pathology report
Hi 12 days after right kidney removal waited these days for pathology report and my doctor calls and postponeds the follow up visit until next week !She wants a second opinion on the pathology report??
1 week post laproscopic partial nephrectomy
Just had surgery last Thursday and am questioning pain? I had a laparoscopic partial nephrectomy last Thursday. The surgeon Had some trouble controlling the bleeding and had to "open me up" To reach in and stop it. Leaving me with an additional 4" incision across my upper Abdomen. I was released after a couple days in the…
Hi All, I first joined this page in Dec 2011 when my mother was diagnosed with Kidney Cancer. My mother had her right kidney removed in December 2011. The tumor was pretty large about the size of a football according to her doctor 11cm in one dimension 20cm in the other, it was also protruding against the liver. My Mom has…
Hello Everybody, I hoping that all the great RCC survivors on this board can offer me some help, advice or just a discussion board to cry on. :) I am a 39 yr. old wife, and a mother to three children (21, 14, 10). Back in February I went to the ER for a pain on my right side. I had the pain for about a week, but it would…
MDX-1106 Part 4
OK, here we go. Brief refresher. Radical nephrectomy in March 2011. By winter mets were in lungs, liver, spine and pelvis. Qualified for and began MDX-1106 at maximum dosage of 10 mg/kg of weight. I had a rapid response with healing in my bones, and liver. Lungs have demonstrated reduction in tumors from reported dozen to…
NED - my first follow-up scan!
I had my first 6 month follow-up scan today after a partial nephrectomy in December. Everything looked great, a great big NED. I'm really happy and relieved! The only bummer of the day was learning that my doctor is leaving the university. I'm really sad about that. But now it's time to celebrate, take a deep breath, and…
First Follow-up Scan
I am preparing for my first follow-up CT scan after having a right, radical nephrectomy on March 1, 2012. I've been feeling a little anxious, and worried. After being a smoker for 25 years( I've quit now for 4 months) I'm afraid they will find it in my lungs. Also, the past couple of weeks I've been having problems with my…
scared to death!
I have a history of stones in urinary bladder (detected when I was in the 7th Grade) followed by frequent occurances of stones in the right and left kidneys. Have taken a treatment for both. The stone in the bladder went away but the kidney stones keep coming back. From 3 or 4 months, I experience pain in my thighs, both…
Surgery in two weeks...finally can see the end
On May 1, I heard those dreaded words that have changed my life: the CT scan shows a 6 cm mass on your kidney. I knew what it meant. I did not know anything about Renal Cell Carcinoma then, but my assumption was it comes out immediately. Dr felt differently, and medical research supports the doctor. This will be the first…
Affordable Health Care
Today a major hurdle was jumped over towards allowing all Americans Affordable Heath Care. Having been on Medicare for exactly 4 years as of July 1, 2012, I will not be effected by this new law. However it will allow many millions of Americans to obtain insurance coverage and more importantly for our group will assist…
Making life altering decisions
Hello everyone, I’m having a nephrectomy in 2 weeks. This experience has me reassessing priorities and I wondered if anyone else did the same and made significant changes in their lives. I’m considering whether to make a permanent move to the town where my sisters live because we have been getting closer and I’m pretty…
God intervened
My wife, in 2006, shortly after going through hurricane Katrina down here in Biloxi, Ms, had knee surgery. Apparently, they cut a nerve (the surgery itself was perfect) and did an echo gram to try and find the cause and fix the problem of her "drop foot" condition because of the cut nerve. When they did the echogram, they…
keeping the faith
im speaking on behalf of my husband he wanted me to do update. doctors gave him a few weeks we have since gotten hospice and they seems to be doing ok just so much to think about now he is starting to have lot of back and chest pain but other than that he is doing so so found two new tumors this morning they are totally…
An article on prognoses.
