Zometa: Novartis or Generic?
As usual there are different opinions about almost everything when it comes to Pca. Uro A says that he would take the Novartis over the generic. The generic here in the Phils is from India. Uro B says the generic is equal, and with the cost savings, it is worth it. Also, there appears several opinions as to when to…
Is extending life always the best choice
I hope no one if offended by this post. If they are, I apologize in advance. The reason I am posing this question in this forum is I have often wished I had someone to talk to whom I had no emotional involvement hoping I would get more logical answers than emotional answers. History: Current Age: 62 Employment status:…
Interupted sleep
This is an interesting article concerning interupted sleep patterns and Pca. My own sleep pattern history is as follows: Four years as a Navy radio operator working rotating shifts...Nine years working for the power company working rotating shifts. And twenty five years as a professional firefighter with many sleep…
Dad not doing well
Hi everyone, my father had the robotic prostatectomy April 23 and was sent home the following evening, and he is just not doing well at all. He is complaining of persistent weakness, catheter is constantly leaking, says hes too weak to move around much, and this is very disheartening because the more a person lays around,…
Dr Myers (medical onocologist) videos
https://askdrmyers.wordpress.com/?mkt_tok=3RkMMJWWfF9wsRonvqzJZKXonjHpfsX67eQpWLHr08Yy0EZ5VunJEUWy2YEDTtQhcOuuEwcWGog80B5XCfSUaIVG9edIBg%3D%3D (you can sign up to have these videos sent to you on a weekly basis)
I am finding that some Philippino doctors ae business men first, and Drs second. After my operation, I now have two new testicles. One is about the size of an oversize marble. The other is about four times bigger. It is huge, and it bothers me with the weight and size being uncomfortable when I sit. I had the operation…
Advance sling procedure
I had prostate removed 12 yrs ago and have stress incontinence (3 pads a day). Considering Sling prodcedure. Has anyone had this procedure done? If so, what are pros ans cons?
Velocity and Doubling time
Once I have been diagnosed with PC, does the Velocity and Doubling time hae any predictive value regarding the cancer growth or just the PSA itself?
Vanderbilt Hospital, Nashville, TN
Has anybody had experience with Dr. Joseph Smith at Vanderbilt, Nashville, TN?
Hello EVERYONE----HOPE YOU ARE DOING WELL WAnted to share a report published on www.medscape .com regarding androgen blockade. Report was written by Nick Mulcahey --dated February 12,2013 Report states > Long term androgen blockade in men with high risk localized prostrate cancer CAN BE SAFELY reduced from the current…
Proton radiation
Can anyone comment on Proton radiation over IMRT, it looks like I must chose one.
Diabetic father starting Zytiga
My dad has been dealing with prostate & bladder cancer for about 3 years now. Prostate removed and bladder (has external bladder ) His PSA levels have never been "typical" but the prostate cancer has spread to his bones and the Zometa/Lupron doesn't seem to be helping. They are starting him on Zytiga next week. I'm curiuos…
How long for Zytiga to start working?
My husband was diagnosed 2 years ago--advanced metastatic (to bones) prostate cancer (Gleason 10, PSA 200+). Has been on Lupron every three months. Casodex and Nilandron both failed after several months. Went on taxotere and prednisone which brought the PSA way down and some improvements in CT and bone scans. Had to…
First post-biopsy appointment
I had my post-biopsy appointment with my urologist today. I asked all the questions that were suggested here. Some issues, like a referral to a radiation oncologist, he brought up himself. He also offered that he would have no problem with me obtaining a second opinion from another urologist, which I don't feel I need. (As…
Dad's Prostatectomy is tomorrow.... Very Anxious
Hello again everyone, it has been a couple weeks since I last posted, but I figured I would drop by again considering tomorrow is the day of my father's surgery. To bring everything back up in regards to what my father's situation is, he had a prostate biopsy done on March 19 as a result of elevated PSA in routine blood…
Positive Biopsy
Well, my biopsy results came back positive. Just found out 15 minutes ago. I don't remember much of what the doctor told me on the phone except that the right side was positive and the Gleason score is 3+3. He says it is very low grade, I think he also said low volume but I don't remember. Still in shock. I have an…
MRI after biopsy
My biopsy has been performed on April 10. I want to do endorectal MRI with 3.0 Tesla machine. My urologist said I can do MRI only 6 weeks after the biopsy, 5 weeks is the minimum. Is that correct? I wanted to do MRI sooner for obvious reasons. Please reply.
