PSA 30
Hello I am thankful that I have found this web page. I am 55 and just found out that my PSA is 30. 2 years ago I had a PSA of a little over 5. The Urologist performed a biopsy and all test showed negative. That’s all I heard that day (your test are negative). What I didn’t hear was that I needed to keep a check on it every…
Need help on my dad's prognosis
Hi everyone. Let me first introduce myself, my name is Brandon and I just joined the community as a result of my dad being diagnosed with prostate cancer last Tuesday. He is a 63 year old male with recent problems of frequent urination, and a blood test revealed a PSA level of 4.2 ng/ml, and he was promptly referred to a…
I received my second lab report from John Hopkins
My first lab report from biopsy done in January of 2013 read as follows: Healthtronics Lab Base Adenocarcinoma 7(3+4) Tumor 20% and Length 4.2mm Mid Adenocarcinoma 6(3+3) Tumor 50% and Length 11.5% 2nd Opinion John Hopkins lab 3 + 3 = 6 Discontinuously involving 30% of one core of the total fragmented specimen. 3 + 3 = 6…
High Dose Rate (HDR) Brachytherapy
I have been reading this board for a while and joined so I could post my treatment so far in the hopes it might help someone else. Caveat This is a description of my experience. I am not a medical professional and have no medical training. I would never recommend any treatment to anyone. Being treated for prostate cancer…
Second opinion
O/K I need help, I have been on watchful waiting for 6 months when my PSA reached 3.7. That triggered a biopsy with a Gleason of 6 in one core, Now my PSA has been steadily increasing from 3.7 to 4.2 to 4.9 over the past 6 months. Going for a second biopsy next week and heard about Bostwick Laboratories for a second…
What an I opener - How'd I miss it?
Well, I had my 2nd opinion interview with Dr Brian Shaffer the other day regarding my lab results. He told me something that I had never heard or perhaps did not want to hear previously. My understanding from what he shared with me is the following (my interpretation) - "if a single cancer cell leaves the prostate and goes…
blood in urine
It is just over one year since I finished IMRT prior to which I had TURP. )TURP is transurethal resection of the prostate. Which I had for very enlarged prostate). I have had no problems until to-day when I passed urine there was blood first then clear. This frightened me since I have never had this happen before. Could it…
I leave Sunday for a hike across New Mexico
I'll be gone 2 months if all goes well and according to plan hiking the CDT in New mexico. Mexican border to Colorado. I'll check in when I get back.
Pancytopenia (low blood count) after IMRT
Just found out I have Pancytopenia (low white,red,platelets). So bad that my heart isnt getting enough oxygen/blood, which is how I found this out, a trip to the ER with heart attack symptoms. Anyone else experienced this? My doctors never checked my blood levels, which seems annoyingly strange now. This can be caused by…
PSA Level over 4
I am 48 years old and I am expecting my PSA level test that I just made to be something over 4. Is this a reason for any concern. My previous reading was 3.75.
Confused about my grandfathers prognosis
Hi everyone, First i would like to thank you in advance for any information offered here, and wish you all luck with your journeys. My grandfather was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2008 at the age of 88. This isn't his first bout with cancer, he had a kidney removed due to the disease, likely over 30 years ago now. I…
Ductal prostate cancer
My husband has been diagnosed with ductal prostate cancer, it's occurs in about 1-2% of all prostate cancers. Information on this type is very limited, and was hoping that someone also experiece with this type. I've read and read on this, but because it is not common, it's hard to find someone who has had this type. He is…
PSA rising. Worried. what to do?
