Post-op questions - update after oncologist
Its been 2 and a half weeks since my nephrectomy. My blood work at that time was showing some signs of malnutrition because of a still undiagnosed problem causing weight loss. But, I got a call today from the urologist office that my latest blood work shows possible decline in kidney and liver function. I have to stop ALL…
Surgery things to consider
Just reading my husband's radiology report and it seems all of the mets they found are at surgical ports. He had radical Nephrectomy Jan 2010 for 10.5 cm RCC performed Laparoscopic surgery with one big abdominal incision at the end to remove the kidney.Since the cancer was not in the lymph nodes I think all the spreading…
Genetics, Cancer, and our kids
I am just curious how others handle this: Talking to your children about the specific risk of cancer. As I have posted before, on April 30, a CT Scan checking for the cause of my abdominal pain (cause was probably gas) found a 6 cm mass on my right kidney. The kidney and tumor were removed 6 weeks later, and it was a Stage…
Another new member
Hi, just thought I would introduce myself. I just found this site. I was diagnosed with Renal Cell Carcinoma in early April and had surgery at the end of April. Everything went well as far as that goes. The alien autopsy as I call it did not go as well. I had a 7.5 cm growth that extended into the fatty tissue but not out…
Does anyone know anything abot this trial- IMA901 in Patients Receiving Sunitinib?
Hi, I am new here. My husband was diagnosed with stage IIIA clear cell RCC in 2010.He had nephrectomy on his right kidney and there were no mets in the lymph nodes. This month the CT scan found 3 distant metastasis- in his abdomen, near his liver and in the removed kidney cavity. We are still waiting on results of his…
Cyst in normal kidney
I had a partial nephrectomy on 6/18/12. I am now cancer free :) . When they did the ultra sound, they discovered the cyst in my left kidney and a mass on my right kidney. Was more concerned about the cancer so I never asked about the cyst, don't even know how big it is. I'm guessing that the cyst won't turn malignant, but…
New here.Need some advise.
I posted our story on a different post, but short version is - my husband was stage 3 RCC and after 2.5 years cancer reoccurred with 3 distant metastasis in the abdomen.He had chest CT Thursday, but his oncologist never called with the results. It seems we have to wait until his visit on 8/15 to find out if there is…
Grapefruit-sized mass found - contrast CT scheduled for Monday
So, my 44-year old DH went in for a chest x-ray due to recurrent (4+ mos) cough on Thursday. They scheduled a follow-up chest CT on Friday due to some minor atelectasis. Chest CT showed no cancer in the lung but showed a grapefruit sized mass in the vicinity of his kidney and adrenal gland. Dr. said that the mass was…
regarding renal vein/artery
I posted this a while on another thread as I need some help for someone though i'm not the patient. Few basic details of the person with RCC : stage 1, tumor size 4.8, clear cell, grade 2, location: mid-pole I need a few more info regarding the CT scan details which are as follows: What do you mean by: "The main renal…
Wondering if MedScanMan is still on duty? :o)
I've been reading your posts and it seems that you are going to be very popular around here! Thanks for giving your time to answer so many questions. If you have time I was wondering if you might define a few terms for me. I am scheduled to have my right kidney removed on August 20th and I am curious about a few of the…
Metastic RCC in the lungs and brain
My mom was diagnosed with RCC in April and had her kidney removed. A few scans later, tumors have been discovered covering her lungs. Monday an MRI revealed cancer has spread to her brain also. She is currently on Sutent and started her radiation today. Anyone with any guidance?
Stage IV Clear Cell Carcinoma with Sarcomatoid and Rhabdoid Features
My husband had a 12cm mass and his kidney removed last week. We haven't been back for follow up yet but saw on the discharge summary where it is a grade 4 with 30% Sarcomatoid features and 40% Rhabdoid features. Can anyone tell me a little bit about what this means? Thanks
Mass Detected - Update - Opinions Needed
Hello again, We met today with a surgical oncologist here at Michigan Urological It was a very good meeting and the Dr. was very open and answered all of our questions. The good: 1. The Dr. feels strongly that my wife's tumor has been caught early enough. Again, this was discovered during an exit ultrasound after a stone…
'Sub-Type' RCC ??
