Surgery is over and now recuperating
Hi, I am finally back on here to let you know how im doing. Had surgery Aug. 28 and came home friday Aug 31. Surgery for Lap partial neph is over and i am doing good I think. Been having a battle with nausea for several days, just drinking fluids and trying to stay hydrated. Have not got path report back yet should be…
Happy Anniversary To Me!
One year ago today I was given the news that the RCC had spread to my pancreas - two tumors - one at head, one at tail, ranging in size from 5.7 to 6.2 cm. One year previous to that my scans were negative. Go figure! It was determined that this was inoperable so we tried stereotactic radiosurgery (similar to cyberknife) -…
Just an Update...
Sorry I've been away for a few weeks. I'll try to stay in touch better. First, my stats: Male, 42, father of 2 girls, 7 and 11, and husband to 1 wife. Diagnosed 4/12 mRCC with mets in lungs, rt kidney and along the spine. Radical nephrectomy 5/25/12 included left kidney, adrenal gland, several lymph nodes and a slice of my…
Can anyone tell me their experience with Pazopanib? I'm part of a adjuvant trial group and I'd like to know if this has helped anyone. Ben
Thyroid Ultrasound
I will be going in the next few weeks to see if the nodules in my thyroid have enlarged enough to biopsy and I am very nervous. I was diagnosed with stage 1 grade 2 chromophobe this year and had a partial nephrectomy. I see on here where people keep saying that it is rare for this cancer to return, but I also see where…
New to this
Had a biopsy done last week and stent removed Thursday. Had been diagnosed with kidney stones but after CAT and MRI found the tumor. Biopsy confirmed low grade TCC. Doctor removed stent and said bleeding and pain would stop in a couple of days. It hasn't. Is this normal? I have no idea what to expect with all this and must…
TCC/ papillary urothelial carcinoma inrt.kidney
Recent diagnosis of TCC in upper lobe of rt. kidney. Recommended for endoscopic surgery for partial kidney removal or possibly removal of whole kidney. Any suggestions for expert surgeons in South Florida or Florida as a whole? Thanks.
Update on IMA901 Vaccine trial
Hi Everyone, We got a great news this week that my husband is a candidate for IMA901 vaccine trial. The trial is in Phase III and they had great results in the first two phases. It is for patients with mRCC, who have a substance in their blood called HLA-A*02. It was the first milestone for my DH and only 30% chance that…
New to this...
At first I thought June 18th was going to be a typical day off. But when I got out of bed to go to the bathroom I realized something was very wrong. I had blood in my urine. I decided it was time to make a doctors appointment, but the earliest I could get in was the next afternoon. As the day progressed, the more miserable…
Liver metastasis
My sister was recently diagnosed with mRCC with lesions in lungs and liver. I've been reading up on this quite a bit and was initially feeling positive as I learned about all the new drugs/treatments available. However, I've recently come across several items on the internet that indicate those who have liver metastasis…
TCC/ papillary urothelial carcinoma inrt.kidney
Recent diagnosis of TCC in upper lobe of rt. kidney. Recommended for endoscopic surgery. Any suggestions for expert surgeons in South Florida or Florida as a whole? Thanks.
Wishing You All A Great Weekend
Here in Canada we have Labour Day on Monday. Whether you have a long weekend ahead or not, I wish you all a peaceful, and relaxing weekend, filled with family, friends and the things that bring you joy. Live in the moment and make every moment count. God bless you all. No matter how good or bad life gets, each of you has…
Looking for a surgeon in the Dallas or Houston area
Hi, I usually post in the Esophagus Cancer discussion board but I have a friend looking for a surgeon for her mom. Her mom was diagnosed with Renal Cell Carcinoma. She lives in the Dallas area and is looking for a surgeon. She also has family in the Houston area so either location would work. Please let me know if you have…
MDX-1106 part 6
Well, here we go. Of course, there is a refresher for old, and a synopsis for new. March 2011 led to a left radical nephrectomy. I was 59 years old, physical therapist. For years,( and I mean 40+ years) I weight trained 4-5 x a week. Ran 3 miles every other day..... By the end of the year, I was loaded with mets. Lungs,…
How does MDX-1106 work?
