New here...but current survivor...
Hi all: I'm a sinus cancer survivor. Out of treatment now for almost 7 years with no recurrences. About 6 weeks ago I went to my ENT for a persistent cough and wheezing. He sent me to a pulmonologist who ordered an immediate CT scan (no contrast). The CT came back with a diagnosis of a partially calcified lesion in the…
Sharing stories of Hope and Inspiration
I am now a ten year and seven-time lung cancer survivor. I know how lucky to be beating the odds and decided to celebrate my decade of survival by producing a new documentary called "Richard's Rays of Hope" about my journey, and that of my family and loved ones, to create greater awareness and hope for people impacted by…
Lung cancer / squamous cell
Has anyone had cancer from head and neck invade the lungs? Please share your treatment regiment. Husband has been fighting head and neck four 4 years wit 4 surgeries, intense radiation and heavy chemo. Cancer pops up year after year and now in lung. Surgeru Thurs to remove four areas in left lung. laurab
Spam Emails
We have been made aware of another round of spam emails being sent to users. While we try to have security in place to handle such emails, we cannot always catch them all. If you have received an email asking for money, please do not respond to the email or the private email address that was given by the sender. Please…
Surgery or not - anyone use Dr. Stacey Su
Hi All, Anyone use Dr. Stacey Su ? (PA area) Here's the update: 1st Surgeon - Based on her initial review she needs more information from my cardiologist to determine if fit a surgical profile. current PFT is borderline but acceptable. referred to my cardiologist. The tests are this Friday and meet with the cardiologist…
ASAP Need advice on Surgeons , squamous cell cancer in Lung
Hi, I need second opinion, who are the good teams and surgeon for Lung Cancer ? Squamous cells in Lung, getting scan done on Thursday to check enlarged Lympth nodes. Who are the good teams and surgeons, do I ask for thoracic surgeons, or a different type ? Anyone use Penn, or Univ of Pitt, or Jefferson ?
Experience with trapped lung and decortication
I am posting very quickly this afternoon looking for anyone that has encountered trapped lung after having effusion drained. My Dad has had to have this done three times. The last time his lung would not re expand. Now the Dr.s are talking about decortication. The fluid came back cancer free but the more I read the more I…
DapsterD, are you out there?
Hoping that you kicked cancer butt with that last round and you are just too busy playing down in Florida to check in.
lung cancer came back
2011 dx with BOT & lung Cancer,8 chemo and 64 rad. treatment of neck and lungs that has left me with a lot of problems, like no siliva,arms and hands numb, Hard to swallow food and the list goes on---well two + yrs. have passed and last month a prostrate thing sent me to a urolgist--and with the luck of a irshman cancer of…
Multiple NonCalcified Nodules
During a recent trip to ER because of unrelenting upper abdominal area pain CT Scan of Abdomen picked up a 1.1 cm noncalcified nodule in the lower left lobe of lung. Nothing was found in the abdomen except that it showed i had several cysts inside my left kidney. ER recommended I go to my Primary doctor so I did and 2 days…
Encouragement Needed
My husband was diagnosed with squamous NSCLC last May. Initially, it was thought to be "surgically curable" and he had a bilobectomy to remove an 8cm tumor. Three nodes that were removed with the surgery were found to be malignant. He had one attempt at Docetaxel/cisplatain for adjuvant chemo, but was immediately allergic…
Vascular Leak Syndrome
I'm on the H&N boards, but have been on Taxotere since last May, but had to stop about a month ago due to ongoing Pleural Effusion. I had to have a Puer X catheter inserted and drain fluid from my Pleural space every other day. We know the Taxotere caused this as I have no visible cancer in my lungs and Mediastynal nodes.…
Lung Cancer and COPD
My lung cancer was picked up by accident during a low dose CAT scan. It is located in the lower lobe of my right lung. I have always known that I have had issues from smoking (shortness of breath at times) but I didn't know I was this bad until the Cancer was found. I have severe COPD in all lungs. At first I was not a…
Pleural mesothelioma - Pleomorphic
HI, My father Has been diagnosed with stage 4 Pleural Mesothelioma (pleomorphic) My understanding is that it is a very rare type. I suspect he has had this condition for a couple of years and has just now been confirmed. I do not know what to expect. His doctor has said 3-6 months expectancy and my father has declined any…
Please-Please help...
