Does anyone know what this means on a CT report. I am only being seen by a urologist and haven't seen an oncologist. My urolgist said he got it all and there was no need for further treatment. I've been having recurring uti symptoms and pain in my left side so it worries me some that they might be missing something. My…
Since my surgery in Dec I have had several aches and pains which I assume are normal however I have pain in my right thigh and ribs/ back on the right side as well. I'm trying not to be paranoid since I feel I am at that "everything is a thing phase" even though pre surgery bone scans and CT scans were all clear. It just…
What to expect?
Hi all, With just over a month to go before my surgery, I am wondering what to expect. I do know there will be a bowel prep. I have a pre-op physical this Thursday with my GP. What questions should I ask her? Also, I will have to have pre-op chest x-ray, EKG, and labs drawn prior to surgery. Wondering when would the best…
World cancer day
Today is 4th February, the world cancer day We all have experienced the effects of cancer as survivors or caregivers. On this special day, I thank you all because of supporting each other. I also Thank caregivers, health care providers, CSN team & researchers working to develop new treatments. We are alive and that's what…
Pathology report
Surgeon called this afternoon. Gave brief highlight of report. Will get full report at 2 week check next week. T1a, N0, M0. Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma. Margins clear. Very tightly encapsulated. He's happy. Been a very rough recovery however. Thankfully NO issues with gas pain and minor issues getting bowels working.…
Done and Home!
Well, had my surgery on 1/26. Finally got home yesterday after a week. Open partial of right kidney. As for the tumor, they got it. Path report showed 2cm, Stage 1, Grade 1, RCC with clear margins. The 2 hour surgery turned into 3 1/2 though as my ureter was cut, so they had to repair with a stent. I'll get that removed…
A good report
PET/CT results #10. Opdivo and radiation seem to be working. Thank you Jesus. IMPRESSION: 1. There has been interval improvement of radiated bone metastases in the spine. The remaining small bone metastases and soft tissue metastasis adjacent to the heart are stable. No new metastases are seen. Details are as follows: 2.…
Pathology Report
I just got back from my first follow-up appointment since surgery. Several people have asked about my pathology report. They gave it to me today as follows. Right renal mass, enucleation: -Renal cell carcinoma, clear cell type, 1.5cm,Fuhrman grade 2 -Tumor is organ-confined. -Margins negative for tumor -Overlying adipose…
Diet and Recurrence
Search youtube for Dawn Lemanne and you'll find her talk on carbohydrate restriction and cancer. We have discussed this in other threads, but none of us are experts. Anyone who is interested should watch this talk by a real expert. Diabetes is a simple disease and easy to treat but cancer has no easy answers. Anything that…
I'm home
Hello!!! I got home yesterday evening. Open partial neph has left me with a 12 inch zipper looking scar going across my left side and is highly painful! I'm up walking around regularly and takin a perksort mixed with Tylenol for pain every 4 hours. Surgeon states that the surgery went well and I only lost 10 percent or so…
Complex kidney cyst
I recently was diagnosed with a complex renal cyst and the doctor told me 90% that it was cancer. Scheduled for ultrasound (found cyst during a belly pain MRI). What to expect as I have been told that a partial nephrectomy will be done soon. Pain out of surgery? Fill me in. I can take it! I am new to this discussion board.…
New MRI/CAT Scan Results
A few weeks ago during my first visit with my new Oncologist, he told me that they spotted a lesion on my liver and he ordered an MRI of abdomen and lungs and a CAT scan of lungs. MRI had dye and was completed this past Sunday. I have been worried as sick about this and just what else they'll find. He reported to me today…
Chronic Diahrrea
I am 62 years old, I had a Wilm's tumor removed when I was 2. I had a reaccurance of cancer when I was 12 and had 2 ribs removed. I also had my appentix removed at age 12. I had 2 miscarrages and had a 2 month premature baby at age 26. I started having diahrrea when I was around 40. Over the last 5 years it has become…
Mild Back Pain and Sensations Following Partial Nephrectomy
I was diagnosed with a 3cm tumor which turned out to be clear cell renal cell carcinoma back in September on my 26th birthday. Crappy birthday let me tell you, but I had a partial nephrectomy about a month later which was robotically assisted. I was going strong six weeks later and recovery was pretty simple. I'm back to…
anyone try this out? I have always had bad anxiety and depression but this cancer diagnosis has sent my nerves into over drive. I am on medication to help control the panic attacks but eventually I want to get off all the meds and go back to living my normal life. So I am giving accupuncture a try. I love it so far. It’s…
Carbo question
Hi My husband just got upped from 40 mg to 60 mg of carbo. He has been on it 11 days. The side effects were tolerable at 40 mg but he cannot tolerate 60 g. My question is does it get better in time? Does he just need to stick in out? if not we're ready to go back in and tell the doctor that is quality of life is not…
Manufred... Success with trial
The drugs, ipilimumab and nivolumab, are already used with remarkable success in the treatment of deadly melanoma skin cancer. Nivolumab is also used to treat advanced lung tumours. The new trial found that the combination achieved significant kidney tumour shrinkage in 42 per cent of the 425 patients in a trial and…
Lung mets for $2000, Alex...
