Latest news on CyberKnife
Can you post anything on this technique & your thoughts versus IMRT Radiotherapy. I can only find discussions going back to 2010!!
Ok, so here I am, a 58-yr-old survivor of a ruptured sub-arachnoid cerebral haemorrhage (brain aneurysm) 21 years ago, and worn down by the hellish after-effects of the open-skull surgery the docs used to "clip" that aneurysm. See my blog on that experience here: brain aneurysm. Yes, I know I'm at a forum for PC, not brain…
Biopsy today. heavy blood flow normal?
My biopsy today wasn't as painful as I had thought it might be. Just uncomfortable. The digital exam hurt more than the needle or the collection. However, I am surprised at the heavy flow of blood in my urine. It's only been a few hours so I'm guessing it's normal. The flow is initially pretty heavy and slowly dissipates.…
Pathology Second opinion?
PSA went from 1.6 to 3.08 in about 14 months, had a biospy which came back one out of twelve positive gleason 3+3=6. Dr, did not seem concerned, wants to PSA test every three months and another biospy in a year. I am wondering if I should get a second opinion on the biospy. I don't n know where to go for that, right now I…
First PSA Test since Post/Op
My surgery date wa Nov. 27, 2012, The Doctor ran my first PSA (Blood was taken last Wednesday) today is Jan. 09, 2013 The Office jast called with the results, PSA 0.23, I will get the paper copy in the mail, and I will get back with Any further details
Initial Disgnosis - Dazed and Confused
I was suffering from some urinary symptoms so I vistied the urologist 1st time in Fall 2011. PSA 4.7. DRE normal. Cystoscopy revealed nothing. Stayed on Rapaflo for a while but with little benefit and feeling good, I stopped that and felt good for a year or so. In the Fall/Winter of 2012/2013 the urinary and sexual…
r.adiation proctitis 1.5 years after seeding
I choose and recieved seeding for low grade prostate cancer in September 2011. This January (2013) I noticed some blood in my stools. A colonoscopy confirmed that the problem was radiation procititis. My oncologists has me using cortosteriod (Anucort 25 mg Rectal suppositories). I am not able completley stop the problem. I…
I had 41 treatments of hi dose radiation 5 years ago. I developed chronic radiation proctitis and other gi tract problems ( Chrones type ). I also have chronic burn of the urinary tract. The symtoms have gotten worse. Has anyone used the following for these issues: 1. Elmiron 2. ELMA cream 3. Anusol HC Supp. 4. Imodium 8 x…
Hydrogel Spacer Between Prostate and Rectum?
I have recently read about this procedure to reduce the radiation dose to the rectum and virtually eliminate rectal bleeding. Kaiser doesn't offer it (big surprise), so I am thinking of getting it done on the outside. Any thoughts/experiences with this?
Degerelix and Casodex
Is anyone taking both of these together.My oncologist at Sloan wants to put me on Casodex along with my Degerelix.I am responding well to my injections.My PSA went from 8.6 before injections to.77 then to.44 this month. Im 48 have metastatic (lymph,bladder,rectum wall,L4 spine involvment)prostate cancer that is primarily…
Asymptomatic very advanced bone matastasses - I seem to have it
Two weeks ago, I found out that my PSA was 100, and the exam said my prostate was hard and the lumps could be felt. My uro ordered a bone scan and a biopsy. I did the biopsy on April 2 and will have the results on April 17. Here is the finding of the bone scan. Increased tracer activity consistent with bone mastastases:…
Husband - 62-YO - RP 12-8-12, Gleason 5+4=9 - Wife Worried
I'll preface by stating that I (the wife) have not been comfortable with my husband's doctor (Urologist) since day of surgery. Why? Because he seems to be talking out of both sides of his mouth. I wish I'd kept a journal of everything that's transpired, because right now I'd be hard-pressed to go back and put it all…
Hello gentlemen: Well I've just got back from my appointment with the urologist today, and I have my diagnosis. It's exactly what I believed it would be (for what that's worth!). A Gleason 7 contained cancer, operable. I am attaching a scan of my pathology report for you to see[below]. I've changed my thinking -…
Hello gentlemen: Well I've just got back from my appointment with the urologist today, and I have my diagnosis. It's exactly what I believed it would be (for what that's worth!). A Gleason 7 contained cancer, operable. I am attaching a scan of my pathology report for you to see[below]. I've changed my thinking -…
Gleason, Gleason, Gleason! Could someone please define?
