Nephrectomy tomorrow - path report confirmed cancer
Hello everyone As you could tell from my previous posts, I was on a panicky emotional rollercoaster the first few weeks but things have calmed down a lot. I am having a nephrectomy in the morning. I feel good about my decisions on the hospital and surgeon so expect all to go well. I will update you in a few days Kathy
Lurker with thank yous
I just wanted to say thanks to those of you who have shared your experiences here. It has made the last few months much better for me. I had a robotic partial a little over a week ago and am battling the boredom and the wait for the pathology report now. I will be going in next week for the report and get the staples…
MDX-1106 part 5
Well here we go. I was very anxious going to treatment today. Afraid that I was no longer responding because of the pain I've had in my back and ribs.....First a quick refresher...Left radical nephrectomy March 2011. By October mets in lungs, liver lymph nodes. Told I might not make it to spring 2012. I started being…
Post RF ablation 3yrs out ,they say its back..What , I was told it was Benign?
Hello all I joined the discussion group about a week ago and I have to say I have been supported and educated more in this week then I have been in 3yrs since my dx: Solid R Renal mass 1.5 cm in May 2009. I remember that Friday afternoon when the doctor said Suki " You most likely have Kidney Cancer" I was 45 yrs old and…
New Member - Very Scared
Hi, all. I was diagnosed with Stage IV RCC a couple of months ago and had my left kidney, adrenal gland and 15 or so lymph nodes removed 6 weeks ago. I also have metastatic disease in my lungs and a possible node in my other kidney. I'm starting Sutent today and frankly I am scared out of my mind. I'm 42 years old with two…
Forks Over Knives and Dr. David Servan-Schreiber
I just wanted to say thanks to whomever gave out the information about the Forks Over Knives documentary. I can't remember who started that conversation. (Sorry.) That DVD was awesome and very eye opening. I recommend it to anyone who has or has had cancer or for anyone who cares for someone who does. It really gave me a…
Just found this site
I am a 50 y/o female who was diagnosed with kidney cancer through a yearly physical(very lucky). I had a partial removal of a two centimeter tumor in my kidney through robotics. I am almost 5weeks out. Recovery has gone very well, but in the last few days I have been so exhausted, feeling like I could sleep all the time.…
My first scan question
Hello everyone. I havent posted in a while but now I have a question about scans. I had a full left robotic assisted nephrectomy in April for RCC. stage 2 grade 1. My urologist has scheduled me for a lower body scan on July 23rd. My oncologist has also scheduled me for one on Oct 5th. Im not sure if I should have them so…
Seeking guidance reg treatment after nephrectomy
Dear All I had been reading posts on this discussion board since last 4-5 days and believe me, I have got connected with all of you. I am getting so much inspiration and strength, after reading all positive thoughts of yours. Can somebody please tell me, whether MDX 1106 and Votrient are same or different drugs. How do you…
still here
Just to update on my hubby .Dr's said few weeks, Really dont know what a few weeks are but been with Hospice now 6 weeks and that to me accounts for something.He is still fighting but the way the doctors talk he should have been gone by now so I guess the good Lord still has a plan for him I check in on everyone from time…
hi I'm 11 days out from right Kidney removal hope to get some diet ideas
Wilms and Lung nodules
Lung nodules .... what causes them in a 9 or 10 year old boy? My son was diagnosed in March 2011 with Wilms tumor stage II. He had 2 nodules at time of diagnosis. 3 months into treatment he developed 9 more nodules. These eleven have remained stable for 11 months. In June 2012, 3 new nodules have developed making a total…
CT scan tomorrow....
