Sensitive to Smells?
Has anyone noticed that since they have had LC that you are very sensitive to smells, odors ect? I just went to clean my extra bathroom,( which OK I've bee a bad girl and haven't cleaned in awhile) and I sprayed some bathroom cleaner into the sink and I couldn't breathe! I had to walk out of the room until it disipated.…
Treatment for Cancer
Hello: I am 80 yrs old male and have lung cancer.Had it since 2011--it just came back in 2012 and they said no more rads on lung--so chemo again--and this failed to shrink it so they sent me home to die. Went on the budwig diet.This diet is Cottage Cheese-mixed with Flax Seed Oil( Has to be in cooler @ store)or do not buy…
Anxiety about CT/PT Scan FDG Uptake and Groundglass Nodule
I had a PT/CT scan a couple weeks ago. It says: "FDG uptake in the chest is noteable for hypermetabolism in a groundglass nodule of the right upper lobe, just above the minor fissure. Peak standard uptake value is 3.97. On delayed acquisition, it is 4.4. Groundglass opacity measures greater than 1cm in dimension...in…
No treatment - how long?
My mom has LC with 2 lymph nodes and matastis to one eye. She has chosen no treatment. I can find nowhere that gives a prognosis for how long she has to live. Anyone have an idea? Debbie
Brother has passed
It is with a saddned heart that I'm letting you know that my brother passed today. Yesterday my older brother called very early morning and said the doctor had said to call the family in. Being out of town we were planning on today, but glad we made it in yesterday. His daughter just drove in from Texas but they said she…
Mom has mets to eye
Mom has had trouble with her right eye for three weeks. Blurry and sometimes sees a hump on flat surface. Went to optomitrist who thought it was macular degeneration and sent right to a retina specialist who did an ultra sound and found it was matastic cancer. Apparently this is the number two source of eye cancer, breast…
Anyone out there doing the mpdl3280a clinical trial?
Has anyone finished a mpdl3280a trial?
Questions about Diagnosis Procedure
Hello! I am from the uterine cancer board, but my husband and I were advised last week his son has lung cancer. He had gone to ER unable to breathe and was admitted with a sac of fluid around his heart. They did several tests which included blood work, CT scan,and a scope down his throat. They discharged him after 2 days…
SCLC that has spread to bone barrow
My 53 year old sister was perfectly normal a month ago. She went to the er for what we thought was a kidney stone. They did a catscan and said it looked like her lymph nodes around her lungs were swollen and she had pneumonia. They did a biopsy and took her off of Methorexate which she was taking for RA and is known to…
Mom in denial???
My mom lives 10 hours away from me and was diagnosed 4 months ago with small cell lung carinoma which has mestasized to her bones causing several spinal fractures. I can only get what info she will give me regarding her prognosis but she states she refuses to talk to the doctor because she is in a positive frame of mind…
Question about meds???
Hi, A little over 5 weeks ago I had a thoracotomy to remove a large mass that was a recurrance of anal cancer in my lung. I seem to be recovering alright but still have a back ache and some off and on mild chest discomfort but think all is normal. I am now receiving chemo as adjuvent therapy for the cancer. After the…
Help! Anyone have misdiagnosis of LC/Pancoast?
Hello, Im at my wits end! I am 37yrs old and a 20yr smoker that has quit about 6month now. I have been dealing with right sided Chest/Back pain along with brown mucas production that only comes from the right for about 5yrs now, the pain and mucas started at the same time. I am convinced there is an issue with my lung…
When to have another PET after treatment
My husband has nonsmall cell squamous cell lung cancer -- a pancoast tumor. He has completed 5 weeks of radiation concurrent with 2 chemo cycles of Cisplatin and Etopside. His oncologist wants him to see a thoracic surgeon and also have a new PET scan. The oncologist said to have the scan in a week or 2, but everything I…
New Here and Was Just Wondering.......
Hello Everyone, I have been diagnosed twice with stage 1a adenocarcinoma with an ALK mutation. I have had two lung surgeries, June 2006 & March 2014, and now my scans are showing 3 small nodules. Has anyone else gone through this and what was the outcome?
stage 4 / copd and plueral effusion
My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 NSCLC Andeo. He also has a plueral effusion and COPD. His worse symptom is he cannot walk 10 feet with out being out of breath, so spends all his time in recliner. He has had 3 rounds of chemo and after CAT SCAN there has been no change. . We drain his plueral effusion every 3 days and…
Mom is Stage 4 and out of options...Caregiver advice?
