatments. He spoke to several recent brachytherapy patients and asked how often they were having sex. He totaled up their responses and calculated the average as once a week. The patients expressed their satisfaction as 6 on once a scale of 1 to 10. The…
Planned CSN Outage
CSN will be down from 9 pm Eastern Time Thursday (tomorrow) until 9 am Eastern Time Friday getting a badly needed software upgrade. You will notice a few formatting changes and enhancements. Most importantly, site functionality should improve significantly. Regards, Greta aka Your CSN staff
erectile dysfunction after 1 yr.
I had robotic assisted prostatectomy on Dec 9 2011 . I just had my 1 yr follow up and no cancer . I have been working with Cialis daily for the last 6 months only getting partial erection. It is up to the 3 oclock position not firm enough for intercourse. I read that sometimes it takes 1 1/2 years to recover to a full…
34 months
Got the call yesterday, My PSA is still less than 0.1 and praying for it to stay there. It has been 34 months since dx of stage 4 cancer. Merry Christmas to everyone and may God bless you!
Cryotherapy or Radiation???
Hello I am a 75 yr old African American male with newly diagnosed Prostate Cancer. I have no history of BPH and this is not known to run in the family. Therefore I have not monitored my PSA levels because they were within normal limits every year until this year when it was elevated and the urologist noticed a couple hard…
Diet, exercise, Vitamin D megas in addition to treatment
So in October I introduced a thread in advance of my first ultrasensitive PSA test after being off Lupron for 11 1/2 months. As I indicated in May of 2009 I was a Gleason 7 going into daVinci surgery, and a Gleason 8, Stage 3 coming out. Went ten months with ultrasensitive testing regularly. In the tenth month my reading…
Time Off Work after Open Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy
Any have any ideas of what kind of timne off work I can expect after a Open Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy? I have short term disability that pays 60% of my salary. I am just wondering what some typical times men have been out of work after this procedure. Thanks and have a great holiday!! David
still psa after radical prostatectomy
My first psa 6 weeks after davinci was .18 and 4 weeks later .21. My pathology was 4+3 and pT3a. I never had undetectable psa. Anyone with experience with persistance of prostate cancer and treatment? Pre-surgery psa was 23.4. I am 53 yrs old.
Looks like its back
Just got home from my post three year checkup. Actually 38 months. PSA came back at .2 History is Davinci Surgery in Aug 2009 Gleason Pre surgery 4+3 7 Post surgery 3+4 Positive Margin Noted in surgery. Doctors plan is to wait 3 months and retest psa on Jan 21. Any positive comments are welcome lewvino
Great news
Went to VA Hospital on Monday for blood to check psa. July psa 0.3 August psa 0.4 September psa 0.6 October psa 0.7 November psa 0.9 December psa 0.5 The only thing that I change was my diet since last month??? Now my weight is down from 230 to 225, but waist size still the same and still on Zytiga.
newly diagnosed
Hello everyone, I am a 75 yr. old african american male who was recently diagnosed with prostate cancer. I am very active and healthy with only hyperlipidemia in my medical history. I was told that my cancer was localized to the prostate and a Gleason score of 7. I had 2 biopsy cores that was a 3+4 and 2 that were 3+4. I…
Need some advise, Second Biopsy
Need some advise, After my first biopsy, I had one core with a Gleason 6 then downgraded to a PIN after a second opinion. At that time my PSA was 3.7 > now 3 months later my PSA is 4.2. Doc wants to do the frontal mutable core biopsy. This will be the second one in 8 months. He said that the trend is not good and is…
ANYONE WITH side affects from ELIGARD?
IS THERE anyone that had side affects from taking ELIGARD? RAD HOPEFUL
Need more advise
I am age 70 in excellent health with a family history of life expectancy in the high 90's First biopsy was G6 but got a second opinion from John Hopkins that downgraded it to PIN. PSA started 5 years ago at .25 and worked it's way up to 2.5 two years ago and 6 months ago it was 3.5 and that triggered the first biopsy. Now…
Hormone side effect weight question
My husband has never had a belly but now after 9 months of hormone treatment, his belly is so big and hard almost like a pregnant belly. Im worried is this normal? Urologist claims hormones don't put on weight oncologist claims they due. Afraid it's a sign of something else, he also has lung cancer?
MD Anderson -VS-
Cancer Treatment Center Of America -VS- MDACC. I go to MDACC and feel that it one of the best for my type of Cancer. I had some friend tell my wife that Cancer Treatment Center of America was better. I don't beleive that, but how do I convince my wife of that? My wife is getting worry. The web page for cancer, rates MDACC…
Post-op after Da Vinci Radical
Had surgery Nov, 27, 2012 07:30 am, came home Dec, 1st, today is Dec, 04, 2012, saw Doctor for post-op recheck and pathology report, pretty good news, the doc said the magic words "Surgical Cure" I pray he is right, the pathology report has been posted on my "about me page" to long to put here, short version is cancer did…
Frequency of Biopsy
I had my initial biopsy about one year ago, results where 3+3, 2 of 12 samples positive. My PSA tests have remained stable for the last year during my course of watchful waiting. My urologist is suggesting another biopsy. Is anyone aware of the "standard" practice on the frequency of repeating a biopsy?
According to an announcement earlier today, the U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved an expanded indication for abiraterone acetate (Zytiga®) in combination with prednisone for the treatment of patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC), inclusive of patients who have not…
For newbis who is looking for information on Pca, I offer this video. The doctors at Sloan-Kettering present this information in an honest and unbiased way. The video is about 30 minutes long and I feel is well worth the time to view it. Especially for those newly diagnosed with "the beast"…
PSA 30, 12 months ago PSA 25, but not informed; had biopsy today.. PLEASE ADVISE!!!
I am 52 years old, with no famiily history of cancer of any kind. Three weeks ago I went to my family Dr. related to some recent high blood pressure readings, turned out BP slightly on the high side, but no need for medication. The Dr. was looking at my history and noticed ~ 12 months ago, my blood results indicated PSA of…
Huffington Post article
Story in the Huff Post about a miracle baby. Had an inoperable brain tumor. Dr's recommended chemo, dad said no. He wanted to try hash oil. Put it on her pacifier twice a day. Brain tumor went away over six months, with this as the only treatment. I have mentioned this treatment before, and an article from some scientists…