Exherin looks very good!
invented in Canada-it wrecks tumor blood vessels only. Trouble is, they want to test it for five years. Act up and maybe you can all get it on compassionate use basis.
Re; need some advice
Check with your doctor on what's best for you. I tried Xanax for a while (for anxiety that keeps you awake), now I use Ambien, it's a mild sleeping pill. I take 5-10mg a night. Sometimes even that doesn't work and that's why I'm awake at 2:45 AM.
Care Giver
I will be going with my Mother to the Onocologist for her first "consult" appointment today.... She had her left lung removed about 2 weeks age due to a moderate tumor that had "splashed" malignant cells to the lymph glands... The surgeon did not think that removing the lung would change her prognosis.... so basically, the…
Someone please help me,give me some peace
Hello. I have not been diagnosed yet because they had to send my biopsy results to the University of Mich for further consultation. I am 27 years old and they think I have sclc. I am devastated and angry. I want to live. I have a two year old girl that I love dearly and a lot of years ahead of me. I was a smoker. There has…
As a 10 year survivor, I want to tell everyone,DONT GIVE UP.Live every moment.
I'm 27 with Small Cell lung cancer.
O.k. I am no longer scared. I went through that already. People have been wonderful and caring and have come out of the woodwork for me. I never knew how truly loved I was. I am having a problem though. I don't think I am taking this as serious as I should. I did Chemo and the most I can say about that is that I have had…
Hair Loss
I too, lost my hair to chemo. This was the hardest part of my lung cancer experience so far. I have had chemo and radiation and they were nothing compared to the trauma of loosing my hair (I guess because it was so visible, I was less able to endure the loss). Also, I was lucky as far as the chemo and radiation went…
Symptoms and Smoking
I too was a smoker who had stopped 4 years ago and I was feeling fine, taking long vigorous walks, working, playing, etc. when I suddenly noticed a lump on my neck which turned out to be a swollen lymph node which was from the lung cancer I had, but did not have ANY symptoms from. Soooo, please, please, keep trying to quit…
CAT scan complete
Had the CAT scan yesterday, and found myself very calm. I was reading a magazine while they were trying to find a vein. Then my beloved husband and I treated ourselves to a very fine dinner in the city. I told him the CAT scan was something we were doing on the way to dinner. I also took control and left a message with my…
Inspiration for Eating
Mom has small cell lung cancer that has spread to the brain and the liver. Other than that, she is a really healthy woman. She is receiving rather aggressive chemo for three days every three weeks. The first round of this she tolerated well. She has completed the second round and it really knocked her down...the fatigue is…
seeking help
My husband has lung cancer and the only thing that they can give him is the chemo-treatments because when we relized that there was a problem he had already started to lose the weight and the appetite to eat.He has a large mass on his left buttocks and they are hoping to shrink it with the treatments but that hasn't happen…
Surviving lung cancer
I was diagnosed with lung cancer in August of 1998 and given less than a year to live. My daughter, who is an RN, happened to be watching a talk show on the day I was diagnosed. It dealt with healing and how to heal diseases with natural therapy. The Lord led us to an excellent oncologist, who prescribed three bouts of…
PCI-Do the benefits outweigh the risks
My 49 year-old wife was recently diagnosed with limited small cell lung cancer. She has completed 30 days of chest radiation concurrent with chemo-therapy(Cisplatin and Etoposide). Her Doctor recommends PCI. She is frightened of the risks. We have done some research but information seems contradictory. 1. How long…
cutting edge and alternatives
C-statin, from Bindweed, is supposed to be 100x stronger than shark cartilage. no harm in trying it. betulinic acid, from birch bark, kills mitochondria in at least some types of tumor and is nontoxic. if you have squamous cell, tyrosine kinase inhibitors may work. I have used clinoril (arthritis drug) plus 80mg lipitor…
Care Giver
I have recently become a care giver to my Mother. She has recenetly had her left lung removed due to cancer.... I have alot of questions...
My dad is experiencing severe dehydration (stage 3b non small cell lung cancer). He took 32 treatments of radiation (dec-jan) and 1X a week chemo. Then switched to every 3rd week for chemo after radiation. He has been experiencing dehydration like crazy. He doens't feel like eatting and is withering away right before our…
new to site
When I found out seven years ago that I had lung cancer, this discussion site did not exist. Boy was I scared and and feeling alone. Now everything is great. To evryone out there with lung cancer, hang in ther and believe in yourself. Do not, repeat, donot give in to your fears.
Removal Rt Upper & Mid Lobe
I am new to site and am 47 yr old female. A nodule was found in my right upper lung in March of 2001. Needle biopsy was inconclusive. On May 3rd, I had surgery, removed upper and mid lobe of right lung - non small cell squamous cell. No lymph involvement, margins clear. I did not have to receive chemo or radiation. I still…
Small Cell Lung Cancer
A friend of mine has small cell lung cancer, he has gone through about 25 chemotherapy treatments. He is now dehydrated, cannot eat, fingernails are falling out, skin cracking and he had to be taken to the hospital. The doctor said he was allergic to chemo and that there was nothing more he could do, so he took him off…
sun soup
My husband is considering sun soup. Would like to know of anyone who has taken it, and if there are side effects, how things are going for you, and if it seems to be worth it. Thanks My email is kgkeyer@hotmail.com
Been there
Have faith in God and he will see you through,just take one day at a time.Belived me you will have some good days and bad ones but God will be there with you at all times.Talk to your love ones and do whay ever you have been wanting to do.
New to site
I am now in remission. Had left upper lobe removed 4 years ago. Doing great but I am always in pain. Was told that I would be in pain the rest of my life.
my father, my friend, is weakening
Hello, My father is 6months into his battle with Lung cancer and in the last month he has really taken a turn for the worst. I am still strong, but I am getting a little scared. He is now officially a man with cancer. Before he had cancer, but acted mostly normal. Now he naps often feels terrible and is losing weight…
Lung cancer is now in my Liver
Have had to months of new chemo. Mayo Clinic study Topecaton and Taxil together. Had cat scan today told probably still there just to hope it has not grown more. Very unlikely it has shrunk or disappeared. Will see Doc next week for results. What do I do keep going or do I quit? Do I ask for another opinion in a larger…
Opinions on Dr. Burzynski-Antineoplastons
A close relative is considering alternative cancer treatment in Houston with this Doctor. If anyone has anything to say, good or bad, I would love to have informed opinions to relate to my relative. I appreciate anything about this subject matter.Thank you!
Newly Diagnosed Lung Cancer-Age 59
Just wondering if anyone out there could relate and share some information
On October 16, 2001 I had the upper two lobes of my right lung removed. Six weeks have passed and I am still in a great deal of pain. In the month I have been home, the pain seems to be perhaps worse than it was when I first came home. I am still taking 1-2 vicodans every 3 hours. Also, I am easily winded; just talking on…
neurapathy is a side effect of some chemos
thought I would write what I found out, since no one knows anything about it, and it is common and quite crippling. Go figure, they don't know anything about it but it is common? That peg must not fit in their hole. Okay, you can ask your docter to refer you to a pain specialist, or I just do an over the counter…
new 2 group, Mom has NSCLC, stage3 what next?
I'm trying to give my Mom the facts so that she can decide what to do. Yes, I think the doctor has her and my father convinced that this will invariably kill her, but I can't believe that. I am in remission from Hogdins and I hope my mom chooses to fight it and take any and all treatments possible. I had chemo and…