I'm 58 yrs old, scored PSA 11, DRE found "lump;" a-symptomatic, had ultrasound biopsy. Tomorrow I see urolgogist for results of biopsy. Since initial diagnosis I've been researching PC everywhere, and run into this "Gleason Score" thing mentioned constantly, yet no one ever takes the trouble to actually DEFINE it! It seems…
try this http://www.vtnews.vt.edu/articles/2013/04/040813-vetmed-prostatecancer.html
sounds good
IMRT after prostate removal...GS 9, PSA 22, 12/12 Pos, SVI, EPE, Margins Pos.
My friend Tim had IMRT last year after surgery. I've wondered just what they were targeting. It seems IMRT is used for specific tumor irradiation. So I guess the procedure is used for a "final cleanup" of the prostate bed. Has anyone heard if this is effective?
Need input and also advice
Greetings all, I had surgery in Feb of 2011, Final stage was T2C, with PNI present, the first year psa level stayed at the 0.01 level, year 2 is moved to 0.02. This past year it moved to 0.03 in August. last Tuesday doctor visit and it is now at 0.05. The doctor moved me back to a 3 month rotation for PSA tests and it was…
HAS anyone experience with PROLIA?
ALL HAS anyone taken PROLIA for the bones? Please inform all of us your experiences. Does this drug just keep the bones in the condition they are wjile on hormone treatment, or does it build bone strenghth, especially in the long bones of the arms & legs? PLEASE REPLY WITH YOUR PERSONAL EXPERIENCES. (I don't like what I…
New Poster, old problem
Hi, my name is Radendra. I am 81 and live with my gorgeous 26 YO Philippina wife in Davao, Mindanao. Four days ago I took a bad fall backwards out of the shower and hurt my back. Went to the Hospital thinking I cracked a rib, and found out I had fractures in two vertabrae and maybe Matasses. I have seen three doctors since…
Injured during Da Vinci
I have been gone a few years but my troubles still continue. I had RP in June of 2009. I have had about 15 surgeries since then. Like the old Hee Ha song, if it weren't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all. I have had the RP nightmare. What I want to know is there any other souls out there besides me who have been injured…
Hormone Treatment Before Radiation?
Hi Everyone, I just got a second opinion/MR biopsy which upgraded my G score from 3+4 to 4+3 on 2/4 MR samples and indicated some extension into the stroma of the surrounding tissue (plus a "suspicious" pelvic node). This seems to take surgery off the table, and my previous TURP "defect" seems to rule out CK or…
I would like some feedback from anyone who has had SBRT or HIFU.....be honest please.
Biopsy on Friday
Hi - My husband just turned 50. He had a routine lab draw and his PSA was 13.5. Saw the urologist and did the recommended course of antibiotics. Just rec'd the news that his PSA came back at 14.8. Needless to same I am extemely nervours about the biospy and possible results. Am grateful this is a place I can review and…
Cancer Treatment Centers Of America
Most of the readers of this blog have probably seen television ads run by Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA). They state unambiguously that this organization has better outcomes for patients with aggressive and late stage cancers than other oncology practices and other specialized cancer centers. The “New” Prostate…
PSA Level over 4
I am 48 years old and I am expecting my PSA level test that I just made to be something over 4. Is this a reason for any concern. My previous reading was 3.75.
Confused about HT treatment Eligard & rising psa
I was 51 when they did 1st psa it was 43 in mar. 2011 May 2011 PSA 45 had biopsy gleason score 9 June 2011 bone scan and ct positive for several bone metast. and positive for lymph node invasion July 2011 started degarelix injections PSA 60 received a total of 4 degarelix injections with PSA lowering to 3.09 in Oct. 2011…
PCa3 test after DaVinci RP ?
Hey Guys, I have a neighbor that had a RP via DaVinci around 6 months ago.....no other treatment. I think he was a 3/4, or a 4/3 sorry I don't remember which. His PSA is starting to rise very slightly, and he is obviously concerned about mets. Would a PCa3 test be of value to determine if the gene is being expressed by…
Side affects
I made a huge mistake and chose to have Radiation treatment in Kentucky near my home. I choose SBRT Radiation but I received IMRT Radiation instead. After choosing SBRT I was asked if I would like to participate in a study to evaluate the use of 5 or 12 treatments of Radiation. I accepted and signed the forms. I didn't…
Catheter removed
I had robotics surgery for PC 2 weeks ago with catheter removed yesterday. I can urinate but encountered some sore/pain on my penis (when urinate). I would really appreciate if anyone can tell me whether it is normal (due to weaker muscle?) and when it will be back to normal? Thanks