Good news
I have posted on other topics too regarding IL-2. My husband , 32 years old, was diagnosed with RCC stage IV to brain and lungs in march 2012. He had laproscopic surgery for kidney in April, then 2 sessions of cyber knife brain radiation and then 1st cycle of IL-2 in July. Yesterday he had 10 week scan after 1st round of…
Back in hospital 4 days after Chemo started??
My father was just diagnosed with metastatic transitional cell carcinoma of kidney. He received his first dose of Carboplatin/Gemzar on Monday. Went to ER last night with 101 temp, shortness of breath. Admitted with possible pneumonia and high potassium, low calcium. Is this from Chemo???
IL_2.....5 doses down....
Hey everyone. I started treatment Monday night. I've had 5 doses, so I'm one third of the way there. So far, I'm feeling good. The first night was rough after I got the interferon shot. I got a high fever and chills. By morning I was fine though. I've eaten 3 meals a day, no nausea yet. really hoping this lasts. We'll…
Had my first radiation on my rib this afternoon. 4 more next week then 3 on my spine. NTI. nothing to it. Now my question is ,"Has anyone else had radiation?" I don't know if this has come up. Now I want to know the results others have experienced.
Seemed like a long wait from my initial consult Re: MDX-1106 and finally getting it done. But only 4 weeks. Lots of scans and a biopsy. Enough blood work to keep a vampire family of 4 happy. On Monday, the day began with 6 vials of blood followed by an hour infusion. Had to stay for a 12 hour day so they could cont. to…
Current plans with radiation
....Damn, I just lost a half hour of typing. I was so eloquent too. Excellent Star Trek references. Can't do it twice. Met with my Dr. today to finalize my plans for radiation to my rib and T6 spine.... I have had fantastic results from MDX-1106. It has devoured more tumors than anyone should ever get. Only a couple left…
Sorta new to this roller coaster and new to CSN
Hello everyone. I have been lurking this board on and off over the last three months or so and decided to sign up. Not sure what to post so I figure I an start with my story though not unlike the others I have read. Well this all began for me back in December when I started with the flank pain. I am not one who enjoys…
2 weeks post op
Had Doc appt Friday for 2 week follow up after surgery. Noticed every time I ate something my stomach would pouch out, uncomfortable at times, and could only eat about 4 ounces at a time. I told Doc he must have done some bariatric surgery too LOL. But , now I have to have a CT Scan of abdomen sometime this next week. He…
Husband with Stage IV RCC
Hello, My husband was diagnosed with Stage IV RCC (clear cell) the first week of August 2012. After experiencing what we were told was a "minor" stroke his symptoms worsened and a CT showed lesions in his brain and spots on his lungs. Subsequent scans showed he has a large mass on his right kidney, mets in the brain,…
Am I translating these pathology statements correctly?
Reading my pathology report (and pretty much googling every word to try and understand what they reported.) there are two items I am not sure if i understand (and yes the doctors will be asked). 1)"Tumor shows extension into fat of renal hilum and multiple areas of invasion into vessels some of which contain smooth muscle…
Another Newbie
Hi everyone - I wanted to post to say I've read many of your posts over the last few weeks and they have really helped to understand this diagnosis and give us piece of mind that this is hopefully just a "bump" in the road. I am not the patient - I am the caregiver. My husband, age 56, was diagnosed with a 1.5cm mass on…
First Post
Hello all. Although this is my first post, I have been aware of CSN and all that we do for each other. Last year, I became a caregiver for my twin sister as she was battling with colon cancer (she was an avid member of CSN). I was able to bring her to my house to take care of her as her cancer went exponential. She passed…
1 yr since nephrectomy ct shows hematoma in the place of kidney
It has been 1 year since I had a full nephrectomy. I still have severe flank pain so my family dr did another CT scan and it showed a hematoma has formed in the place of my kidney. Has anyone else had this? I also have an ovarian cyst which they are removing this week to see if my flank pain could be referred pain from…
Only sonogram identification of tumor
Hey guys, the doc found a lump in a routine physical and ordered a sonogram where he has identified a tumor on my right kidney. The only fear I have is the unknown, I am probably reacting prematurely but like probably all of you waiting on the news as MRI's are done is all consuming. According to the initial conference I…
Survivor Guilt.
