Adenocarcinoma Lung Cancer
I have recently a few months ago been diagnosed with Adenocarcinoma on my left and right lung. So far it hasn't progressed to other organs but the doctor says that chemotherapy isn't an option now. Right now I'm on hospice, but I would like to know more about Adenocarcinoma of the lung. Are there any promising treatments…
Lung cancer
Can someone help me? I was told today I have lung cancer. I had a ct scan two weeks ago and I needle biopsy one week ago. I have a 3.7 cm mass in my right lower lobe and a 2.5 cm lymph node close by. My local pathologist could not identify what type of cancer it is so the specimen was sent to a large city university and…
Desperately seeking Help
Hi everyone, my name is Sam. My lady was recently told that she had Stage 4 lung cancer on 1/9/15. On 1/6/15, she had a PET scan done, and before the holidays, doctors noticed 2 small masses near her lungs and stomach area. When she was told she had cancer, not knowing which kind, well naturally she broke down and cried as…
just want to say "Hi" I'm new here.
I was diagnosed in May 2014 with a non small cell, adeno-squamous pancoast tumor (stage III) as it was invading my first rib and some of the veins and nerves on my right side, not surgically removable, although they did try after Chemo and radiation shrunk it down a bit. The surgery didn’t work though. It did give me a…
Ativan vs. Xanax
I have a question on what is the difference between Ativan and Xanax? I never heard of Ativan before until it was prescribed for my mom when she first heard the news, and then I heard about it on this forum. She already had a perscrition for xanax and they still prescribed Ativan. Does anyone know why? Is it used more in…
Has anyone else seen the segment on 60 minutes that aired on 12/07/14 called "Disrupting Cancer"?
I saw this episode and have been trying to gather information on how to go about getting this treatment. My mother called and they gave her a couple of sites to visit. http://nanthealth.com/ and http://www.providence.org/myomics. I'm really just trying to figure out if this is legit or bs. Before I go to my oncologist and…
A little over a year since diagnoised
Hello my name is Shelley and I am new to this forum. Just by reading some of the past posts some of you may be able to answer some questions that I have. Early October 2013 I was told that I had NSCLC. My stage was 3B. My team of Dr. had planned my treatment as first I would do 4 to 5 rounds of chemo to shrink the…
My Husband and I both have small cell lung cancer
My husband was diagnosed last February 2014 with sclc and I have now been diagnosed with it too as of last week and after a biopsy. Both of us were symptomless from the cancer. In both cases it was found after a routine chest xray for another reason. He has ccompleted his treatment but has actually seemed like he is…
New here: Mom has NSCLC stage II, with metachronous single brain met, has had WBRT
Mom was Dx 5/31/13. Had 2 rounds of chemo and one round of radiation. Cancer found on x-ray when checking for lupus (still don't know if she has lupus but doubtful). Never had lung cancer symptoms. Did great on treatments. In August of this year she became dizzy and had trouble walking...after a month of seeing different…
Discussion Board and Chat Spam
Hello everyone, Thank you to those who've alerted us to the spamming from earlier today and we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. While we have security measures in place, we can't prevent all spam. We are currently working on measures to try and block this kind of discussion board and chat spamming. If you…
Nodule vs. pneumonia scar tissue?
Just rcvd CT scan results 3mm nodule. I know this is tiny, too small to biopsy. Was told to wait 6 months and CT scan again. MY QUESTIOS: 1) can horrible case of pneumonia leave any lung scar tissue that might look like a nodule? I had pneumonia 2007 that progressed from no symptoms to ER in < 48hrs., successfully treatted…
Desperate, Only months
One year six months ago I was admitted for pneumonia and found I had stage II NSCLC. I go through radiation and chemo and was told due to my health and age I was a great candite for a Pneumonectomy giving me a great live span. I went through surgery and told sucessful. Within the first few months I was getting more pain…
Hiya, Just checking in. How is everyone? I am still paddling along, had a scare at my annual check up; but it was scar tissue. Pheeeww. Still love you all, even the 'newbies' ;) . xoxoxox MEDI
Alternative Treatments for Lung Cancer
Hi All, My mother in law was diagnosed with stage IV small cell lung cancer which has spread to her liver. We are looking for alternative treatments to the chemo she is currently enduring. Her prognosis is 8-11 mos. We have been reading alot about the benefits of juicing, the Gerson diet, etc. Has anyone had any success…
Double Whammy!
