Have Faith
Well, it's been over 5 years since my diagnosis, surgery, chemo, and radiation. In November 2002 I was diagnosed with a fairly large tumor in my mediastinum. Turns out it was Large B Cell NHL. A CAT scan in February shows no tumors. I've been tumor free for over 5 years. What a blessing. Keep the faith and throw the…
Non Hodgkins and Vertigo connection
My husband completed chemotherapy one year ago for Stage IV NHL. Everything has gone great. However, he now has developed severe vertigo that seems to be resisting treatment. Maybe I'm paranoid, but I'm wondering if it's connected to the NHL. Has anyone else with NHL developed vertigo of this persistent nature? Is it some…
NHL and Fludarabine
I am a five-year survivor of NHL (follicular). I have been thru two rounds of rituxan, and now my hemonc is recommending i combine with Fludarabine to reduce the tumor load. Anyone else go through this regimen? thoughts? suggestions?
NHL and Fludarabine
I am a five-year survivor of NHL (follicular). I have been thru two rounds of rituxan, and now my hemonc is recommending i combine with Fludarabine to reduce the tumor load. Anyone else go through this regimen? thoughts? suggestions?
Follicular Lymphoma
Hello all, I am newly diagnosed (3 days ago). I have not seen an oncologist yet and am a bit scared. Maybe some of you who have the same type of NHL as I can share your experiences as to what you've gone through up to this point.
recovery time
Hello my name is Jude,I am a 29 year old female. I am a firefighter contractor in Iraq. I had just returned back to the states in Feb after a year over there. I was in process of getting my physical for the next contract when they found a 12 by 8 cm tumor in my chest wraping around my heart. I am currently finished with my…
Reduced Therapy Allogenic SCT
Hello, I was wondering if there is anyone out there that has had a Reduced Therapy (Mini) Allogenic (Donor) SCT? I've recently relapsed and gone through treatment for Stage IV indolent NHL. The doctors are saying that I am currently in remission but the cancer will again relapse. They say that at this point, I can either…
after 3 rounds my sister is better
hello to all:) i wanted to post another message about my sister... she has had 3 rounds of rituxan, her chemo's, and her neulasta.(cycles of 21 days). she takes allpurinol also. she had a recent repeat pet scan(after 3 rounds) and her onc. "told her that there is dramatic improvement" my sister did not ask all of the…
27 years old, and have been in remission for 12 years!
Hi all! When I was diagnosed with Hodgkins in 1990, I was 15 years old. I was in stage 3A, and recieved 6 rounds of both MOPP and ABV, in addition to 3 weeks of radiation. I have been out of treatment for 11 1/2 years, without any recurrance. I know there are some teens out there going through this tough process. If anyone…
high grade bcell lymphoma
Hello out there. My father has recently been diagnosed as having high grade bcell lymphoma. It has come as a great shock to me as well as to my mother especially since he felt no symptoms apart from losing his appetite these last 4 weeks. He has already been given his first treatment of rchop. He has lost his appetite…
Dad is doing great
Hi everyone, My dad was diagnosed at age 70 with Hodgkins Disease Stage II, Nodular Sclerosis, he had 4 cycles of ABVD and 17 hits of radiation. He is turning 76 this June and is doing awesome. He has been cancer free for over 4 years. He is very active and has been to europe since. He has one complaint neuropathy in his…
In Need Of Desperate Help
Looking to personally chat with someone who knows about Lymphoma. I'm a 44 yr. old male with 3 children and having a rough time with Dr.'s and symptoms. Really need some information that I can understand. Everything I find is so generic. I honestly need someone who knows about this darn illness. God Bless and hope to hear…
Non-Hodgkins Malt Lymphoma
My wife was diagnoses with indolent, NH Malt Lymphoma in December 2007. She is starting Rituxan treatment soon and would like to hear from someone who has had a similar diagnosis and has undergone the Rituxan treatment
varient hairy cell leukemia/lymphoma
april 06 we were told he had diabetes, he had bloody nose a least once a month, he had pain by his ribs and his body hairy was falling out, he was taking glimerpride know as ameryl 4 the diabetes he didnot have, he lost weight without trying and was taking naps alot ,and was eating sweets he never ate before,and he felt…
my baby sister recently diagnosed (44 yrs old)
hello to all. my 44 yr. old sister(a nurse), was diagnosed with nhl. it grew out from her lingular tonsil and has neck, armpit, groin and belly nodes involved. we've had 2 opinions. first onc. said"would only be an inconvenience for her", but ordered pet scan with not so good results. hillman center in pitts. was 2nd…
Anyone else out there pregnant before diagnosis?
