new 2 group, Mom has NSCLC, stage3 what next?
I'm trying to give my Mom the facts so that she can decide what to do. Yes, I think the doctor has her and my father convinced that this will invariably kill her, but I can't believe that. I am in remission from Hogdins and I hope my mom chooses to fight it and take any and all treatments possible. I had chemo and…
Tien - Thank you, yes, more questions about Sun Soup
Thanks for the info, do you have any more info about the latest trial, or does anyone on the group know of anyone using the soup? How long until it might be approved by the FDA? ps: I tried to email you but it didnt work. Thanks again, Darren
Painful joints can anyone suggest?
I am not new to this discussion group, Iwas diagnosed with smclc, treated with v16 and cisplat--- and radiation at the same time, they called me incurable and put me on topotecan, i did like 3 rounds of it and got a needle biopsy and they found fibrous tissue not cancer, so they decided to give me a pci, that is a…
NSCLC questions - what treatment, where?
My Mom has been diagnosed of Adenocarcinoma. Her doctor saw only a primary tumor on scans so attempted a lobectomy that was planned to be curative. We had bad luck as the doctor saw more "spots" around the area of the prim. tumor and on her diaphram. The doctor did not resect the tumor - only sampled some of the spots for…
non-small cell and surgery
Hi out there. I had surgery to remove a 6cm tumor from the right lung. Had 2/3 of the lung and parts of ribs removed also 1 positive node close to the tumor. It's been about 8 weeks and the pain has eased up somewhat. The decision from oncologists...no radiation or chemo. Anyone go through something simular? Some concern…
Grammy: Thanks alot... a couple other questions
Thank you Grammy for writing back to me. This is an awesome tool for us information seekers. I let my parents read some articles about having a positive attitude and it's effects on the ability to heal yourself. I tried to assure them that the chemo my Mom might have will not make her life a living hell and cause constant…
You've A Rectal Cancer Recurrence?
My 79-year old mom had a lung cancer of 5-year-old rectal cancer(on 1996, surgery & chemo done, & live well & healthy since) recurrence. Just detected on 4'01. She is still in good health now without any symptoms. No treatment so far. If you have any related info-treatment/suggestions, I'll be very appreciated. Thanks.
possible recurrence
I was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma and had my upper and middle lobes removed from my right lung las October. A follow-up CT scan a week ago revealed a 2 millimeter nodule in my left lung. My oncologist says it could be a "false positive" and he recommends another CT scan in 3 months to see if it has grown. Has anyone…
Hi from Sunny SA
I have a question that I would like to ask , I know that a lot of you wont want to even look at this side of things , but because Dolores' condition is now "so called terminal"I really need to ask this......when someone who has terminal cancer ie only so long to live ....HOW DO THEY PASS ON...?????? is there pain involved…
Does anyone out there know if scar tissue from radiation and/or surgery can cause wheezing. I am concerned about lung noise but just had a CT scan in October and Dr. said it was clear. Am very confused, not to mention worried Thanks for any information. Grammy
reoccurance of lung cancer
I posted a message almost a month ago with no response as yet. My husband is going to have a wedge/resection in January. They will go in and remove the part of the lung that has the tumor. Has anyone had this surgery, and what can I expect after. He already is mobile with just a walker, lung function is at 26%. The main…
reoccurance of lung cancer
Just to let you all know, since apparently no one had the same experience as we did, my husband had the lung surgery on the 4th of Jan. What they ended up doing was what they call Radio Frequency Ablation. They went in to the area and burnt out the cancer cells. He was released on the 14th of January, and is getting his…
Treatment Options?
I have a friend that went through chemo and radition therapy about 3 months ago. There was significant shrinkage of the tumor at that time. Today she received news that she has a new tumor and was told there is nothing that can be done. Her cancer is inoperable (why?) and the only plan of action is more chemo (with a very…
Mechelle's Dad
Mechelle, Please check with your Dad's Dr about the temp of 101 - that's the magic number to indicate a possible infection that may need immediate attention. Thinking of you. Pat in Pensacola
My name is Chris Bathum and I am a hypnotherapist and master hypnotist in Los Angeles. I offer hypnotherapy at no charge to cancer patients who are working with an oncologist/radiologist in any kind of treatment plan. I work mainly with treatment motivation and also to block negative suggestion from well meaning care…
Can I sue??
