small cell sarcoma
what is it and how bad is it, that is what my daughter was dx with I AM SO DAMN SCARED, she see's an oncologist on Nov5, they also removed a malignant lymph node, God, please help me, somebody pls
my partner was found to have nodules, imflammation, and fibrosis in his lungs. He's a smoker and won't stop. He refused a biopsy and keeps missing his appointments. He's in completes denial that it could be serious. I can't make him although I try to persuade him and tell him the sooner he has treatment the better. It's…
One month supply of Sutent donation.
I have a month's supply of Sutent that I would like to donate.
Any help dealing with a chronic cough?
I was diagnosed last year with stage 3b NSCLC squamous cell. I have been coughing for almost 2 years now and was curious if anyone has come across anything that helps to alleviate it. I currently take oxycodone to supress it but that doesn't work completely. Cough drops do nothing for me as well. I refer to this as cancer…
Private Message Spam
Hello everyone, Thank you to those who've alerted us to the PM spamming from earlier today. While we have security measures in place, we can't prevent all spam. We are currently working on measures to try and block this kind of private message spamming. If you received a message from rita44556 prompting you for money,…
Lung scars vs nodules
a little over a month ago I was diagnosed with clear cell carcinoma of the right kidney and had a radical nephrectomy using robotic assisted laparoscopic surgery and removal of a nearby lymphnoid That also came back cancerous the kidney was only Cancerous And was only contained inside the kidney fat margins were clear…
I figured it couldn't hurt to post this article.
Pfizer drug effective in patients with rare lung cancer: study Pfizer Reuters: Andrew Kelly Reuters 1 day ago By Bill Berkrot of Reuters http://news.msn.com/science-technology/pfizer-drug-effective-in-patients-with-rare-lung-cancer-study (Reuters) - Pfizer Inc's Xalkori, which treats lung cancer patients with a specific…
Recommendations for a good Cancer Center for Lung Cancer near Charlotte NC
Hi, I'm a long-time member of the Colon Cancer forum. A good friend of mine just called me last night and told me that she has Stage IV Lung Cancer. She just found this out on Tuesday, she woke up Saturday morning with a lump on the outside of her neck, then made a Dr appointment and got the bad news. Right now, we don't…
Last Sunday my Father found out that He's got lung cancer
Last sunday my Father was coughing up blood and my Mother and I ran him to the hospital. They gave my Father a CAT scan and found 5cm and 1cm tumors in his lungs. The doctors have him on a heavy amount of medicines before he goes to the oncologist in Blue Ridge,Georgia week after next. The doctor said the tumors were in…
Stage IV Non Small Cell Lung Cancer Treatment for Dad - going forward
Stage IV Non Small Cell Lung Cancer Treatment for Dad - going forward Dad (80 years old) is suffering from Stage IV Non Small Cell Lung Cancer (one smallish primary tumour in lung), and 2 very small secondaries; in liver and on spine. It was detected at that Stage 16 months ago. He has had chemotherapy, maintenance…
Hi, I'm from the ovarian cancer board, but my mom has a plurex catheter and something weird just ha
Warning, if you have a weak stomach please stop reading now, this is gross and not too much weirds me out. OK, so my mom has had the plurex catheter installed in her right plurel cavity maybe 2-3 weeks ago. I set her up and do the draining which has steadly been decreasing over the past week. Yesterday, we only got about…
husband has lung cancer and he's an alcoholic
My husband is nearing the end of his chemotherapy, he has stage 4 small cell lung cancer. He is an alcoholic, he still smokes heavily and is drinking an entire bottle of rum every day. He says it helps with his pain and helps him to sleep. He sleeps all day and night. I'm so stressed out and depressed. I don't know what to…
My Mother Has Extensive Small Cell Lung Cancer
Good Morning, I have recently come across this website while looking for forums on this topic. She was diagnosed August 21st, 2014. Before being diagnosed, she went through 2 horrible months of pain, and multiple ER trips, only to be told she had a severe case of pneumonia. After months of suffering, they must have ran the…
Non small cell lung cancer & rectal cancer
My farther has been diagnosed with non small cell lung cancer his pet scan suggest rectal cancer also is this possible ? I'm so confused Has anybody else experienced this ? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated
Multiple nodules and Adenocarcinoma in Situ
Hello everyone, I am 56-year old former smoker (quit 7 years ago) and was just diagnosed with Adenocarcinoma In Situ based on needle biopsy done on a 1.3cm nodule in my right middle robe. Multiple pulmonary nodules in my lung were first discovered by CT (taken because I was feeling shortness of breath) in 2005 and they…
Ct revealed 5 new nodules...
