Borrowed post

icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member

As many of you are aware I also post on several Facebook groups for Kidney Cancer survivors.

One post yesterday by a Newbie ater being nephed is woth sharing. After he was wheeled back to his room he asked the nurse why there was so much pain on his side. She replied that he just had his right kidney removed and that his pain was normal, Without missing a beat he told the nurse that he was in the hospital for a knee replacement, The look on the nurses face was priceless.








  • sblairc
    sblairc Member Posts: 585 Member
    THAT is hilarious.

    Narcotics made my already humerous husband very funny after his neph.

    The other patients did NOT find his offers to "play chicken" while walking around the surgical floor with his walker and IV stand very funny. Which in itself was pretty hilarious, since he is a muscular 6 foot 4 guy high on pain killers trying to play chicken, lol!!

  • mrou50
    mrou50 Member Posts: 389 Member
    Comments Post Surgery

    When I came out from my Nephrectomy I was seriously out of it.  I had a really angry nurse working on me for the next few days and she was not being very careful.  I asked my wife what was wrong with this nurse, and my wife responded;

    "When you were brought back to your room she was trying to reset your pic line and missed the veins a few times, you said to her that it must be nice knowing that if this nursing thing does not work out you can always get a job torturing Al Quaida."  

    I was very humble from that time forward when she came into my room.


  • sblairc
    sblairc Member Posts: 585 Member
    mrou50 said:

    Comments Post Surgery

    When I came out from my Nephrectomy I was seriously out of it.  I had a really angry nurse working on me for the next few days and she was not being very careful.  I asked my wife what was wrong with this nurse, and my wife responded;

    "When you were brought back to your room she was trying to reset your pic line and missed the veins a few times, you said to her that it must be nice knowing that if this nursing thing does not work out you can always get a job torturing Al Quaida."  

    I was very humble from that time forward when she came into my room.


    OMG that's hilarious.

    So funny. 

  • foroughsh
    foroughsh Member Posts: 779 Member
    Icemantoo and mrou50

    Icemantoo and mrou50

    So funny

    I'm usually quiet but when I came out from neph I couldn't stop talking, my hubby and seven friends were in the room. I talked a lot remembering old time memories to each one of them. It was out of my control, I even told some jokes and laughed at them, OMG, it was hurting, but it was beyond my intention or control, I talked for long time and finally slept, at that moment I heard them asking what's wrong with her? She talked as much as she usually talks within a year.

    Thanks my hubby for my VIP room, otherwise other patients throw me out of the room


  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    foroughsh said:

    Icemantoo and mrou50

    Icemantoo and mrou50

    So funny

    I'm usually quiet but when I came out from neph I couldn't stop talking, my hubby and seven friends were in the room. I talked a lot remembering old time memories to each one of them. It was out of my control, I even told some jokes and laughed at them, OMG, it was hurting, but it was beyond my intention or control, I talked for long time and finally slept, at that moment I heard them asking what's wrong with her? She talked as much as she usually talks within a year.

    Thanks my hubby for my VIP room, otherwise other patients throw me out of the room


    This is all hilarious!!! I

    This is all hilarious!!! I would love to have seen the face on the nurse when he said he was in for a knee replacement! And Mark, your line was PRICELESS! And you don't even remember saying it! (very uptight nurse, though!) Forough, your change in character is funny, too! LOL my friend's polite, mild mannered son had surgery and woke up cussing like a sailor - much to my friend's horror. The recovery nurse reassured her, saying that was common.

    After getting a colonoscopy done, my husband hobbled out into the full waiting room saying "ouch, ouch, ouch". Then stood upright and continued swiftly out the door saying over his should "Just kidding!!"

    Got to admit that laughter is the best medicine!




  • hardo718
    hardo718 Member Posts: 853 Member
    Jojo61 said:

    This is all hilarious!!! I

    This is all hilarious!!! I would love to have seen the face on the nurse when he said he was in for a knee replacement! And Mark, your line was PRICELESS! And you don't even remember saying it! (very uptight nurse, though!) Forough, your change in character is funny, too! LOL my friend's polite, mild mannered son had surgery and woke up cussing like a sailor - much to my friend's horror. The recovery nurse reassured her, saying that was common.

    After getting a colonoscopy done, my husband hobbled out into the full waiting room saying "ouch, ouch, ouch". Then stood upright and continued swiftly out the door saying over his should "Just kidding!!"

    Got to admit that laughter is the best medicine!




    You're all hilarious!!

    Thank you for the laughs.  That's awesome.  Reminds me of when my oldest daughter was put under for wisdom teeth extractions, in 1986.  When she came to, her first word was GAP.  Around the corner was a GAP clothing store (I hadn't even noticed it) and she wanted to go shopping!  The whole staff had a great laugh.


  • marosa
    marosa Member Posts: 334 Member
    hardo718 said:

    You're all hilarious!!

    Thank you for the laughs.  That's awesome.  Reminds me of when my oldest daughter was put under for wisdom teeth extractions, in 1986.  When she came to, her first word was GAP.  Around the corner was a GAP clothing store (I hadn't even noticed it) and she wanted to go shopping!  The whole staff had a great laugh.


    Thanks heavens for good humor!

    It's great to start the week with some good humor!

    The night before my surgery they gave me 2 pills to make me relax and sleep well.  They were terrible!  It had the complete reverse effect on me and I didn't sleep at all.  So in the morning, nurse comes back with yet 2 of the very same pills to take prior to surgery and I refuse them.  She writes it down.

      Some hours later Im rolled in the OR and a couple anesthesiology doctors come see me and ask;  Everything okay?  I read here you refused the pills this morning says one.  I say yes and explain him why and he says:  Ohh and they didn't offer you anything else, like a puff or two of a joint (marijuana)?  That would have helped you relax!

     I then had to laugh and felt instantly relaxed and told them: no but I would appreciate some jazz in the OR if you have it!