My Scan
I had my first scan today.. (three months after my surgery). I have been so anxious about it forever so I was a bit disappointed that no one could give me any answers today. I was told, "you have an appointment with your urologist on the 30th and he will talk to you then" WHAT??? Im not waiting till the 30th to find out my…
Blood Pressure and KC
As you know my RCC was discovered as a result of investigating BP variances over the last 6-7 months. I met with my cardiologist today, who continues to monitor my BP and cardiac performance. He is confident that my BP will be better regulated and even return to normal once the tumour is removed. Good news is my Heart rate…
How to deal with cancer
A couple of good reads here. The first is sage advice for both cansurvivors and caregivers. The second is a brief but to-the-point indictment of our conduct of the battle against cancer on the national (and world-wide) scale.…
Need Dr. referal in Atl area
Hi, I'm new to the network. I had an open partial nephrectomy on my left kidney 4 weeks ago, and am in need of some help that I hope fellow survivors can offer. My surgery went well, but I need to find someone in the North Atlanta area for follow up. My doctor neglected to tell me of a study he is conducting on pain…
Chewing the cud-from an older study
At the time of Dx in 2006, I assembled a volume of information about the new topic in my life-Kidney Cancer and surviving. Recently, I was purging some of it, and refiling monographs and items to retain. I came across an article co-authored by my urologic/oncologist/surgical specialist when he was at UCLA, "CA-A Cancer…
2 primary cancers, very confused
Hello! My uncle has been diagnosed 2 weeks ago with stage 2 nasopharyngeal cancer, poorly differentiated, Stage 2. A routine ultrasound was done 5 days ago and they incidentally found a 6x 5 cms solid mass on his right kidney. His oncologist told us that this could be a different cancer and most probably not a mets. So…
To RCC survivors & families: your input appreciated
I’ve been a lurker here starting 25 days ago when my DH received the report from an MRI (for an unrelated issue) that a 3.6 cm mass on right kidney was “suspicious for RCC.” The rest of the MRI was “unremarkable.” Since then, the following has happened and I could use some input: DH was referred by his GP to a prominent…
Mr Scanman give me a wink please
Hi mr. Scanman just a quik question about the different types of contrast,i am wondering how many types there are and if any are less binding to our organs making them easier for our lone kidney to flush out,thank you and i look forward to hearing from you.
side indintation anyone?
this is my first post ever so if this sounds wierd or is in the wrong spot sorry... anyways hi im 22F, i had wilms turmor stage 3-4 when i was 3yrs old. i survived with out having cancer again. i want to know if there is anyone else who like me has a very large indentation where their kidney used to be. ive never seen…
Info on Mucomist/Acetylcyst dosing
When I saw my internist earlier this week, we were discussing the frequency and types of CT and/or Ultrasounds& Xray. Yes, I have pre and post hydration-very necessary to flush the contrast dye thru the remaining kidney. He then asked about mucomist and I said that has been prescribed for the day before and the morning of…
Surgery story and post surgical pains, please share!
Hey every one, I just wanted to share my experience with a partial nephrectomy. Surgery at Mayo in late October. Open insicion because of location of tumor. The pain was unbearable two to three weeks after.I had an infection and kidney stones a month later and it was very painfull and scary. I am finally back to work as a…
Blood test could guide treatment for kidney cancer
A potentially valuable new development - typically, with this disease, apparently come up with by chance, while looking for something else! http://www.dukehealth.org/health_library/news/blood-test-could-guide-treatment-for-kidney-cancer
On a Happy note....
Introducing my new grandson (Declan joseph) born on August 14th at 9:53am .. 6lb 7oz & 18/4 inches long.. it was love at first sight!!!!! I am down in Philly with my daugher and son-in-law and new grandson as I type.. I dont want to leave but I have to.. 4 hour drive back to my home. I have my first cat scan on Wednesday…
Mdx/ sutent trial
I finally get to start the mdx 1106 / sutent trial in the morning. I've been waiting to get the opportunity to try this since march, but have been held up by several things. The trial was delayed by 16 weeks longer than expected start date. Then my cancer went into my thigh and surgury was done, they inserted a rod for…
Kidney function....or is it time to get a new Dr?