Hello, It is me Believer,and I am really upset. My father is in the hospital and suffering because his Dr. said, "it is cancer, you'll have wierd pains." Well my father has complained about pain in his leg, and actually was bed ridden because of swelling of his leg and foot. His Dr. for three months only once, after my…
I wanted to wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving!! Eat lots of Turkey everyone! Believe everyday you will get better and better in everyway. loulou
my dad is fighting, he is my hero!
Hello, My father was diagnosed in June with stage iv lung cancer. We have tried the experimental drug Iressa, and that did not work. He is now back on chemo, with great hope it will keep his lung and liver in check. Does anyone out there know of anything experimental that is working? Also, He needs some cheering up. He…
newly diagnosis
Hello, My sister in law was just diagnosed with non small cell lung cancer. We are sad and uniformed. We don't know what to do for her without over stepping our boundries. She started Chemo today and is on radiation. Any advice? Thank You!! nondas@evcom.net
I am so short of breath and have a constant cough I am on 2 inhalers Combivent and Azmacort. Doc says I have Restricted Lung Disease. I have more problems breathing now than I did with the Pnuemonia,tumor (Which is gone) and a collapsed lung. How much Lung damage was from Radiation and will it repair some of the damaged…
Anyone Use Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Liver Mets????
Has anyone used Staten Island, Buffalo, Indiana University, Karolinska Institute, or another facility that uses radiosurgery for LIVER METS???? We can't find any real live person who has actually used this new radiation treatment for liver mets, who we can ask real questions of. Does anyone KNOW anyone we can contact?? Or…
Non small cell lung cancer stage lV
My husband was recently diagnosed with non small cell lung cancer state lv. After getting over the shock of this, I have been trying to find any information possible. The doctor at M.D. Anderson has put him on Taxol and carboplatin. This seems to be the treatment of choice after reading many of your post. My question is…
carcinoid lung cancer
I had upper 3/4 of my left lung removed due to carcinoid tumor, have found very little info on it. Is there anyone who has had carcinoid lung cancer who can share with me?
Lung Cancer Recurrence
I was diagnosed with NSLC in November of last year. After undergoing chemotherapy (VP-16 and cisplatin) and radiation, the doctor's decided to remove the middle lobe of my right lung in June of this year. Unfortunately, the cancer has returned and the doctors have identified metastasis in my brain. I am now beginning a…
Hi from Sunny SA
Hi guys it seems as if a GREMLIN is at work here.The previous messages were NOT from me,I dont swear on-line nor do I miss-spell words.Whoever is pretending to be me .....you must be a very lonely person,SEEK HELP NOW. As for Dolores,I am not to sure what is happening,she seems to have lost sensation in her left hand &…
Dolores in Sunny South Africa
Hi guys thanx a stack for your replys,I am about to embark on an unknown journey,I need to find out so much,I dont want to be a puppet in some phsyco's show I need to get well and have my life back as it was.Please help me,Dolores just passed a comment to me that at the moment this all feels like a dream to her......people…
THANK U SO VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THANK U SO VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mother's daughter outcome
Praise the lord there are miracles happening every day! My Mom was able to have the lung tumor removed and an involved lymph node. There is one other possible lymph node but nothing so far. After recovery from surgery she will begin some chemo. I am so thankful to all of you for your support and kind words. This is journey…
You Guys Are The Greatest
Guys I once again have faith in the human race u ae all so wonderfull,all I want to do is eliviate suffering and yo actually CARE ALSO my wife Dolores has come out of surgery with a very bad prognosis but she is one hell of a fighter.......PLEASE E-MAIL HER DIRECT AT dhopps@freemail.absa.co.za she needs to talk to you…