I think I got fired because I had cancer
I was diagnoised with NHL back in April 2008. At the time I was working for AT&T Wireless as a sales consultant. AT&T did have a good medical program and I was able to take FMLA for about 6 months so I could go through Chemo treatments, two operations and seven trips to the hospital. I went back to work in late October…
pancreatic lymphoma
I have pancreatic lymphoma, which apparently is very rare, although potentially a better prognosis than the usual pancratic adenocarcinoma. However, I can't find much information asbout this. Anyone out there with any experience with this?
Can't find local support
I am very frustrated by the lack of local support for lymphoma patients! I am a single mom, and I am currently in treatment for aggressive B-cell NHL. I also just got laid off from my job. I have searched ACS and the local area for support groups, financial, and childcare help and it seems like all the organizations within…
just cant let it go
i was diagnosed with lymphoma in 2002 it has mentally and physically destroyed me. today is the aniversary of my first chemo treatment 3/3/02 and i dont know why i remember every date i had chemo and its 7yrs later is there anyone else like me cause i just sometimes feel alone and its seems like nobody understands
Just a question I can not shake....believe me I have tried
The more lymphoma survivors I communicate with, the more I have this burning question. I have spoken/chatted/communicated with at least 4 other lymphoma survivors who were on weight watchers prior to getting hit with lymphoma. Has anyone else noticed this or am I going nuts? Who else was on Weight Watchers shortly before…
Chemo and digestive problems
My father has large B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. His cancer is in his bones and liver (stage IV). He's dropped 48 pounds in 2 months. He hasn't been able to keep food in him since the second round of chemo. He's getting the CHOP + retuxin program. He also has severe dry mouth and diarrhea. Has anyone had the same problem…
Scared and worried how to handle this alone ??
Well to make this short , i had a heart atttack in march , made it through ok , am 46 single no kids never married non smoker non drinker , during surgery they found i had enlarged lymnoides in my abdomen and chest that was in march had to wait till heart was strong again to follow up , on my nirthday in may had a pet /ct…
swollen abdomen
My fathers abdomen is very swollen....easy 4-5 inches in the last week ..why is he retaining water around the masses?he hasent started treatment yet....
Daddy's Cancer-Blastic NK Cell Non-Hodgkins Lymphona
August 2008 My dad was diagnosed with this very rare cancer. Very few cases each year worldwide. If anyone has ever heard of it please talk to me
non-hodgkin lymphoma
My now youngest brother ( the first youngest passed away in 2005, due to a fall from a bridge), was diagnosed in Nov 2008 with non-Hodgkins lymphoma. according to his doctor, he has the most aggressive form that she has seen in her career. He has tried every chemo, radiation and can't progress enough for a bone marrow…
Another Caregiver
Wow. Not sure where to start. I have a need to vent - so I'm just going to do that. If no one answers back, that's ok - just putting my thots into words will help me. And who knows - may find someone out there who will share their wisdom with me :-) My sister's husband has had Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma for 7 years. Two years…
Anyone heard about this or have been diagnosed with it? I recently got a phone call from my specialist and I tested high on the antibodies for it sooo I get to see a Rheumotologist dr now too at the end of this month. I did a little seaching on the web about it and to be honest, I don't see where my symptoms match up with…
non hodgkins lymphoma
has anyone had non hodgkins lympnoma in your abdomen? slow growing?
yes or no on the booster shot?