After fighting off months of pnemonia and it coming back, my Mom was diagnosed in April 2014 with Stage 4 NSCLC with a softball sized tumor in her right lung and a golfball sized tumor in her left and mets in the shoulder and spine. Surgery and radiation were not options. The oncologist recommended chemo. The first cycle…
Private Message Spam
Hello everyone, Thank you to those who've alerted us to the spamming from earlier today, and we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. While we have security measures in place, we can't prevent all spam. We are currently working on measures to try and block this. If you received a message, please do not respond or…
Uterine Sarcoma may have spread to my lungs. Scared about biopsies surgery on my lung :(
I had a Pet Scan. It was all clear except for a small spot on my upper left lung and another even smaller spot on my right lung. My oncolgest sent me to a thoracic surgeon to get a needle biopsies but the surgion said my ribs are very tight and the only way to get to the spot on my left lung is by doing a thoracoscopy with…
Hello. I just signed into this site and hope I am posting this correctly. I was diagnosed in April with stage 4 non small cell lung cancer which had spread to both adrenal glands - no symptoms , Dr found anomolies in bloodwork during routine exam - which led to further checks and diagnosis. No surgery posible, no radiation…
Hi, I am new to this forum although have been posting regularly on the anal cancer site for almost 4 years. 4 years ago I was diagnosed with stage 3b anal cancer and received treatment of surgery (ostomy) chemo and radiation. At my 1 year PET scan I was diagnosed with a rare breast cancer and had a double mastectomy. All…
Mom has Stage 4 NSCLC with mets to the brain
Hi everyone, I am new here. My mom, aged 72, was diagnosed in August with Stage IV NSCLC with mets to the brain. She had both knees replaced in June and we are all so suprised that nothing came back on any of her tests about the cancer. Mom just finished her radiation to the brain (Mon - Fri for 2 weeks). She has had two…
Survivors of stage IV lung cancer with several mets...
Today I am overwhelmed. Visits with my fiancee's doctors always seem to zap me for a while. My fiancee has what we think is primary lung cancer with mets to liver, pancreas, colon, and brain. To say the least we are overwhelmed. WE are both trying to be optimistic each day. Some days we are more quiet than others, because…
Looking for some answers
Hello I am a 61 yr female. In 11/2011 i was dx with follicular lymphoma, went thru chemo ,hit remission in 2/13.Still in remission. Dec 3/2014 was dx with NSCLC stage 4, with adenocarcinoma,and malignant pleural effusion. My dr. said i was A-symptomatic patient.Found out yesterday that the 2 fluid analyis were negative.…
Stopping chemotherapy
I have had 6 rounds total of chemo drug gemcitabine and carboplatin along with nausea med IV drip of emend, aloxie, fortran, and decadron. I have been told that my major mass (I am stage IV lung cancer) has shrunk but I have been very sick and have stopped my chemotherapy treatments. I asked to have my drugs decreased but…
Stage 4 lung cancer, Pnemonia
New here, learned on New Year's Eve that I have lung cancer
Hello, My name is Jean-Luc and my wife and I learned on New Year's Eve that I have lung cancer. More of my story so far in the Expressions Gallery, there: http://csn.cancer.org/node/291269 Thank you for your attention and support! Jean-Luc :)
How to help wife cope with loss of mother from Lung Cancer
Good day all, My wife lost her mother the day after X-mas to cancer. Since then she has started to become so numb and distant. I have been trying what I can to help her cope with it, she still thinks her mom is alive. I am trying to help her get to the acceptance that her mother has passed on to heaven and she needs to…
Adenocarcinoma lung cancer
My mother in law is 54 years old and was diagnosied in Jan 2007 with lung cancer. she was told back in 2004-2005 that she had a spot on her lung but she never went back to have it checked so in 2007 she went to the doc with a bad cough and they discovered that she had stage 3b Adenocarcinoma lung cancer. the tumor on her…
muchoepidermoid of the lung
I am new at this and not sure if I am duplicating this or not. If so, I apologize. My husband was diagnosed with muchoepidermoid of the lung back in 2011. We are told that having this type of cancer in a non-mucous area is extremely rare. Two years later he had surgery to remove something off of his thumb and it too was…
Recently diagnosed with lung cancer and my surgery is in 3 days.
In February 2014 I was suffering with stomach pain and went to urgent care. The thought was I might be having pancreatitis. A CAT scan was ordered and showed no evidence of pancreatitis. Evidently something had caused severe stomach cramping. I was treated and immediately began to feel better. As the story goes, when the…