One year ago today.
One year to the day, just about this time......my wife was grtting ready to undergo her partial nephrectomy on her left kidney. Trying to decide who was more scared would be hard to do. Honestly, I think it was me. I'm the worrier. I'm the guy that goes over the what if's. I'm the guy that thinks 3 steps ahead of where I'm…
Pathology. FINALLY!
After a two week wait the pathology finally came back and it seems to be good news! Carcinoma with negative margins present in a background of multiple cortical cysts Tumor size: 3.4 cm (smaller than we thought) Tumor Focality: Single Focus Histologic Grade: 2 Tumor Exension: Tumor limited to kidney Margins: All margins of…
Anyone else have a mass on an Atrophic Kidney?
My right kidney is atrophic (about half the size of the Left). The Urologist believes it's only functioning about 5%. Because the left is a little larger than average, he believes it's been that way my whole life since that only happens when the other one never really worked. Anyhow, the mass started on the lower pole of…
partial nephrectomy questions
64 year old male having partial nephrectomy next week. How bad is the after surgery pain? How long of a hospital stay did you have? If you had a drain tube how long was it kept in? WAs drain tube in side or back? How soon after surgery did they have you out of bed walking? Any responses much appreciated.
Life is busy and I’m ok with that! I have two bits of good news to share with my friends here. First, I am now officially a tenured professor! Getting tenure is incredibly exciting. However, getting a clear scan and officially moving from 3-6 months to yearly scans is even better! I hope you all are well. I may not post…
My experience
In April 2017 I discovered a small growth on my face. I went to the skin doctor to have it removed. The doctor had the growth biopsied and it came back kidney cancer. I was then refered to an oncologist. The oncologist ordered several scans of my entire body. The ct scan showed a tumor in my left kidney. In May 2017 the…
3 weeks post op. When does the pain end??
I'm 32 years old and I had a open partial nephrectomy on my right kidney. I'm a stay at home mom to my 2 yr old and also have a 5yr old. I'm still having pain above my incision site which is from mid abdomen to my flank side. Having rib, abdomen, and back pain. I'm trying not to take oxycodone but tylenol hasn't been…
Best of times, worst of times
Life has been a bit of a wild, crazy time lately and this forum, as important as it is to me, had to go on the back burner for a while. It'll take me a while to catch up, for sure. I'll start with the worst of times, we lost 3 friends in 3 weeks. Talk about grieving, my goodness, my husband and I can't remember crying so…
most effective treatment available
Nivo or votrient each morning? Maybe opioids or a bowl of sativa to soften the fear and distress? Then again several times a day prn? You gotta have enough but not too much. None of those remain as my first choice. Because I've got a better way. No script needed. No worry of an overdose. Every morning I make my way…
Eight years on CSN
On the good side I continue to be Ned and my Kidney function has improved after losing a lot of weight. I will be 75 years young this Summer and 16 years NED a week later on August 1. On the other side dealing with non Kidney heath issues and recovering from a fall last spring. Hopefully I will be able to continue for…
UTI issues after surgery
I am having issues with UTI infections. My latest urinalysis said i have Serratia marcescens. I am on one antibiitoc pill per day for a month to try and clear it up, but from what I read it doesn't reaact well to antibiotics. The symptoms are awful and I've had this for over a month now. Anyone else experience this?
A quote to share to all you lovely people x
The devil whispered in my ear “ You are not strong enough to withstand the storm” Today I whispered in the devils ear “ I am the storm ”
Finals on test results
From the 1st CT in Sept., I had the gift that kept on giving!!! Within the past two days, I got to review results of the gastroscopy and US follow-up on the mammogram. NO Cancer and come back in 3 months for a regular check. Talk about a 4 1/2 month emotional roller coaster. Besides the many visits to Dr's, the hospital…
3 weeks after open partial
every day I feel better. Every now and then I have some minor headches and backaches but I sm sure is all related to the lack of exercise. Also , I am felling some pain around the incision area and goes all the way down to my pelvis. Its not allthe time and is like a burning sensatio in my skin.My dr told is normal unless…
7 weeks since surgery
7 weeks y'all!!! And I'm on my second week back at work.. All is well and I feel wonderful! I haven't felt this good in 5 years. Fishing my first tournament this coming up Saturday. Been back in my boat the past two weekends and haven't had any issues since I started taking my multi vitamin and iron supplements. I've…
Had a painful lump come up on my throat this weekend. Swollen glands are nothing new to me, but this one is painful and seems harder then normal. Probably smaller then I'm thinking but seems huge. Going to wait a couple days. Has me a little worried.
