Second surgery complete - pathology back

LMCRJB13 Member Posts: 84
edited January 2018 in Kidney Cancer #1

Next up - robotic partial left nephrectomy on 1/22/18.  Had abdominal and pelvis CT last week...NED.  Blood work and urine both normal...good stuff right there.

The mass on the left kidney is still not enhancing fully with IV contrast.  It's measuring just under 2cm and there's a chance that it's not cancer.  Doc said if I was older (and didn't already have the cancerous mass removed from the right kidney) he'd watch this one for a while.  No watching...I want it out and he agrees.  He believes that despite the look on the CT, it's also cancer.  He's the leading urologic oncologist in this area and I trust him fully.  We're moving forward with surgery.  The surgical risks do not outweigh leaving the mass in there.  He joked that he doesn't want me to "come looking for him to kick his ****" if it ends up being benign.  No ****-kicking...just a fist bump and hug - he's saving my life!

Hoping that this surgery and recovery go as well as the last one in November...come noon-time on 1/22 - I should be cancer free - for now!  That feels good.

Thanks again to all for your unconditional support.  I'm thankful for each of you. 



  • lobbyist0724
    lobbyist0724 Member Posts: 515 Member
    I wish you the best outcome

    I wish you the best outcome from your surgery (benign tumor, minimal loss of kidney) and 100% supporting your decision (same reason for me too, no watching!)

  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    All the very best! If it's

    All the very best! If it's benign, terrific. Worth the peace of mind to know that. If it isn't, then you had it out. Win win.

  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 973 Member
    edited January 2018 #4
    Good luck

    You're geting to be an old pro at this:)  Keep us updated as things move along.  I noticed the race bib---wishing a speedy recovery so you can get back at it.


  • AnnissaP
    AnnissaP Member Posts: 632 Member
    I am glad it is being taken

    I am glad it is being taken care of. All the best to you! You got this. You are a pro now ;-)

  • LMCRJB13
    LMCRJB13 Member Posts: 84
    Thanks all!  I feel good

    Thanks all!  I feel good about it...old hat now :)  

    Yes, was a runner most of my life...fell out of it for many years.  Started back about a year before the RCC diagnosis...I miss it.  Lost 80 pounds...made me pay more attention to my body...part of what helped save me - no doubt about it.  Looking forward to getting back out there after recovering from this next one.  By then maybe the temps will rise above 10 degrees in snowy Syracuse, NY!  Nothing like throwing on some music and going for a run...stress reliever for sure. 

    Best to all!

  • Wehavenotimeatall
    Wehavenotimeatall Member Posts: 488 Member
    edited January 2018 #7
    Good Luck

    It won’t be easy  but will be worth it afterwards

    Pleased you don’t have long to wait  and you can soon put this behind you

    will be thinking of you




  • Rockspin
    Rockspin Member Posts: 77
    Good luck hopefully it will

    Good luck hopefully it will be non cancerous  but if it isn’t its small and you’ll have it out if you!

  • daisybud
    daisybud Member Posts: 541 Member
    edited January 2018 #9
    Good luck

    Good luck!

  • Nanaof10
    Nanaof10 Member Posts: 57 Member
    Right Partial Robotic

    in 9 days. Left spot is .5 right now, so CT scan in 3 months and may be doing exactly the same thing as you. Good luck!

  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    WOW, what a dilemma! But what

    WOW, what a dilemma! But what a great doc who won't risk your health and well being in case it IS cancer.

    Keep us posted, Ryan

    Sending you HEALING hugs and vibes of serenity and HOPE!


  • Cybball
    Cybball Member Posts: 111
    Good luck on your surgery.  I

    Good luck on your surgery.  I'll be thinking of you on Monday.  Sounds like you are a pro at this!

  • kiwi68
    kiwi68 Member Posts: 110
    How are you?

    I guess you are in recovery, I hope all is going well.  Maybe it will be benign. Mine was.  That is a kind of nice feeling when you get that call.  Such a mind bender.  But in a good way.   Fingers and toes crossed. 

