upper right lobectomy
Hello everyone i was diagnosed with class 1a lung cancer and had an upper right lobectomy there was no sign of abnormal growth in the nodes so the surgeon said he believed they got it right at the start so no chemo or radiation is necessary my question is how long is the average heal time and does the shortness of breath…
Doctor says weeks - 3 months
Hi Everyone, My dad has been treating for squamos cell cancer that has met to lung now. He went through 6 rounds of chemo and 33 treatments of radiation. This is after doing almost the exact same treatment for a squamos cell tumor that was removed under his arm pit. My dad doesn't ask any questions about his cancer when he…
Thoracic surgrey with lung cancer?
I am trying to find someone who had the same surgery as i did. I was diagnosed in April 2007 with lung cancer. They found a tumor in the back chest wall 11 cm it was so big they said it was innoperable. I began chemo and radiation so that the tumor would shrink and releive the pain. Apparently the tumor was pressing on my…
"leak" of chemo into tissue... other's insights needed
My husband had a lobectomy of upper left lobe on 7/10/2015 after a bungled and delayed treatment care through this Spring. So he is finally recovered from this surgery (which by the way, is almost the same surgery done on the RIGHT side for adno carcinoma 11 years ago). Back then they did 4 months of adjuvant chemo. It's…
Recent CT scan show multiple blilateral subpleural nodular densities
I recently completed a Lung CT scan which revealed the following nodules: right apex at 5 mm nodule, right middle lobe with a 2 & 3 mm nodules, right lower lobe with 6 mm nodule, and a left costophrenic 4 mm nodular opacity. I did see a oncology thoracic surgeon, he at this time doesn't seem concered, he wants to repeat…
Mom's Passing
Hello everyone. I wanted to send little note to thank everyone on this discussion board. While I may not have posted many comments, I have read through many of the posts. These posts have helped me understand my moms journey and what possible things to expect on her journey. Before I tell you about my mom's story, I just…
My 34 year old wife has S3 LTD SCLC
In the middle of April, 2015 my wife had unexplained facial/neck swelling, and bruising on her upper torso. She saw her PCP, CT Scan was set up the following day, they saw a large mass, Oncologist, Virginia Cancer Institute was set up the next day, admitted to hospital that afternoon, Biopsy the following day, found out it…
No Subject
I am new to this group. I have been reading some of your stories and they are encouraging. My boyfriend was diagnoised with NSLC approx. 6 weeks ago. He has a 8 cc tumor on the lung that has spread to the treacha and the brain (4 spots on the brain)surgery is not an option. He is currently undergoing chemo & radiation…
Mum been diagnosed hasn't been told much info not even biopsy yet she's been given 6 months to 18 mo
hi I'm looking for any info help miracles my mum has been diagnosed with lung cancer and Liver she's had blood tests but not a biopsy the Dr told us today she has 6 months to 18 months to live can they tell from blood test and is there any medicine or treatments that can help as nhs has delayed and failed to help my mum
Immune therapy
Does anyone have experience yet with immuno therapy for lung cancer, ie side effects etc? thank you!!
Immunotherapy - Please share your experience
Hello everyone! I hope you're all doing well. I'm here because I'm hoping some of you might be able to share your experience with immunotherapy as a treatment option. My father just rounded his 3rd year anniversary since his stage 4 lung cancer diagnosis, and I can't believe we're even here! On August 2nd he will be 62 and…
rare lung cancer as a 19 year old.
Hi All. Im new on this site, and im a 19 year old survuivor of just over a year! (yay!!) I was diagnosed with a rare form of lung cancer. It is called an Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumor. I was diagnosed February of 2014, and as of then, I was only the 25th resported case in the entire world. Crazy right? It was such a…
Small Cell lung cancer - denied Pet / CT SCAN
Hi my mom who is 65 was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer. she has had radiation and chemo and so far so good. I want to know if anyone has encountered being denied a PET /ct scan from insurance company she has keystone we live in Philadelphia. we are being treated at Jefferson Kimmel Center, which I am told is one of…
hearing issues with chemo
I had my first round of cisplatin/taxotere on Tuesday and Neulasta shot on Wed. I knew there was a chance of ringing in ears but I am having ringing and what feels like plugged up ears or muffled. It is hard for me to hear. Has anyone had this happen? Kim
Love to hear more survival stories.. New here, anyone alk+?