My Mom just Had her second spinal surgery on 2/13 to the C4&5, currently in rehab & started radiation today, 5 treatments needed.She will be starting Cabo 60mg as soon as she finishes Radiation . This is her first line of treatment since diagnosis on Dec 6, besides 2 surgeries and radiation. I've read about the side…
My 6 week follow up
My follow up was good. I'm still having my right side flank pain and back pain. I'm hoping its mostly muscular. I started this morning doing some stretches and going to start yoga again. It feels like I have a gas bubble on my right side haha. I press on my lower back and I feel a sharp pain in my abdomen. I dunno, doctor…
over the counter painkillers
I have recently been diagnosed with renal cell carcinoma, luckily only 2Cm. Will be getting it removed in April. In January, I had major shoulder surgery and am now starting PT on that. After reading, I asked my GP if I should stop Acetaminophen (which I'd been taking about 3000 mg for a long time since an accident in…
Uncle NED on vacation?
So its gonna be kinda a long post so here it goes... I had my first set of post op scans on Friday coupled with my yearly mammogram and the results are in.......... My mammogram showed a cyst that we are just going to monitor and do another ultrasound in 6 months. My chest xrays and bloodwork are good. My CT scans on my…
Did anyone experience pain before diagnosis?
Hi, I'm wondering if anyone experienced pain before being diagnosed with kidney cancer. If so, can you please describe the pain and where you felt it? Thanks so much.
Opinions about Scan Frequency
My husband just had another set of 3 month scans and they were NED. It will be a year tomorrow since he had his kidney removed. It was stage 3 due to one area of microscopic outer fat invasion, no other areas contained cancer. The doctor was ultimately able to achieve a large clear margin with a radical nephrectomy. His…
I continue to fight my fight with 4th stage kidney cancer plus initially extensive bone mets. I have never had a comprised kidney function, or had an actual kidney tumor. Only extenstive bones mets that bioposied at kidney cancer which ofcourse if unique. I used Sutent, and an immunatherapy over the course of the first…
Checking In
Sorry for the long delay in posting. I know how important these posts are for all that have had the unfortunate need to seek out this website. As an update, I am still working full time and I am at the 6 year stage 4 RCC mile marker. Still on 800mg of Votrient daily. Medicine has kept my lung nodules relatively steady yet…
Question in regards to pathologic stage
Hey there! I found my pathology report and it said rcc stage 1 grade 2 T1a and NX. I was wondering if anyone had some info on "NX".. I know it means lymph nodes cannot be assessed. Is that because my lovely tumor wasn't near a lymph node or they just didn't biopsy it. Or however it works. I was just curious. . Thank you!…
Newbie 1.3cm CCRCC? Wait? Biopsy? Get 3rd opinion?
Dear all, Firstly, thank you all for your candor and gentleness on this forum. Through the past weeks I've been using the forum to help me make decisions, especially on a doc who I had my first consult with two days ago. Need advice and information from you all, as I believe you are experts just as the doctors are in this…
The mountains.
I'm going to the mountains this weekend with my family. I'm very happy. This is my healing place. Clean air, cold streams maybe a bear or two. Maybe a beer or two. Clear my mind on a mindless trail and nothing else will matter.
Scans this morning
Going to get my first set of scans since PLN in November. I pray all is well- NED please! A little nervous, could not sleep well. Starting over on my deductible. How does everyone pay all the Bills that go along with this ride? It always trying to get at me- mentality , emotionally, financially--WOW ALWAYS something ! I am…
New here...in pain and worried.
Good morning everyone, In January of 2017, an incidental 'mass' was found during a CT for abdominal pain. It measured 9mm in the right renal pelvis. It was noted as hypodense, Hounsfield 22, and NOT a simple cyst. The urologist stated that although it was in a 'bad place', he just wanted to follow it unless I started to…
Shook up a little- 4mm nodule
I received my 3 month scan report. Urologist states no evidence of spread but I do have a 4mm nodule on my lung that the report says does not require any follow up? I'M LOST...Base line scan's CT of Pelvis and abdomen and xray of chest..I did not get the xray yet and this soot was found on what little part of my lung was…