  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    Hmm, something weird going on

    Hmm, something weird going on with your post formatting. Anyway, so glad it's behind you and you're on the way to recovery. All the best!

  • Wehavenotimeatall
    Wehavenotimeatall Member Posts: 488 Member
    You had to

    be different

    Thats a extra worry but glad you are over the worst and pray you pick up soon

    Rest Rest and Rest

    Good Luck


  • LMCRJB13
    LMCRJB13 Member Posts: 84
    Not sure what is going on

    Not sure what is going on with the format of my last post.  I have flagged it for removal.

    Anyway - here is the post again:

    Update - surgery went very remained a robotic partial and I only lost about 3% of the left kidney.  Incisions look great and again, minimal pain...thankful for an experienced, precise surgeon!  Ended up staying in the hospital a second night though as I spiked a fever and my heart rate was high the morning after surgery.  Not sure what was going on there.  Got that under control and I went home on Wednesday.  No fever and normal heart rate apple watch lets me easily keep track of my heart rate :-)

    My doc called me today to check-in (again)...this guy is awesome - and to give me the pathology results.  Unfortunately, it's cancer, as he suspected (and me too)...this time though it’s clear cell, stage one, grade two (pT1aNx).  All in the kidney, no extension into fat, soft tissue and renal parenchyml margins negative.

    The other side was clear cell papillary, stage one, grade two.  The difference in type is certainly unusual yet not unheard-of.  My doc has treated such cases at the NCI/NIH.

    I'm now getting set up for genetic testing at Upstate Cancer Center to help get to the bottom of things.

    It seems for now I'm cancer-free (yeah!) and am now in for scans and doctor visits for life.  As I've learned here...staying vigilant and on-top of this nasty disease is that's what I'll do - one hurdle at a time. 

    Thanks again to all!


  • AnnissaP
    AnnissaP Member Posts: 632 Member
    Ufff! Quite the ride you have

    Ufff! Quite the ride you have been on! I am glad to hear they got it all and that you are healing nicely. Also happy to hear the path results. Sucks that it is once again cancer, but best case scenario. All the best!

  • Choirboy
    Choirboy Member Posts: 2
    Be Encouraged

    Nice to see you making positive improvements. 

  • Angiebby75
    Angiebby75 Member Posts: 208 Member
    edited February 2018 #19
    Great the surgery went well,

    Great the surgery went well, it sounds like you have a awesome doctor. Best wishes.

  • amandac2018
    amandac2018 Member Posts: 26
    LMCRJB13 said:

    Not sure what is going on

    Not sure what is going on with the format of my last post.  I have flagged it for removal.

    Anyway - here is the post again:

    Update - surgery went very remained a robotic partial and I only lost about 3% of the left kidney.  Incisions look great and again, minimal pain...thankful for an experienced, precise surgeon!  Ended up staying in the hospital a second night though as I spiked a fever and my heart rate was high the morning after surgery.  Not sure what was going on there.  Got that under control and I went home on Wednesday.  No fever and normal heart rate apple watch lets me easily keep track of my heart rate :-)

    My doc called me today to check-in (again)...this guy is awesome - and to give me the pathology results.  Unfortunately, it's cancer, as he suspected (and me too)...this time though it’s clear cell, stage one, grade two (pT1aNx).  All in the kidney, no extension into fat, soft tissue and renal parenchyml margins negative.

    The other side was clear cell papillary, stage one, grade two.  The difference in type is certainly unusual yet not unheard-of.  My doc has treated such cases at the NCI/NIH.

    I'm now getting set up for genetic testing at Upstate Cancer Center to help get to the bottom of things.

    It seems for now I'm cancer-free (yeah!) and am now in for scans and doctor visits for life.  As I've learned here...staying vigilant and on-top of this nasty disease is that's what I'll do - one hurdle at a time. 

    Thanks again to all!


    I love hearing those words

    I love hearing those words 'cancer free'. So happy to hear your surgery was successful, and staying vigilant is certainly key. sending you healing thoughts during your recovery