Hello all, First of all and foremost I want to thank all of you for the comments and feedback. We go very early in the morning to have blood work, 30 minutes later to have the Scan and then meet with the Oncologist 2 hours later. We are so fortunate to be at a clinic where we can get the results the same day. Duke Cancer…
Complications 4 weeks after laprascopic radical nephrectomy: Still draining, possible infection, fe
Hi, Four weeks ago, I had a laprascopic radical nephrectomy which successfully removed a stage 1 grade four 5 1/2 cm tumor. The good news is the cancer is out of my system. The bad news is healing from the surgery has not been smooth. Basically, I continue to drain from a small portion of the 10 cm incision. It did not…
Radio frequency Ablation
Not sure i spelled that correctly but its a new term i was introduced to last week.I will be having this procedure done may2 wednesday ,i guess when they do this techniqe it uses heat to fry cancerous tumors,but is only efective on smaller ones,i guees it also is less stressfull on the organ compared to doing a…
BMS93558* Votrient trial (formerly MDX 1106)
John had his six-week CT scan today. For those of you that are unfamiliar with John’s history,see below for quick update. The scan showed SIGNIFICANT interval decrease in the size of multiple pulmonary metastases with no evidence of new lesions. There also is a decrease in the pelvic and shoulder regions. The research…
Confused about Ultrasound
Let me start by saying I have not been diagnosed with cancer, however, there is a possibility. So, if I really shouldn't be here, please forgive me but I don't know where else to go. If anybody can help ease my concerns, I'd be very grateful. Here's my ultrasound report and my questions to follow. I just skipped to the…
Wilms and pregnancy
Hi i'm 20 years old and i'm getting married in 11 days and am hoping to start a family in the near future I was diagnosed with a stage 4 wils tumor in my left kidney when I was 2 in 1994 that had spread to my lung and I had it removed along with a dime sized portion of my lung and revived chemo and radiation I went into…
Mass Detected
Hello, I am new to this board. My beautiful wife (41) of 21 years endured a fairly painful kidney stone a couple of months ago. It was finally broken up and she was able to resume normal activity. Upon a further follow-up, ultrasounds were done on both of her kidneys to make sure no further stones were detected. During the…
a bit scared
hi everyone Im a 49 yr old F and I was dx with a 1.5cm r renal mass in 2009. I had a RF ablation done and for 2 years my scans were good. My pathology from the surgery back in 2009 states benign..but the doctor I am seeing now says he feels they didnt get a correct read on that. I had a routine follow up scan on 6-20-12 it…
My first time posting my story
My husband, Pat thought he had kidney stones. Was passing alot of blood and stuff. Waited to get checked out by his primary care physician. Sent him to get a CT scan. Then we found out the news. Kidney cancer.....I lost it. Went the same day to see our OC. He is awesome. Dr. Kasbari. We then proceeded to get 9 pints of…
Interleukin-2 treatments for Stage 4 RCC
I am new to this website and to this discussion board. In November 2004, I underwent a radical left nephrectomy for Stage 2 RCC. I received no further treatment at that time because I was told by the urologist who removed the kidney that kidney cancer was non-responsive to both chemotherapy and radiation therapy. I…
The True Joy of Life is the Trip
Many years ago this was introduced to me by my boss. I loved it at the time and still do. Of course, it is now more relevant than ever. Many of you -- Fox, Tex, Gary, and Liz --seem to integrate this thinking into their everyday thinking, but I sometimes need a reminder. Thought others might find it worthy too. Enjoy.…
CSN Kidney Cancer forum
So, it seems as though our pics have disappeared (temporarily I hope). Is anyone noticing any other changes? Am I imagining it or was the Drupal logo not there before, in green, at the top of the screen?
What causes RCC?
When I was at MD Anderson, I was in a discussion with my Doctor whether I should have my kids (both young adults) checked sometime for RCC. He told me that RCC was environmental, not hereditary. At the time I failed to pursue the cause further. In the mid 1970's to mid 1980's I worked in the Houston Shipyards with…
6 month scan
Hi All, Been awhile since my last visit and I hope everyone is well. I do check every so often without signing in. I had an appointment with my oncologist this morning for a checkup and to discuss my latest ct scan ( 6 month post op) I had last Thursday. Great news as she said the scans were excellent with no signs of…
Contrast or no contrast
After my left radical nephrectomy in February 2009, my Urologist was adamant that my CT scans be without contrast. Initially they were concerned that my other kidney may have been diseased, but it is a healthy working kidney (thank goodness). Even after this confirmation, CT scans were ordered without contrast. This year,…
Grateful but scared
April 23th at 8:00 AM I had an MRI done on my lower back because of some back issues. The Doctor called that afternoon and said he wanted to see me the next day. I assumed it was not good news about my back, Little did I know that was not the issue. He told me that they found a 2.7 cm mass in my right kidney, It didn't…
kidney cancer with mets in thyroid
Just over 3 years ago I was diagnosed with an 11cm renal cell carcinoma; had a radical nephrectomy - (12" incision, rib removed etc) still have discomfort from surgery with neuromas,scar tissue and adhesian but thought I was doing ok until I noticed a lump on my thryoid; as I didn't feel unwell I ignored it for a few…
Viotrine 200mg
Hi, I am currently on Viotrine 200mg treatment 2 pills (from 4 pills) per day. I had lots of side effects. Can someone explain success with Viotrine and also how better to deal with side efeects mainly being tired all time. I have clear cell cancer on left kidney which as spread thru lungs and Brain. Currenly its dormant.…