I've been asked to explain how MDX-1106 works. I will describe this process in simple laymans terms. As a result it may not be entirely scientifically correct. But the idea and concept are close enough to share during casual conversation. MDX-1106, also known as BMS-936558, or anti-PD1 is a natural human monoclonal…
Thyroid test function (THS) fluctuations?
John had his bloodwork done today as he does every three weeks as required by the trial. Again, his thyroid function (THS) test is low. This is the third consecutive panel where it’s been low and the third time they’ve lowered his dosage of Synthroid from 100 mg to 75 mg and now to 50 mg. He began taking Synthroid on May 2…
Does color of tumor matter?
I am one week out of a partial nephrectomy on my left kidney. I have not gotten the results of my pathology report back, but my doctor said the tumor was abnormal to him because it was "black" in color...and he had not seen that before. He told me he did not know what it meant. Has anyone else had this happen? How was the…
I will be having lap partial neph in am at 730 just asking for your thoughts and prayers. when i get back home I will update. Thanks so much for your encouragement.
stage 4 renal cell carcinoma
My mother fell and broke her humerus in Sept 2011. Due to that fall, the Dr's found stage 4 renal cell carcinoma kidney cancer. They removed her right kidney and gave her a prosthetic left humerus and shoulder. She recently broke her right hip (didn't fall). The tumors grew so fast that when she turned, her hip broke. She…
MRI question for MedScanMan (non-cancer related)
I apologize for posting this here because it is not related to kidney cancer, but until I talk to my doctor, I don't know what forum to go to. I promise I won't keep posting here on this topic. I'm hoping the scan man can help with one comment on an MRI. When I mentioned some "weird" events to my Oncologist, he ordered a…
Tumor located in the 'collective area' of the kidney & PNX nodes....
As most of you know I'm 6 weeks post surgery. I had a full Neph that was 5.0cm. I received a great path report. Stage 1, grade 1 w clear margins. As I've been continuing to educate myself & learning as much as I can from all of you, as well as, reading, etc, I've come across some very limited information regarding tumors…
Mild hot flashes
I'm four weeks post partial nephrectomy for a 4.1 cm tumour on the right kidney. Staged T1b , no evidence of any further spead on CT. ( diagnosed incidentally during an ultrasound for possible gall stones )Will have the pathology in a weeks time. Everything post op is fine healing wise, strength recovering day by day. ( 55…
Anyone else here experiancing muscle cramps around the incision area.I am 10 months out and i am still getting what feels like a leg cramp in my stomach area close to where the large incision is just above my waist.
Brain MRI
I'm 5 months post op from a partial nephrectomy. I'm considered stage 1 but I've been having some new symptoms so my primary doctor is sending me for a MRI of my brain. I'm a little nervous but I'm used to all the doctors always saying I'm fine so I just figure it's nothing. Does the MRI of the brain include the whole…
Update: Surgery over... all that's left is the healing
Hi all - My surgery happened Monday (8/20) and I came home yesterday (8/23). Had a rough few days because of my reaction to pain meds, but got past it. Apparently pain meds and me do not mix. Now I am home and all that is left is the healing. Doctor said the cancer was stationary to the kidney and there were no margins. I…
Diagnosed with Renal Cell Carcinoma
I stumbled upon this page while doing internet research on the condition I was diagnosed with last week. I never, ever thought I would hear the words "you have a 2cm mass on your kidney that we think is cancer and we'll need to remove it," in my life. To say I am scared is the understatement of the century. I maintain a…
New to Kidney cancer.
Hi , I have recently been diagnosed with RCC. I have a 4 cm tumour in my right kidney and my specialist has told me that I need to have a Radical Nephrectomy to remove the kidney. Whilst I am coming to terms with the fact that I have Kidney cancer, I am struggling to come to terms with having to face a major operation. I…
Successful Surgery Yesterday - Thank you!
Hello everyone, My wife Holly had a successful laproscopic kidney removal yesterday. The surgery went very well and she is recovering. The surgery lasted approximately 90 minutes and she is expected to come home today. Thanks to everyone for all of the thoughts and prayers. Tom and Holly
Friday funnies...
Going to Yosemite and Lake Tahoe for a bit of R&R next week, thought I'd leave some smiles for all of you in the meantime... Several days ago as I left a meeting at a hotel; I desperately gave myself a personal TSA pat down. I was looking for my keys. They were not in my pockets. A quick search in the meeting room revealed…
Cancer by country & type....