my recent obsevations/thoughts
As sick as I get on occaision, it's incredible what I can tolerate. I'm still here despite some serious hits. I have gotten pretty damn good at identifying variances from my new normal and making adjustments so things do not get acutely out of control. Every day I need to adjust BP meds. I bottom out often but go off the…
Catheter Question
I've had surgeries, but never needed a catheter. Are they put in under sedation? After I'm knocked out for surgery? Before with drugs? Or before without? Just curious as to how this works. Thanks!!
Red spots
After my surgery I have noticed some red spots in my pee. It's that normal? Please advice
updated * New spinal Mets stage IV Clear cell & Cabo
Hi All, My Mom was diagnosed with stage IV Clear cell on Dec 5th. She had bone mets to spine left rib & hips.Jan 30th she finished her radiation ,15 treatments. For the past couple of weeks she’s had stiff neck and shoulder pain & now pain on her right side /rib cage. These were not areas that were treated. Could this…
Grade 2 clean margins
After my open partial left nefhro, they reomve a turmor with type 2 cancer, the dr told she reomved all . Also she mentioned somehing about clean margins Ok i was half sleep when she told me this and she is coming back today to give a better explanation do anybody knows what does she mean?
So they did my csytoscopy on the 8th. Everything with my bladder looks good but there is still blood in my urine. They thought I had a UTI and I don't know about ya'll but when I have UTI I KNOW I have one before I ever go to the doctor. I never felt like I had one. After the antibiotics I went back and there is still…
I'm a newbie ...
What is NED? I see it in different posts and don't know what it means haha Thanks, Stephanie
3 weeks post-op yesterday
3 weeks post-op yesterday. Went to surgeon for check up. Scheduled CT scan mid-May to make sure right kidney is healing and working properly as well as to see what the tumor on my left side is doing. Growing means another surgery asap. No to little change, we will discuss best option. Still on pain meds 2x per 24 hrs, so,…
Pins and Needles
I had an open partial of my right kidney on 1/26. My incision is healing up nicely, but sore. I knew I would have nerve issues at the incision. My question is about my right thigh. From my hip to my knee, it feels like my leg is falling asleep. Pins and needles feeling. Sounds like possible nerve compression. Anyone…
So I have had a couple of people say to me.. you know cancer runs in three's... I have never heard this but I have to tell you now that I have had kidney cancer and now skin cancer... I am kinda concerned. I do have my first scans in two weeks but would those scans pick up anything else that might be lurking?? Cin
3 weeks post op
Just wanted to update my situation in hopes that it may help Future robotic partial patients after surgery. So, I'm 3 weeks and 4 days post op and I'm nearly back to normal strength. I do get tired very easy I've noticed. I've driven by myself several times and did a two hour solo round trip yesterday. I feel pretty good…
Denied cat scan
I had scans every 6 months for two years, so I had the one that diagnosed it then one I think a month after my neph and then I had them every six months, so I had 6 total up to that point. then we went to every year. I had that first yearly scan last year. I was supposed to have my yearly scan next week but Aetna refused…
Happy Birthday you have cancer
yea, if you can tell by the title I was diagnosed on January 2nd which was my 43rd birthday. Long story short I had a hysterectomy on Dec. 20th. They did a CT scan on Jan. 2nd and informed me of a mass on my left Kidney. I have now seen 2 urologists (didnt care for the first guy at all) and now waiting on a follow up…
Translocation renal cell?