I found this out on the web Tumor growth is unpredictable. A recent questioned posed was, “at what speed do tumors grow? “First let us discuss tumors, not all tumors are the same, a mass is different from a met, a legion different from a tumor and so on. Yes they are all similar, but they have different names because they…
The Top 10 Reasons I’m Glad I Was Diagnosed with Kidney Cancer in 2011
I am going to speak as the honorary survivor at our local Relay for Life. As I work on my talk, I thought you all might appreciate my closing Top Ten list: 1. The lesson in humility 2. A two month ‘vacation’ from work 3. The modern technology that caught my cancer early 4. Being diagnosed at a time when research and body…
Adult Wilms Tumor
Hi. I am a 29 yr old currently going thru treatment for Wilm's Tumor. Until my diagnosis six months ago I knew nothing about Wilms but have to come to know that this is primarily only found in young children. I was wondering if there was anyone else that has had Wilms as an adult?
counting down the days til surgery
In 10 days I am going to be at Fox Chase Cancer Center getting a partial nephrectomy laprascopically from the back. They're doing it that way because of all the scar tissue from previous surgeries. I don't know what to expect because I have not found any information on this procedure. I am really curious about how much…
Help- Question on Next Steps
Respect this board and her members and have learned a lot. Have a question- Dad 78 years old. RCC in September 2008. Stage 3/4. Went on trial with Sutent for a year in a Phase II trial. RCC pops back up January 2011 in same spot- and removed. Some small spots in lung. RCC back in leg bone in May 2011 and rod is placed and…
Pathology report
I had a laproscopic nephrectomy to remove a 5.5cm tumor on my left kidney almost 5 weeks ago. At my first visit, my doctor told me that I was cancer free. He never showed me the pathology report or even discussed it. I was wondering if you all received a copy of your pathology report. I keep reading about the stage/grade…
The view from the other side
I went in for a radical nephrectomy on the 19th. Before that, my thoughts were on the big things...Cancer, what if it returns, etc. In the mid to late afternoon on the 19th, I woke up. I did not know where I was or what had happened to me. I was quickly told by (I guess) a nurse that I had surgery and am in the Fairfax…
How do you know if a kidney is functioning?
After my husband’s open partial surgery last week, the doctor said, on day two, it appeared the kidney was functioning. I assumed this was determined due to the blood test results. Then my Mom asked me “how do they know if it is functioning and not the other one?” Then I wasn’t sure. If one can live normally with one…
My Path Results
Re: BMS93558* Votrient trial (*formerly MDX1106) Active dose question?
Re: BMS93558* Votrient trial (*formerly MDX1106) http://clinicaltrials.gov/show/NCT01472081 In meeting with John's Dr. yesterday, he stated John was on the "active dose" in trial. I made a mental note to go back to that and ask what was meant by "active dose" but in the flurry of so much info being shared, I lost track.…
Dont know how to do away with cancer
I contacted kidney cancer several years ago.however,the disease has become worse,and in our country there is no support offered,please advice.
Dont know how to do away with cancer
I contacted kidney cancer several years ago.however,the disease has become worse,and in our country there is no support offered,please advice.
Votrient and other RCC Procedures - scared family with questions
Hello, My husband was diagnosed with stage IV renal cell carcinoma four months ago. We have two children and this has been a traumatic time. As I am sure many people on this forum can understand, we are facing losing husband (and best friend), father, and our home. Since his diagnosis he has had brain surgery to remove a…
4 weeks into recovery
Hi Everybody, I had a laproscopic nephectromy on my left kidney. I'm four weeks into recovery and I felt like I was doing pretty good, but 3 days ago I started to get a pain close to the incision site. Now it feels like a hard ball inside of me. Is that normal? I contacted pneumonia while in the hospital and I coughed so…
MDX/Votrient and MDX/Sutent trial expansion
Met with John's Dr. today. We had several questions and he sat with us for some time. While talking about the MDX/Votrient and MDX/Sutent trial, we talked about the promise of early results. He stated that the trial is being expanded; will probably be in August. This expansion will only take kidney cancer patients who have…
Doing something for yourself.
I'll steal this thought from Iceman. ( something about vacations) Who here is not scared? Reality check..... Point is, recover and put yourself in a position to do something for yourself. Most of us have and still place our families, jobs, and responsibilities far ahead of our own needs..... Now, some call it a bucket…
Scans all clear
Sorry for the delay in getting the good news posted but right after my series of 6 month scans my husband and I left for a week at Myrtle Beach, SC. I got all my results this past Monday (18th) and everything is good. Thanks for all the prayers..... they were answered. Love you guys!!!