I am two months out from a radical nephectomy. Before the surgery, my creatinine was .85. I went is for my standard three month blood test (A1c, cholesterol and panel). the good news is my A1C dropped disgnicantly, from 7.1 to 5.7 (and my weight dropped 30 lbs). But he was very concerned about my Creatinine level. It was…
Good Test Results
I can't brag about a new grandson, but my most recent Dr. appt and test results were good. My internist has now stretched his appointments to 6 months from every 4. But still do oncologist and his tests every 3 months. Anyway...Liver function OK-with only 1/2 to function. The one kidney doing well; Creatinine was 1.5 and…
Yet another Newbie
Hello everyone, I first wanted to thank you all for your help, I have been circling your boards for about 3 weeks now and all the information that you discuss has been very inspiring and has made my short journey thus far easier to deal with. A quick little background. I was sent for an ultrasound to find out why I was…
Nephrologist appointment
I had my first, post-surgery Nephrologist appointment this morning ( FULL NEPH 07/17/12 ). My latest bloodwork showed a GFR of 67. He said that for a 50 y/o male that number isn't much lower than someone with 2 kidneys. Is this right? He gave me NO limitations. I can take aspirin, too. He said a high protein diet to lose…
Changing Dr's....and when is it malpractice?
I am really venting here. I have been with the same primary care physician for 14 years. About 8 years ago, I mentioned my concern about kidney cancer: my dad had it, and my paternal grandfather died of it. My physician basically said, you have no other risk factors, and dropped it. Three months ago, a tumor was found…
How long before back to normal after kidney removal
My husband was diagnosed with kidney cancer from an MRI of his back following a car accident. He had no symptoms and it was fully contained. However, he is now always exhausted. He is 58 and the surgery was done on March 15. Before this, he was unstoppable. I am 46 and he had twice my energy level. I am not sure if the…
Diag. 10/2011 t2a,n1,m1 Finishing 3rd round Sutent 8/17
Been gone awhile from here.Feeling good but still trying to come to terms with all of this. Just finishing up my Sutent and preparing for PET Scan..Bone Scan and what ever else scan! Been rough at times.Except for my dog,I live alone. Family is 800 miles away in Tacoma,Wa. I had to stop taking my meds. on Friday due to the…
Recovering from radical nephrectomy
Male, 55 years old. Had my left kidney removed on 7/24/12 withy 9.5 cm tumor and am doing very well. It was the "larger" surgery where there was a big incision and doctor had to remove part of a rib. I am, however, doing quite well. In fact, only a week and a day later I returned to work (desk job) and had very little…
Is anyone on the western side of The Pond following the Olympics? If so, what do you think of our show? How have we done? Are you enjoying it? All of us on these threads can do with all the feel-good factors we can find. I've had some real highs watching the sports I used to most enjoy competing in - weight-lifting, rowing…
Pazopanib vs Placebo 54 week study
Anyone else in the Pazopanib 54 week study. I am sure I am doing the right thing by entering the study. At least I am being watched closely. I have not had any real side affects so does that mean I am on the placebo? My husband seems to think that just because there are side affects it doesnt mean I will have them.…
scared for husband need help!!! collecting duct cacinoma mets to lungs...
my husband was diagnozed with collecting duct cacinoma on his kidney which now mets to his lungs a few weeks ago...they took out his left kidney and the tumor that was attached to it about 2 months ago...he should be starting VOTRIENT soon...to get rid of the mets...anyone useing this drug? and how is it going? i would…
I had a question for the experienced folks on this site. I have Kaiser Hospital insurance and they have been great on keeping me informed and I love my doctor. My question is my doctor is an Urologist and is continuing to follow me after my surgery for the next five years. Should I be followed by an Oncologist for future…
BMS93558* Votrient trial (formerly MDX 1106) John's 12 week scan
I went with John to his doctor’s appointment yesterday and I brought up his thyroid/medication levels and questioned his need to stay on those meds. The oncologist agreed it was reasonable “to stop the medication for six weeks and see where we are at that time.” So John has one less drug to take for now. He also had a CT…
Pfizer/ Torisel Drug Trial - Update
Opinions needed re: Sutent, Back Pain, Neck Pain...
Hi, friends. Brief History: Male. 42 years old. Diagnosed mRCC April, 2012. Left radical nephrectomy with adrenal gland, partial spleen and 12 lymph nodes removed via laproscopic/robotic surgery May, 2012. Mets in lungs and elsewhere... On to my question: I'm on day 18 of my first cycle of Sutent, 50mg. Overall I've been…
Inlyta (axitinib) roll call
Who here has taken or is taking Inlyta? What were your prior treatments? What strength dose are you taking and how are the side effects? I had taken Sutent for 10 months and everything in my lungs had disappeared or diminished. In late June, my scan showed that 2 nodules had started growing again. On July 5th I started…