Pathology Second opinion?

D47 Member Posts: 9

PSA went from 1.6 to 3.08 in about 14 months, had a biospy which came back one out of twelve positive gleason 3+3=6.  Dr, did not seem concerned, wants to PSA test every three months and another biospy in a year.  I am wondering if I should get a second opinion on the biospy.  I don't n know where to go for that, right now I am feeling my way around in the dark.  Thanks.


  • hopeful and optimistic
    hopeful and optimistic Member Posts: 2,343 Member
    World class pathology laboratories

    dianon laboratories 800-328-2666 or urocor 800 411-1839

  • D47
    D47 Member Posts: 9

    World class pathology laboratories

    dianon laboratories 800-328-2666 or urocor 800 411-1839



  • shipjim
    shipjim Member Posts: 137 Member
    1 out of 12

    In my view that's one too many but you have some time with the gleason of 6 and a moderate PSA.  Go hunting now, find out who's the best in your area for oncology specializing in prostate and start there.  Take any reports and srays and scans you have had done.  If the doc's reluctant, remember you paid for them and they are yours.