After only two months my PSA appears to have risen from 0.82 to 2.1. It is just over a year since I finished IMRT. But I did use a different lab and my blood test did show some infection . Prior to IMRT I had TURP due to very enlarged prostate and high PSA. Gleason 3+4 70% involvement. One 3 month Hormone shot 14 months…
Newbie Here
Hello to everyone. I might not have prostate cancer; that's to be determined. But here's my short story: After a bout with kidney cancer in 2010, which was caught early and so far I'm NED, I am now concerned about the demon in your neck of the woods. It started with a slow rise in my prostate -- from 2.64 to 4.72 over a…
Invance sling
I have not been on this site for almost two years. Some of you may remember me. I have had the prostrate cancer night mare as you can remember from my early posts. Here it is going on almost four years and I am still not done. I am going to see about the Invance sling tomorrow. There is also an Advance sling and as for as…
biopsy today
hello men, I am fairly new to this board.I was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma base of tounge primary witm mets to lymph nodes in 2010. following chemo and radiation ,by the grace of God,I had a clean PET scan in late 2010 and was declared in remission. 4 weeeks ago through a routine physical it was discovered i had…
Wellstar, Marietta, Ga
Hi Guys, Any forum members have experience with CK @ Wellstar, Marietta, Ga ? Many thanks, BG
Prostate cancer
Hello all I have been AWOL for the last couple of months. This time has alowed me to do research into PC. For the new members I really wish that you all did not have to be here. For us surviors Paitents family members the fight goes on. In my research I am finding support groups for prostate cancer that have been a help in…
4 weeks post surgery. Stuff in urine
My hubby is 4 week post Davinci surgery. Doing really well all cancer confined to prostate. Avcouplebofbday ago he had some blood in urinebwhichbi understand is normal but last night it looks like someone ground pepper in his urine . The pieces appear to be heavy as they sink. Does anyone know if this is okay. We will call…
A Great Day
just back from the oncologist. psa dropped by half again. now .2 PSA before radiation was 5.1 Finished IMRT treatment June of 2011. I am looking for zero's pretty soon.
high psa test
hello all. new to this board.. i am two and a half year head and neck cancer survivor. routine 51 year old psa test came back at 25 ,1 week later came back at 41. have urologist appt tomarrow. have been told prostate biopsies are painfull and can have lasting side affects. nervous about this. i have been on levothroxine…
Need Advise on how to proceed
Greeting All! Never thought I would be posting in a group like this, but here I am. OK, here's my story. I am 52 years old and in great general health. Had PSA of 11.2 in 2009, BX showed PIN, but no Pca. Did what a typical male would do...absolutely nothing until my physical in 2012. Had repeat PSA of 12.7. Underwent…
after Prostate removal - still the left leg swelling due to para aortic lymph node
Dear All, My dad of age 55 was found with 7.5 cm diameter of tumor in the left abdomen region and the initial complaint was left leg swelling. So we advised for the surgery for the removal of the tumor and which was done on Nov 20, 2012 and based on the biopsy report of that a partically differentiated prostate cancer was…
Another Open vs Robotic
Trying to decide on surgery type. Dr. who does both(only a few robotic) recommends open due to my numbers. He believes he can minimize margins better with open. Have not talked to a Dr. who has done lots of robotics. PSA 6.9 8-12 specimens with 6(3+3), 1(3+4 100%), 1(4+3 100%) Endorectol MRI with coil-indicated palpable…
Psa up
Went to VA hospital for psa and its 0.8 today Back in February it was 0.6 Zytiga maybe worn out? Still okay in MDACC eyes. Last month in CT scan showed new tumor?
Husband with prostate cancer
Hi: My husband is the cancer survivor. Pretty much still in denial - so this is why I'm writing. I need some advice. He is 59. Diagnosed last year: PSA 6.6, Gleason score was 7 (3+4), biopsy 7 out of 12 positive for cancer. Underwent Robotic Surgery 8 months ago with two positive margins near apex; seminal vesicles - left…
Good news
Great news for CyberKnife: A new paper in the journal Radiation Oncology provides data on a series of 41 men treated with stereotactic body radiation therapy for intermediate-risk prostate cancer. Ju et al. treated these 41 consecutive, intermediate-risk patients with 35 to 36.25 Gy in 5 fractions delivered using…
Husband with prostate cancer
Hi: My husband is the cancer survivor. Pretty much still in denial - so this is why I'm writing. I need some advice. He is 59. Diagnosed last year: PSA 6.6, Gleason score was 7 (3+4), biopsy 7 out of 12 positive for cancer. Underwent Robotic Surgery 8 months ago with two positive margins near apex; seminal vesicles - left…
PSA of .4 Just one year after Prostate Surgery
Surgery to remove prostate due to cancer occurred March 2012, two PSA test later revealed a score of .001 which was excellent. Just had a PSA test and it is now .4. Doctor tells me I probably have a recurrence of prostate cancer. Somehow some cells most of stayed behind. My Gleason score at time of prostate removal was a…
My wife is A master of the flute and is play this weekend in Richardson, Texas. Music is the root's to help our problem's and can help us fight our cancer's. Their will a moment of quietly in my heart as i listen to great music. It soften the pain. I wish y'all could all be there, as I cry. God Bless us against that fight!