Heard from my doc yesterday, and we finally know what my lung nodules are: metastasized RCC. Needless to say, emotions are running the gamut this morning, but I still have work that I have to get done today, which is not going to be easy. I see the oncologist tomorrow, and we'll review the treatment options, which she says…
Recovery from surgery
I had my left kidney and 11th rib removed 5 weeks ago due to a cancerous tumor encasing most of my kidney. I am still experiening pain and feel as though there is a huge clamp on my left side. Not all of the stitches have dissolved yet and I am having trouble sleeping on anything other than my back. How long before I can…
5 weeks post op from partial nephrectomy
And having some issues one is I feel dizzy on occasion and I have abdominal pains now and then they are going to do another scan next week of my pelvis and abdomen to make sure nothing's going on. Also had to have a stricture taken care of an in-office procedure now I have to self cath two times a day to keep it clear for…
Small Chromophobe Renal Cell Carcinoma
Hello, This is my first time posting to this group. I recently had surgery at MD Anderson after a biopsy revealed that I had Chromophobe Renal Cell Carcinoma. I have read as much as I can about this type of cancer but still have questions. I am wondering if others have had genetic testing for Birt-Hogg-Dube Syndrome. Are…
Deciphering CT scan report
I see the doc tomorrow but my radiology patient portal gives me access to my reports and it became available today. The lungs are stable, yay. It noted stabke on 3 nodules. Before there were 4 and a granuloma. The previous scan wasn't with contrast. The abdominal is confusing. KIDNEYS AND URINARY TRACT: STATUS POST…
Lung inflammation
Hi, just had a follow up scan on a lung nodule from which they have told me they don’t think it’s a met from rcc and think it’s inflammation! Obviously I’m relieved and am being forwarded to a lung specialist for his thoughts but just wondered if any one knows why inflammation on the lungs occur ?
Tomorrow is almost here!
Well, I finally have my surgery tomorrow morning. Open partial on my right kidney. Praying they get it all and that is the end of it inside me. I really appreciate all of the information and support from this group. You guys are all awesome. I'll check back in once I'm able to get online and type. Big step into a new…
Surgery Complete
Hey y'all!! I'm on my way to recovery!! I had my robotic assisted partial nephrectomy on my right kidney on Tuesday. Everything went well and my doctor's were very pleased with the surgery. He said the tumor was actually a little smaller than what was thought according to my scans so that was great. He used a small grape…
Looking for RCC Stage IV survivors past 5 years
I’m new on here. My husband was diagnosed with Stage IV RCC July 2016. Tumor 11 cm, metastasis up IVC into heart and in lung. Total left nephrectomy, open heart surgery with bypass, and removal of part of the lung. No treatment while waiting to see if there was recurrence, which showed in April 2017 in both lungs and…
Was just diagnosed
with kidney cancer , 5cm growth on right kidney, meeting with specialist tomorrow for a plan of attack. My general doctor does not think it has spread. Not going to lie. I am scared as heck about this. I am hoping that he only removes bad part and keeps the kidney, as I have read that if you only have one, it could be…
Surgery tomorrow
Right Robotic Partial. Ready for it to be over. Any words of wisdom?
Day 1
Just met with the urologist today and he confirmed that he's the mass is probably cancer. Looks like surgery early next week. Glad I found this group I'm sure I'll find a lot of information and real life experiences. So I'm glad to meet all of you but wish it were under better circumstances.
I’ve been through two partial nephrectomys since September and my scans have come back clean. I’m 7 weeks post op from My last surgery but I’m feeling so emotional. I can’t seem to talk about my experience without breaking down and shedding a few tears. Is this normal? Have any of you felt this way? I think maybe I should…