I've recently been reading several posts where people are listing a 'Sub-Type' RCC. Do all RCC's have a sub-type? I've recently had a full and my path report came back Stage 1, Grade 1, but no sub-type. I asked my Dr about this yesterday and he didn't indicate there was one. Thoughts?
information required urgently regarding stage 1 kidney cancer
hello to all. i need some information regarding RCC and thus i joined this forum because i couldn't find any other better place. I'm not the patient but I want to ask for him. The person has got Conventional clear cell RCC stage 1, grade 2 localized to kidney 4.8cm (to greatest dia), no renal vein lymph spread nothing.…
has anyone had a RF ablation of their renal mass?
Hello has anyone had a RF ablation of their renal mass? If so can you tell me if it has worked out well for you so far?
One year ago today, 27 July 2011
One year ago today, God gave me a gift of a kidney stone. Sort of an odd gift except had it not been for that stone, we would not have found the mass on my left kidney until it had spread to other organs. Since we found it when we did, I only lost a part of that kidney and am now cancer free.
tanks to all........al little venting tonight
Firstly, thank you all for your selfless sharing of your knowledge, experience and encouragement. With your support and armed with lots of research I feel confident about prognosis of localized 2cm tumours in my left amd the credibility of the urologic oncologist I have been referred to. My consult is tomorrow morniong,…
Progress in RCC treatment
More evidence here: http://www.cancernetwork.com/rcc/content/article/10165/2044903
Residual pain....
I had full RN surgery on 07/17/12. I've been doing very well since. Very little unmanageable pain. I was off all pain meds by the afternoon of 07/18/12 & home by 07/19/12. I have developed a new area of 'shooting' pain away from the incision site, which isn't a constant occurrence, but only when I move certain ways, get…
Collecting Duct Carcinoma
Hi all, would like to know if there is anyone out there who has had any experience with Collecting duct carcinoma a rare kidney cancer. My younger sister Ngaio Rose Marie was diagnosed with it in Nov 2009 and by all reports the outlook is not good. She may be stage 3 or 4 am not sure, she has been in hospital for over a…
Trying to find out the odds of getting cancer in the other kidney
Six weeks ago, my right kidney was removed with a 6 cm Stage 1B grade 4 RCC. I am convinced that for me, the cancer is genetic, as my father had RCC, and his dad died of RCC. As all of the genetic markers have not been identified, the genetic testing I have had may or may not give insight into the gene. My concern is…
I am new here. I wasn't sure where to post.
Hi, I lost my dad to cancer in April of this year. Although, I am 28 with a family of my own I have a hard time every now and then. My husband is great at comforting me. Work and hobbies keep me occupied. (I am a nurse and love what I do.) These past two days have been hard.. I've been thinking a lot about my dad and its…
Post surgery questions
I had a Radical of my right kidney this past Tuesday. - It was Stage-1, 6.2cm - many MRI's, CT's, Bone Scans were done prior to surgery to determine whether there was ANY spreading. From what they could see, there was none. Preliminary pathology, from what I was told by the dr, is a non-aggressive type. Not sure how long…
Things your Surgeon may not tell you
Depression can hit hard after a few days you will be asked to pass gas or have a bowel movement regardless of how much it hurts lying on your side (either one) may be a thing of the past for a long time sleep will elude you random pain will make appearances you may feel as if they put something in and not taken it out you…
advice about Biopsy needed
I have been impatiently waiting for an appointment with the oncologist. Today I got a voice message advising that the oncologist has ordered a biopsy before the consult. I am confused. Is it not proper to provide a patient with options and to discuss the risks? I have read on many sites that biopsies are not standard…
The journey ends
I want to start by thanking every single one of you who have offered me hope and advice during these past months. I had to take my mom to the emergency room last Thursday and they found she had a rupture in her bowel system. It is not healing itself and they do not believe she could survive and/or recover from another…
Cryoablation of small tumor
After a rough first night I feel a lot better after the cryoablation of a small tumor in my remaining right kidney.. Still a little sore in the treatment area and from the nausea from the first night. Hope to be fully recovered in a couple of more days. Will have a complete kidney evaluation in four to six weeks. There are…
Is this crazy?
I was scheduled for a partial nephrectomy July 31, 2012. MRI disc was brought to my first appt with top doc in Phila area on July 6th. He quickly read MRI and said he felt it was a solid mass and no further MRI was necessary (I had it done local to my home)...BUT he said his radiology department would read disc and file a…
Life Changing
Hello, I am a 48 year old female who had a abdominal ultra sound for gallbladder pain and a kidney lesion was discovered. Followed up with a CT scan w/ and without contrast...still not sure if its solid....MRI confirmed solid renal mass 2.1cm. I immediately researched RCC and top docs/hospitals in the Philadelphia area. I…