Does anyone ever have survivor guilt? I am 28 and had a right partial nepherotomy in January, grade one and two cancer. It has been a long road to normal life, but I have been trying to take life and live every day. Had been doing great and just feel like my new position at work has set me into a crying mess every night. I…
Six month scanxiety
I go for my six month post op scan this Thursday. I'm having a MRI because my doctor doesn't like CT scans and I didn't want a ultrasound. Didn't want an ultrasound because they missed the kidney cancer last time. So I'm happy for the MRI. Well I've been doing fine and now I'm starting to get scanxiety. I guess because my…
I had my tumor removed on 8/8/2012. It was 11x12cm in size. I was told it was a rare form of Sarcomatoid type cancer. Not sure of what's next. I see oncologist in 2 weeks.
Question for Med Scanman
Hi Scanman my question concearns the advantages of PET scans over MRIs or CT scans without contrast since most of the members here have comprimised kidney function and because of this we are not givem contrast.Now i could be way off here but think i rememeber when i had my PET scan i was injected with what i think was…
Questions about metastatic urothelial cancer (transitional) of kidney - Help
My father was just diagnosed Thursday with urothelial metastatic cancer of kidney. We meet with oncologist on Friday to discuss treatment. I am reaching out to anyone who has been diagnosed with this. We are still in shock. He is 74 and has had chronic kidney stones/infections since his early 20's. He has had hematuria off…
I am happy to report, 2 1/2 months post surgery, my energy is back
I had been feeling more energetic each day, but had been getting really tired by Friday, and spent the weekend resting up. This past friday, I was feeling pretty good, after a busy (but holiday shortened) week. And this weekend, we actually did things: Company picnic all day Sat, and took my 10 yo to a baseball game…
CAT scan after 2nd cryoablation
Almost a year since the nephrectomy of my left kidney due to multifocal chromophobe renal cell carcinoma. I am scheduled for my CAT scan at St. Joseph's in Atlanta after my 2nd cryoablation procedure next Friday. Have had a total of three small masses frozen so far in my right kidney. Really need everyone's support and…
5 weeks since surgery - still having trouble but getting better
It's been 5 weeks since my surgery. I had decided to go for a total laparoscopic nephrectomy but when I talked to the doctor on the morning of surgery, he convinced me to allow him to try for a partial laparoscopic nephrectomy. He cut into positive margin so ended up taking the entire kidney anyway. After I learned he cut…
Post-nephrectomy annual follow ups?
I had a radical nephrectomy Aug 30, 2010. I am coming up on my second anniversary! I'm in a slightly odd situation, doctor-wise. My wife works in an MRI center, and we found the mass on my kidney, as I was being a guinea pig for them to tweak their MRI protocols. The radiologist at her MRI center told me to get it checked…
Pathology and Follow-up Appointment with Surgeon
I went to my post-op appointment today. Doctor was confident that the cancer is gone. He referred me to a nephrologist and said that I will have blood work and urinalysis every three months for the next two years. Said he will throw in a few chest x-rays and a ct scan during the two years as well. Good report. I asked him…
Path report back
I got Pathology report back today. It was renal cell stage 1 grade 2. Which is wonderful. Scan in 6 months. I am very happy tonight to report this to you. I would say more but still with nausea. That will get better too. Thanks
26 years old with Rcc
I am the caregiver of my brother who is only 26 years old ,he has been diagnosed with Rcc July 2012 ,his Right kidney has been removed August 2012 the path came as: Diagnosis: Right kidney, radical laparoscopic nephrectomy + para-caval tissue biopsy: Conventional Clear Cell Carcinoma Tumor size : 5.2 cm Furman unclear…
#Istandupfor cancer fighters everywhere
Today we celebrate all of the cancer fighters in the world. Bravo!! Stand Up 2 Cancer!
Green Tea....
FYI.... http://www.businessinsider.com/a-chemical-found-in-green-tea-makes-tumors-vanish-study-finds-2012-8
Apologies for rev-visiting a subject which I'm sure must have been discussed many times in the past. However I am a little worried about the discrepancy between the advice given by my physician and the UCLA grading survival statistics shown in the below link : Kidneycancer.ucla.edu/body.cfm?id=37 The UCLA PowerPoint in…
Pazopanib trial for recurrence prevention
I am new to this site. I have just enrolled in the phase 3 pazopanib trial for recurrence prevention. I had a radical nephrectomy in Dec 2011 (stage 3). I would be interested in sharing experiences with any other trial participants.