I said a silent thank you prayer when I found this discussion board tonight. I am in desperate need of honest and humble advice. :) Here goes the basics: My mom and dad moved from Florida to Illinois 11 years ago. I followed behind being just 18. I have now been in Illinois for 10 years. I have an extremely close…
Lung cancer, refugee from H&N
Hello, I am posting here for the first time, was told today that I had lung cancer by the radiation oncologist at Hershey Medical Center. In 2009 I had chemo and radiation for laryngeal cancer. All check ups and scans since then were clear. In May I was hospitalized in my hometown hospital for an abnormal heart beat. The…
Lung Biopsy Results
Today, Monday Dec 10, I got the results from last week's lung biopsy. Unfortunately, the biopsy was positive for lung cancer; the cancer was squamous cell meaning that it almost assuradely had spread from the neck (larynx). The recommendation from my medical oncologist was to watch it with a CT-Scan every 4 months. When it…
upper right lobectomy
My husband had to have a right upper lobectomy due to a fungus in his lung. The lung did not expand to fill the space and a skin graft to fill the space has not worked, so they are now talking of doing a muscle flap. I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem? How long should it take for the lung to expand and is…
Need advises for my husband's lung cancer stage 4
Hello everyone, Just a new here in this forum. My husband was diagnosed last week of lung cancer stage 4, spread in his liver, right lung, & lymp nodes. Asking your tips and advises on what food suppliments he can take and a good diet. Doctors said there's no cure anymore. We are waiting for the result if they can give him…
How long on pain meds and when can I work
I had my lower left lobe removed (open surgery ) 4 weeks ago. I'm still on pain meds but want to get off ASAP and go back to work. My job is bar tending so hard to know when I should go back. plus I could use some good ideas for PT
CT Lung biopsy
Hi I'm a new member from Canada. My husband as a 1 cent. lung nodule that althought small as been growing over the last 16 months and went from being smooth to spiculated so they will be scheduling a CT biopsy.He is most affraid of his lung collapsing than anything else right now.As anyone of you ever have this happen…
Does anyone had a tumor bigger than 9 cm? Or had a feet nerve complication from chemo?
Hi, my mom has lung cancer (small cells carcinoma), the tumor used to be 10,5 cm but after 7 chemos is now 9. The doctors say is not operable because is reaching the pleura and the only thing that can be done is radio, that she just started but they don't seen to be very hopefull and they are not really good in talking…
Allegies all over the body ... What seems to be wrong?
Hello everyone, Just a new one here in this forum. We learned just last week that my husband is in stage 4 lung cancer, they saw also in his liver and lymph nodes. He is now at home but he started to have an allergy all over his body, back, arms legs and ears. He started to to take some food supplements like fish oil,…
Anyone else have Mucoepidermoid carcenoma "MEC" as primary lung?
Hi, My name is Abe and im one of the new kids on the block.. im two weeks post op from a lobectomy and resection of my rt lung.. I know mucoepidermoid carcenoma is ultra rare as primary lung but im wondering if anyone else is a survivor of it?
Waiting for 3rd biopsy path report
Whew. Where do I start? This has been so difficult. My husband Tim is 54yo and has a failed RUL VATs turned open partial thoracotomy on Jan 22nd, 2014. 80% of his RUL was removed due to excessive bleeding when they attempted to do a wedge resection to biopsy a 2.4 cm spiculated nodule. This was discovered incidentally on a…
yr. out from vats
Hey everyone, It's been awhile since I posted. Had a vats wedge resect last yr. '12. Just recently have been having issues with surgical site causing much discomfort. I will be going back into pulmonologist for schedualed CT in Jan. '14. Wondering if anyone else had or is having issues this far out after procedure ? They…
Planned CSN Outage Tonight
Dear Users, CSN will be down for routine maintenance tonight from around midnight to 3:00 AM Eastern Time. We apologize for any inconvenience. The site will be up and running as quickly as possible. Thank you for all you do for CSN! CSN_Nick
what do you think?
What do you think , that the single lung nodule that was taken out by Vats surgery was a simple inflamed lymph node? The nodule was 8.7 and the path report says they found a 8mm nodule but the final finding was a 4mm lung lymph . I questioned the DR and he said the process the pathogly dr does some times causes the tissue…
what are r the chances?
What are the chances, that my lung nodule is just a benigh growth? Having vats on the 10th for a 8.7 single nodule. This was found on a ct scan back in Sept when I was doing a random scan on my heart . have had a pet/ct scan sense nothing showed up . so I could either wait or watch or simply get it out . I chose the latter…
Who really wants to know.....
I am recently diagnosed (3 months) with adenocarcinoma with tumors in both shoulder muscles, right lung, hip, knee, etc etc. obviously metasticized. I have had a week of radiation and am having chemo everY 3 weeks. I know no one really wants to say but I'm a planner and can't wrap my head arowhat how to prepare. Should I…