Hi everyone. I am new here. I was diagnosed 12/23. Wow, it is already one month! I went from ultra sad of why me to currently an optimistic outlook. A roller coaster one month. I have alk+ stage 4 lung cancer, it spread to my bone. I am 41, never smoked, Asian, female. :) Ha..ha. Statistics are funny~~ Keeping an upbeat…
First Time Here...Wife has Stage 3b, nsclc
My wife was diagnosed a year ago. since thenm she's had 9 rounds of chemo, a lung resection and 6 weeks of radiation. Because of continuing pain and shortness of breath, some pleural fluid was drawn last week to relieve the pressure. Oncologist called yesterday and said that the fluid showed the presence of cancer cells in…
moderate to severe back pain and nerve pain in my back after going through chemotherapy and radiatio
I began having pain in my mid back radiating down my left leg. At times i have severe pain across my shoulder blades. At times i feel a crawling pain going up my spine radiating over shoulder blades. I have had x rays, cat scans and mri's only to be told me i have 2 slightly bulging disc. Any help would be appreciated j.
Had CTA Pulmonary Angiogram and need answers.
I had a CTA Chest Pulmonary Angiogram and it came back negitive for pulmonary embolism. The scan did find the following: 1. Left renal cyst 2. Nonspecific hilar & interlobar lymph nodes. Also had left axilla node measure 13 mm in greatest dimension. 3. Left hydronephrosis I understand that 1 and 3 relate to my kidneys. I…
Kidney Cancer to Lung possible R Lung Lobectomy
Hi Guys, Normally on the kidney discussion boards but it looks like I have 2 x Kidney Cancer Mets in the right lower lobe of my lung, only small 6mm and 8mm. However, just when I think no problem he can just cut them out my Right HILAR lymph node is 'enlarged' on my next set of scans, although it is inconclusive that the…
How long will my dad be sick after completing treatment for SCLC??
My sweet, sweet, sweet, precious dad was diagnosed with stage 3 SCLC (imited stage) back in August 2014. He completed chemo and radiation to his chest in late Decmeber, and there was no signs of any tumors. He then had prophylactic brain radiation which was completed in March 2015. He has some good days but so many bad…
Mets from Kidney to Lung-newly diag
Hello. I had my left kidney removed Nov 2014 and had my first scans 2 weeks ago. CT showed multiple nodules bilaterally (lungs) consistent with metastatic neoplastic disease related to renal call carcinoma of left kidney. The largest nodule is 7-8mm and dr is talking Interleukin 2 treatment but wants another scan on May…
Our doctor resisting giving referral for second opinion
Hi, my mom was just diagnosed with stage IIIB non-small cell lung cancer and I'm looking into getting a second opinion from another expert or two, mostly to confirm her oncologist's treatment plan and to explore other options like clinical trials or anything else that might give her a better chance to improve or even…
Father recently diagnosed with Non Small Cell Lung Cancer Stage 4
My Father has been recently diagnosed with Stage 4 Non Small Cell Lung Cancer. It spread to his lymph nodes and spine. He has great attitude and has just started chemo. The statistics are not good but am hopeful that we can beat them. I am looking for any helpful information from anyone that is dealing with a similar…
My Friend 50 yrs just told nudules and cyst on lungs---Info please
She is a smoker. xray shows nudules and a cyst. Can this be cancer? Please give me some info.
prophylactic cranial irradiation
my wife has recently completed chemo and 3d direct beam radiation for limited small cell lung cancer, her recent PET scan according to her dr. showed no cancer and said she was in complete remission. he wants her to start PCI in the nest week and we are not sure about the treatment. i have researched a lot of available…
results of taking nivolumab
Im looking for information of hoa people are feeling while taking the drug nivolumab?
Lung cancer. Stage 2.
I am 63 years old. Female and I was healthy before Christmas. I found out I had lung cancer and went through all the tests. I was operated on April 25th/2015. I had a vats right upper lung lobectony. One third of my lung was removed. I got through that fine. I went to see the surgeon on May 25th and was told the mass was…
79 years old man stage 4 lung cancer
My grandpa has done the CT CHEST ABDOMEN PELVIS. The findings are 4.6cm (AP) x 3.9cm(H) x 3.7cm(W) soft tissue mass seen in the right upper lobe. There is several mediastinal and right axillary lymph nodes noted. Also, there is a 2.5cm x 1.8cm soft tissue mass in the right adrenal gland. Please advise the best treatment…
Husband recently told he has lung cancer
I am new here, I would never have thought that I would be going through this, and I am very scared! At this time we really do not have much info other than there is a mass on my husbands right lung, (middle lobe) and it is pressing against his bronical tube and causing him shortness of breath. He had a bronocolscopy done…
Stage 3b squamous cell lung cancer
My dad has been diagnosed with stage 3b squamous cell lung cancer. His mass is 8.4 cm in upper left lobe. He has had 15 radiation treatments. The MRI showed the cancer has not gone to brain. he has the first pet scan done this Thursday to see if it has spread other than lungs. Met with chemo dr, when he is ready he will be…