prstatectomy or radiation and hormones
I am a 51 year old survivor of oral cancer.I have been on remmission for 3 years.from this I know sometimes the best advice comes from those who have been there. i have been recently diagnosed with prostate cancer.psa 42 biopsy shows 8 out of 12 cores positive. ( 3+4 3+3 3+3 3+4 4+3 3+4 4+3 3+3).i have a clear ct and bone…
removing your own catheter...any experience with this...?
my surgeon says i'm goingto remove my own catheter after 10 days....never done that before...any comments on how that works...??
Dr. says high grade high volume cancer
Biopsy on 3/18/13 showed. 6 of 12 cores positive. 3 @ G7, 3 @ G6. One core has tertiary G5. involves 75%, with perineural invasion. Others 44%, 66%. All adenocarcinoma. Scheduled for endorectal MRI on 5/31. I have unexplained pain for 9 months in right scapula. No bone scan scheduled. I also have kidney cancer. chRCC both…
Would it be deemed sensible to have a TURP even though a biopsy had uncovered cancer with a Gleeson 4+3 and PSA 5.6? Jerry
how to buy cialis for less than $30 per pill?
My surgeon proscribed cialis, 20mg, 10 pills with 12 refils, to start after the catheter came out. Took the script to cvs. cvs says "your insurance company won't pay for it and the cost for 10 pills is over $300. It looks like you can buy this stuff from Canadian Pharmacy for $82.35 for 30 pills of "generic cialis." anyone…
Cyber Knife
Biopsy experience
Hey Guys, Disclaimer: preaching to the choir.........Ok, yesterday I had my first 12 core biopsy.....ultasound guided. Local anesthetic injection not too bad. First four cores not too bad....next four started to hurt and last three were downright painful. I don't think the local was wearing off, so is it possible the pain…
Four Years
Yesterday was the fourth anniversary of my RLP. All’s well. I don’t come to the forum as much as I had. I guess the further I get away from treatment, and the longer my Psa’s stay low, the less I check in on the forum. I miss some of the guys who no longer post to the forum, and as I write this note I wonder what they are…
PCa4, PSA 100, Gleason 1+1 ??????
I am in the Philippines and wondering about Drs competence. I have extensive matastases involvement of the bones with evidence in arms, femurS, spine, shoulders, hips and almost all ribs. I am 81, have very strong bones, no pain, and lift weights regularly. Uro A did the Biopsy three weeks ago. Only one large specimen was…
I am thinking about saying no to Lupron
Hi all, Fifteen years ago, at 49, I had surgery and radiation for Prostate Ca. The Gleason was 9, PSA was only 2.4 . All of a sudden, last week the PSA went to 5.7, and the Dr. says I must start Lupron this week. I am an insulin-dependent diabetic and had 2 angiosplasties and stents put in this past year in the LAD and…
second biopsy showed Gleason 4+3 = 7
Is anyone up on treating a portion of the prostate with radiation or cryo, I am told that cryo treatment can do that. I have not heard any talk about this.
Watchful waiting supplements
Anyone doing Watchful waiting and taking supplements to **** growth ?? I have heard that Avodart and flow Max together will slow the growth of a Gleason 6.
Saturation biopsy
I am going in for a Saturation biopsy, as many as 50 cores and a mapping of the prostate. This is after PSA doubling two times to 4.9 in one year and a previous Gleason 6 in one of 12 cores from the first biopsy. I am very worried about this procedure spreading cancer cells around and if it is too aggressive at this time.…