Just got results of ct scan last week, 2 upper left lobe nodules, 1 lower left and 2 right middle lobe nodules. History of primary liver cancer(twice), no previous nodule history, I am 64 year old male and previous smoker(35 years ago). 2mm -5mm in size. The radiologist suggested a rescan in 6 months. Not comfortable with…
Recommendation needed for a Thoracic surgeon with Kaiser Permanente group in San Francisco Bay Area
Multiple lung nodules were discovered in my lungs by CT in 2005. Periodic monitoring by CT since showed none of them disappeared nor grew in size until the last CT scan I had last month. It turned out two of them have grown to 1cm and 1.3cm. Biopsy perfomed on the larger leision showed it is what the pathologist called…
Treatment Options for K-RAS mutation NSCLC
If anybody has recently gone through any successful targeted treatment for KRAS mutation, kindly share with us. My wife, 68, was recently diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer with K-RAS mutation. She is currently halfway through her first round of "standard" chemo. Thank you very much
Chemo side effects
My wife is being treated for Stage III A lung cancer. She received her first course of chemo consisting of Taxotere and Carboplatin on February 7th. Since then she has spent ten days in the hospital, and has not been without severe pain, continued nauseau, and has basically been bedridden since then. She is a breast cancer…
Mom giving up!
Well, it's been a very long road for my mom and our family. She was dignosed 6 years ago with stage 4 NSCLC. Did the 30 days chest/ brain radiation and the first round of chemo. However, her body rejected the chemo and ended up with blood transfusions. We ended up taking her to a new oncologist and that's where the brain…
PET scan
My mom who is 86 yrs, will be getting her first PET scan next Monday. She has already had 3 MRI's, with no reaction, but I"m wondering if anyone has had any reactions to a PET scan, during or after the scan. The Doctor's recommend drinking alot of fluids after the scan, to flush out the radiation, but my mom has never been…
Small Cell Metastasis Lung Cancer
My mother was diagnosed with a large tumor in her lung and we quickly found out it had spread to a place in her spine and adrenal gland. She has been through a couple months of chemotherapy and now has underwent a couple weeks of heavy radiation. We have come to a point now where the doctor says take a month off and come…
robotics lobectomy
Just wanting to know if anyone has had robotics lobectomy for nsclc, and what there experience was. I'm not sure if there going to do it yet , but I have an appointment again with the thoracic surgeon and he said if he did it , it would be robotically I have read what it entails, but I havent seen to much on people who…
Does anyone know if it's ok to take a tylenol or ibuprofen BEFORE getting a thoracentesis done?
Prophylactic cranial radiation
My husband received prophylactic cranial radiation in July of 2012. All seemed fine, then about 4 months after everything went south. He had a stroke in 2005 but was doing really great, speech was good,memory fine and etc. Since this radiation he is always confused, his legs are like jello,he can not walk without help, in…
Looking for some feedback on recently found upper lobe lung nodules
At the end of May I found out, via an ABD CT that I've got 2 (7 and 6 MM) upper lobe nodules in my left lung and a calcified one in my right lung. In March I had a CXR for a different reason that showed nothing whatsoever about nodules. So, from early March to end of May is the time frame from nothing to something showing…
St3 Non-Small Cell Treatment
Hi All. I am a caregiver or sorts for my mother who has stage 3a nsclc. She was diagnosed in May of this year. I was hoping to get some insight and experiences from others in ways to help and to get a better understanding. My father passed away 9 years ago from stage 4 lung cancer, but I was then a young and stubborn…
I was wondering if anyone has had any issues with vision after chemo treatments
Back in October of 2012, I went for a chest xray that my Doctor order so he could see where my emphysema was at. What they found was a mass and after been tested in Noverber 2012 they found that it was stage 3b lung cancer. In March of 2013 They attempted to remove the mass but were unable because the mass started wrapping…
Lung Cancer to spine
Hello, I am new to the site and would like to hear about similar cases to ours; both good and bad. My father (age 72) was diagnosed with stage 4 lung and lymph node cancer in 2011. At his appointment this week the scan showed a spot in the T region of the spine. We are now waiting on consult appointments with the…