I am 30 years old. Got diagnosed with kidney cancer during my pregnancy. I am two weeks post op From partial nephrectomy. We were thinking clear cell the whole time. Pathology sent The tumor to MD Anderson because the pathologist locally couldn’t determine between papillary cell or translocation. Based off what I’ve seen…
The weekend
So I have decided to put on my dancing shoes tonight and have gathered a bunch of my friends and my oldest daughter and son in law to go with me and my husband for a night on the town! Now if you could see the town I live in you would laugh because it is so small..however it should be a good time. Time to let go of some of…
Surgery ==Monday
Well, my sugery will be monday and I have had some ups and downs. Today I felt, physically, great..even I played soccer for 2 hour . The problem starts when I have time to think....What's going to happen next monday ?? My tumor is 5.1 cms and I have ZERO symptons. It was discovery by accident . All my analisys came back…
Anyone with papillary type 2
Hi is there anyone with papillary type 2 with stage 1 and NED for more than 5 years Thanks
Ok so I had my left kidney removed 9 weeks ago but for the last two weeks or so I have had a pain in my ribs/Back on right side. Went to the Dr she said I had a rib out. However the pain is lower now and located on my side at the bottom of my ribcage. When you run your hand firmly across it the feeling is very bumpy under…
Nerve Pain
I had my surgical wedge biopsy a month ago today, and I still have some risidual nerve pain. Saw surgeon last week and he said it looks normal to him and that this is just part of the process - says some people it goes away faster than others. (It was a lung biopsy, so they went in through my right side, just below the…
Oh gosh
So Appt at dermotology today resulted in a biopsy to the nose that hurt like a bad word! Sent off for pathology but Dr is pretty confident its Basal Cell. Oh man..... also I actually printed off my pathology report on my kidney tumor and here is what it says pT2B grade 3 Tumor 13.3 cm Confined to kidney No capsular…
Second surgery complete - pathology back
Next up - robotic partial left nephrectomy on 1/22/18. Had abdominal and pelvis CT last week...NED. Blood work and urine both normal...good stuff right there. The mass on the left kidney is still not enhancing fully with IV contrast. It's measuring just under 2cm and there's a chance that it's not cancer. Doc said if I was…
I have been hearing a lot about adding tumeric to my diet. Is this safe with one kidney? Also I am considering acupuncture for my anxiety.. anyone have any experience on this?
Abunai update
I should have thought of having just one thread for myself to keep updated as my journey progressed, but I must have had other things on my mind when I first joined this forum. After being dxed in Sept. of 2016, I had a radical nephrectomy to remove an 11.5 cm tumor on my left kidney. Several other mets were missed and/or…
Frankinscense ??
Has anyone used frankinscense oil for a supplement to help fight recurrence, or as treatment. I have read it has some benefits. Any thoughts?
RCC Recurrence Prevention? Is there one?
Hi! Dear All, This is the most important question and most of us looking for it. After spending hours and reading on the internet and others resources. At this moment, the only positive diet is low carbs + plant based diet and which is almost similar ketogenic diet might able to prevent or delay recurrence. But somehow it…
How to switch off your brain
Hi everyone I had my LPN in September 2017 The operation went well and my pathology was very good as it was a 4.4 cm chromophobe renal carnicoma stage 1b with complete excision and a 5 mm positive margin However the past two months I have suffered continually with headaches, dizziness, swelling in the hands and fingers…
One and a half years today since partial nephrectomy on my solitary kidney. Took my wife for a meal at a very nice place. How would I have borne all this without my Sweetie? Thank God for all those who have walked alongside us through it all. I hope you have those people in your lives. Take care everyone.
Large kidney cyst.
Hello everybody, im new here. 32 years old. Im sorry in advanc if my english is bad. So here is my story. About two years ago i had pain on my left banc side under the ribs. Flank pain. I was lifting weights so i thought is related to exercise. I went to my gp and soon i made my first abdominal ultrasound. This showed…
One Step Back
Well...that didn't work out as I had planned lol! I thought I was ready to go back to work at 7 wks out from surgery. I lasted until last Saturday then had to call it quits. Sure, I still get sore in the area around my largest incision, but it was the mental thing I wasn't prepared for. My job is beyond stressful and I…
Kidney Lession
Hi, I am very concerned with a CT with this impression: ” small low attenuatiion left kidney lession towards the lower pole with mild enhancement measuring 3cm”. Dr. was not so happy and I need to wait a week for an MRI.