Hi. I start treatment this week for NHL. The good ol' R-CHOP regimen. My question: in interviewing oncologists, I had differing opinions on whether to receive the white blood cell booster shot after each chemo round. I'm young and in good health (well, minus the cancer bit). Should I push to receive the shot? Why or why…
new dx- diffuse B cell NHL-need suggestions
It's been a rough 3 wks and just found out I have aggressive diffuse B cell NHL stage 3a today. I start chemo in 2 days-rCHOP- 6 courses then radiation therapy. I really need help getting in a positive frame of mind to get the best outcome I possibly can. My family has been very supportive. Any suggestions of what has…
Sibling Recently Diagnosed
I was originally diagnosed at age 14 with Stage 1A Hodgkin's in 1988, had Mantle Radiation for 4 weeks and eventually was considered in remission. In 1991, I relapsed and was given a 6 month course of ABVD/MOPP and considered in remission again. Since then I had three children (not expected to have any) and have dealt with…
I am looking for someone else that has been on the clinical trial using Epoch-R. I was diagnosed with diffuse large cell lymphoma April 2008. I had 6 rounds of chemo at Siteman Center in St. Louis and am now in remission. I had trouble with my blood counts during treatment and had to have 15 units of blood. I am now having…
Record Keeping
I know that there are so many other things going through your mind when you go through diagnosis, treatments, and even follow-ups. But one thing that gets forgotten about, and while not may be that big of an issue in the digital age, but for those who still deal with paper records, it is so important that you keep a record…
has anyone been treated at Mayo Clinic or Cancer Treatment Center of America? How do you rate them?
ding, ding, round two and freaking out! just found out at my four year check-up/scan that it's back. Devestated and thought I had beat it. meeting surgeon tomorrow for biopsy and then being sent to Hopkins as my local doc's can't manage new care - ICE!? What? Anyone had it and can you describe - help me understand what I'm…
So happy I have to tell someone!
Hello all, I have been fighting NHL since my diagnosis and treatment in Sept 2007. I had my doctor (Onco) appointment today. As you know, we all must go through the task of a blood test before you see the doctor. For the first time since diag/treatment all of my blood counts are Normal (Halleluiah!). I have never had my…
Waiting for your quick and prompt reply (Hodgkins Lymphoma )
Hi Hodgkins Lymphoma is also caught me in july08.After complete my 4Cycles of chemo my reports also clear by the grace of GOD. But Doctor prefer me 2more cycles of chemo to take.Now i take 1and half cycle of chemo only half DOSE left now...what you think i sould want to take or not. i am disapointed from doctor because…
itchy rash ?
my husband was dx with variant hairy cell luekmia / lymphoma 9/7/07 he got these rash and bloody nose, hes been in remission since 3/08 and has not had any rashes or bloody nose til now,2/09 he had a ct , and his enlarge lymph node is back, does anyone ealse get rashes that r thick and very itchy ?
nhl(REMISSION), my sister's journey
as promised i did indeed write my "sister's journey" since april. i wrote it under the blog, found "in about me". i indeed hope that it helps others, as all of you have certainly helped "my family". god bless
Celiac's Disease and Lymphoma
Just wondering if there is anyone else out there who has lymphoma and celiac's disease or a gluten intolerance as well.
Any non hodgkins lymphoma doctors?
my husband has non hodgkins lymphoma. Chemo has destroyed the pumping capability of his heart. So no more treatments, and now his abdomen is growing large. A previous CAT scan showed lymphoma growing in his abdomen. Now he has difficulty breathing at times, due to pressure? And he cant eat as much, pressure on his stomach?…
I have been taking care of my husband for ten years. He has non hodgkins lymphoma. Chemo destroyed his heart's pumping capacity to 20%. He has trouble breathing. He only eats small amounts of food. Now the lymphoma is growing. His abdomen is huge. He has had two hernia operations in five months. The lymphoma is pushing on…
Need information please
In early Nov. my mother was diagnosed with Colon cancer and had sucessful surgery 3 weeks later. The week of my mother's surgery, my dad was diagnosed with non hodgkins lymphoma, so needless to say, my whole life has been turned upside down. When he was 1st diagnosed, he didn't feel sick. He has been to the doctor and had…
Large B Cell NHL
I was diagnosed with Large B Cell NHL in 11/02. The tumor (thymus) was removed and the margins were good. The rest of the diagnosis showed no blood or bone marrow involvement. I had CHOP, Rituxen, and 20 radiation treatments. The problem for me right now is that about the time my next doctor visit (every 3-4 months) comes…
Does anybody live in the Pittsburgh area? I need to get a stem cell transplant and am torn between which hospital to choose. My doc right now says Shadyside. I got a second opinion on my disease and that doc deals with West Penn Hospital. I don't know what to do. I wish it would just go away!!!!!!!!!!