Hey all... So my dad was diagnosed with stage 4 EC (mets to liver) in August, he started chemo and tumours are shrinking yay! However, in October my mam was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer (mets to brain) Double whammy! So the tumour from her brain was removed and radiation will be starting soon on brain, possibly on…
Simpson hemp oil?
Please let me know if any of you have used simpson hemp oil. Thank you for your help. Good luck my friends.
Simpson hemp oil?
Please let me know if any of you have used simpson hemp oil. Thank you for your help. Good luck my friends.
76 year old Mother diagnosed with small cell lung cancer
I need some advice. My mother starts the first of 4 rounds of chemo. She lives in Texas and I live in New York. I am struggling on when I should go see her. She was diagnosed earlier this year and we thought it was gone but now it has come back. The first Treatment was cyber knife In February. This time it is chemo and…
Is my dad dying????
Dad had a heart attract sept. 19, that's when they found the mass on his left upper lung and removed it 4 weeks later, after they removed it they said it was soft ball size with 1 of 7 lymph nodes involved, what are we really looking at??? My dad and I are extremely close, but for whatever reason he won give me( a nurse )…
Big Secret
It's Lung Cancer awareness month..... No race for the cure, No wear Pearl it's a shame
Any stage 4 lung cancer kras mutation treatments out there or trials?
Family member went through chemos and radiation and none of it worked... Cisplatin/etoposide carboplatin/forgot the name Oncs sent us home with hospice...said there isnt much they can do.... not sure why they won't try another different chemo or a trial. Tumors kept growing and spreading. Looking for new treatment or a…
Alternative Treatments
What alternative cures WORKED or EVEN SEEMED to work for you?? In other words, if you scratched your nose and coincidentally get a little better, PLEASE post it.
What to expect
Hi all, I'm new here on this subject so I hope you can forgive my seeming dumb. Let me start from the beginning. In late September I visited my doctor about sleep problems. Doctor had me get a CT scan since my last one was in 2012 where a small nodule was found lower right lobe. Biopsy came back as benign then. This CT…
Stage 4 Adeno NSCLC question, EGFT/ALK negative
Have any patients had difficulty getting their oncologist to respond to them with treatment options in a somewhat timely way? We are at a major cancer center and have been waiting 2 weeks now after being given the results of the most recent scan, which showed progression after 7 months of first line chemo. THe progression…
Need answers....advice...feeling so lost
My mom was diagnosed with stave iv lung cancer with mets to liver and lymphnodes. She did 4 rounds of chemo and that has been it. They tell us that 4 rounds is enough since the tumours have shrunk to half their size. No further chemo will help. They say that radiation will not help her and they won't operate because it has…
My mother in law has been diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer. She now has tumors on her brain and is receiving radiation. She completed rounds of Chemo this summer. Her hair has just begun to grow back and she will lose again with the radiation. She is very upset about losing what little she has. Our family has suggested…
trying to find information on neuroendocrine
My friend has this cancer and depends on me to get info if anyone has this or knows someone please reply thankyou
Lobectomy Recovery Stage 1A-Adenocarcinoma
My husband underwent a right upper lobectomy on 2/4/13. He was diagnosed Stage 1A Adenocarcinoma. His oncologist advised that he doesn't need chemo or radiation but will need CT scans every six months and will see the oncologist every 3 months. My question is how long before the pain subsides? He went to his surgeon last…
Is there still hope for my brother?
Hi, my brother is in the hospital for almost a month now. first he can't breath so we decided to bring him to a hospital in my town but they suggested that as there is no much facilities we need to bring my brother to a much equipped hospital and so that's what we did. The pulmonologist says it's pneumonia and and so they…
Can I choose Biopsy choices ?
Hi everyone , Been looking for answers was hoping some one could shed some light on my question ? Sorry for my spelling misstakes before I begin-) I'm a breast Cancer survivor right side mastectomy . July 2012. Just found out last month by way of Ct scan that I have a 1.4 cm node. showing in right lung apex suspious for…