Hi, My friend has been diagnosed with type b lymphoma. She would like to talk with someone who had the same experience she had. She gave birth to a beautiful baby boy a week before the back pain started and about a week or two later had the diagnosis. If you would contact me, I'll let her know that there is someone she can…
BC survivor, now NHL
I am a 71 year old woman diagnosed in December of 2006 with low grade early stage NHL. It presented with 15% involvement in the bone marrow. No solid tumor. I had 8 rounds of Rituxan and another bone marrow biopsy in May 2007. Showed improvement down to 5% involvement. Will continue on Rituxan maintenance quarterly and…
NHL spread to the heart?
I am wondering if anyone else has experienced this? I have had shortness of breath and a cough for quite a while, in and out of the hospital during 2007, with all the testing I had done, nothing was found to be wrong. After complaining quite a few times to my GP he finally referred me to a cardiologist who did extencive…
Daughter has large lymph node
My daughter has a large lymph node in her groin area that is hard and does not move. She is 21. She has been feeling very tired, so tired that she can not go to school or work. She started out with a kidney infection, then the flu. Now she is seeing an internist that wants to remove the lymph node. We are really scared…
Is this a relapse?
I've been in remission of Hodgkins Lymphoma for nearly 3 years now, but I'm beginning to get worried about the lymph nodes in my armpit. For the past few months, the nodes in both armpits will swell and be painful, then disappear. And then they will swell and be painful in another part of my armpit-it's really strange,…
I have had a lump in my neck for about a year and a half. This past fall my ENT had an MRI taken. I was told that it was a lymphangioma. This condition is very rare in adults so I have been worried I was misdiagnosed. Just recently I found another lump in my upper inner thigh. I do not have any other serious symptoms. I am…
Pending diagnosis
Is there anyone going through what my husband and I have been going through? It's been almost a year and we have only, just recently, been told that they are suspecting he has lymphoma. We are trying to find out how many others may have been down this agonizing path of waiting so long for a complete diagnosis.
I have a question... does cancer ALWAYS come back? my oncologist said that there is always that possibility that i could get NHL again OR even a different type of cancer... is there anyone out there that is a totally cancer-free survivor?!?!?!?!?! just curious! thanks
Pregnancy and Labor
I am a 16 year survivor of hodgkin's disease. I recently had an appt at a clinic for survivors - i was warned that i could have heart failure during labor due to the drugs and radiation treatment used to cure me. has anyone else been told this? i am not pregnant yet but wonder if i should be seeing an OB/GYN who has…
Mother just diagnosed with nhl diffuse large b cell w/ high proliferative rate
Concerned daughter. All advice is appreciated. My mother is 51 yrs old. She went to the dr around the first of November. She went to primary dr because she noticed a knot on the rt side of her neck that seemed to come up over night. They gave her antibiotics and told her to come back in 10 days if it wasn't better.…
just diagnosed
my mother in law was just diagnosed with non hodgkins lymphoma stage 3 level b. I am wanting to help her set up a healthy lifestyle. Can anyone give me advice on how to help get started on this crazy cancer journey. I need advice on what to do and how to help my husband and his brothers get started setting up her new life…
anyone had secondary cancers from radiation?
i am a survivor of hodgkin's disease who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer (probably caused by the radiation treatments). i am looking to connect with other folks who have had similar experiences. i had a rough road with hogkin's. . . multiple relapses, lots of chemo and radiation regimens and then a stem cell…
Diffused large B-cell lymphoma
Hi everyone, My brother-in-law was diagnosed with Non-hodgkins Stage 2 diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (T-cells present) in June of this year. (I apologize in advance if I do not use the right terminology -- I'm learning as I go along). My sister and him are very concerned as to the progress that he is making. He has had 4…
Is there anybody out there in the same situation
I am the primary caregiver for my mother who has had nhl for the last 5 years. When it started she had chop chemo and it came back and she had e-shap with a view to a stem cell transplant but she got a heart attach so couldnt go through with it. Now she has very limited options and the cancer is still active. Oncologists…