EVERYONE Diagnosed with Kidney Cancer should listen - AUA Renal Mass Webinar (Part II)
Patient and Survivor Conference
For West Coast people-or travelers, there is a Kidney Cancer Association Conference on December 1, 2012 at Cedars-Sanai Medical Center in LA. Regisration and Cont. Bkfst from 8-9 and is adjourned at 2. Go to kidneycancer.org for more info. Or search for Kidney Cancer Association of America. Speakers and panels on: Role of…
I had my right Kidney removed and the surrounding lymph nodes in December 2011 and due to financial reasons and doctor leaving the area havent seen any doctors since April. I have been having pain in my back where the kidney would have been and it runs down to the buttocks area which I assume is just something that is…
Vitamin D
There appears to be a correlation (but not necessarily causation) between Vitamin D status and Renal Cell Carcinoma. Just wondering if others on this forum have found that to be the case and if you are currently supplementing? I found out that I was deficient after my bout with RCC and have been taking a high dose everyday…
Spots ???????
Hey everyone, I haven't posted in a while but now I have a question. I had a tumor between golf ball and tennis ball size in one kidney and they took it out almost 3 years ago. Diagnosed with Prostate cancer about a year ago and they took it out in January of this year. I get the usual 6 month scans because of the kidney…
MDX-1106 16th infusion
Holy Cow! Had my sixteenth infusion yesterday. Awesome, awesome awesome. My oncologist is very sweet and caring. She gives me hugs at each visit. So, I decided that I was not only going to hug her back, I decided to kiss her on the forehead during my thank you. Damn, she beat me to it. After the hug she kissed my cheek. I…
New scans
I had my most recent scans and they showed stable disease, not exactly what I wanted but I will certainly take it. My next decisions are to maybe have surgury on my leg and put a prosthetic femor bone in the place of my broken one, this may or may not disqualify me from the mdx/ sutent trial that I am on. I've done a lot…
I'm new to the group
I went in for an MRI to check for spinal stenosis when they found two spots on my right kidney. Went back for an ultra sound and then a CT. Decided to have surgery on Oct. 4 2012. Opted for the davinci (robotic) surgery which is quite amazing. The doctor sat at a console approximately 10 feet away from a six arm robot to…
hubby with collecting duct carcinoma starting on VOTRIENT
hey everyone... my husband is starting on Votrient as of today after being diagnozed with collecting duct carcinoma which mets to his lungs...the kidney and tumor were removed and now the mets are left to fight off...just wanted to ask anyone whos on votrient if they are haveing any side effects? how bad are they? and how…
Those with METS to lungs
quickie question: Did you have symptoms that warrented a CT scan of lungs or was the mets found routinely? AND what was seen? I am 9 weeks post OP left partial for RCC clear stage 1 grade 2. I never had any surveillance done to r/o mets but this week got pretty sick and was in the hospital...turns out I have Pneumonia and…
Off topic to all of our friends in Frankenstorm's Path - Stay safe!
John and I usually are the first to discount big news stories of weather predictions, but this one hosts lots of frightening elements. Take the recommended precautions and stay safe. Take care of yourself and all your loved ones, including the four-legged variety! Prayers are with you all.
Five Servings a Day of Fruits & Vegetables May Keep Acid Away in CKD
Post-op follow-up programme -- advice please
In a couple of weeks or so I'll be meeting up with my urology consultant to plan follow-up scans and blood tests. So far I know very little about the findings from my op. other than the fact that the tumour was malignant and that "it has the appearance of being completely removed by this surgery." I guess he'll tell me…
Is this a break or not
Short history since I haven't posted in awhile. My husband had esophageal cancer and then a year later found a mass on each of his kidneys. The doctor said, at the time, it was likely cancer and likely a re-occurrence of the EC cancer, but what is in one will be in the other. They did a partial on the larger of the two…
when I get a dog, I think I'm going to name him Ned
Hi, folks, I'm emerging out of semi-lurker-dom here. Though I've been an awful contributor, this board is the last thing I read before I go to bed every night, and I've come to love that little ritual. I just had my 6-month follow-up ultrasound and it was absolutely clean....NED. To refresh memories, I had a DaVinci…
Not sure how helpful or informative this may be to others interested in the BMS Anti-PD-1 Drug Research Studies, but I received this today from Hopkins. I haven't had a chance to explore it yet, but wanted to give others the chance to take a look. _____________________________________ There is a new website for patients…
41 yr old Male 4cm Left Kidney cancer found on incidental ct scan - anyone like me out there?
Hello, I am a 41 year old male who is in good physical shape with no history of cancer. I do not smoke or drink often and have no history of high blood pressure or diabetes. I was having intermittent indigestion from what I thought were certain foods that didn't agree with me. I finally was convinced by my wife to go to…
Candy Corn!!!
What do baby ghosts wear on Halloween? White Pillowcases. Do zombies eat popcorn with their fingers? No, they eat the fingers separately. Where do fashionable ghosts shop for sheets? [This one is so bad that it's actually quite good!] Bootiques. What do you call someone who puts poison in a person's corn flakes? A cereal…
OK, I need to lighten the mood.
This grizzly old biker is sitting in McDonalds having some lunch. He watches as an older couple enter. She goes and sits down near the biker as her husband goes up to the counter and orders some food. He comes back and sits with her. First she takes a napkin, carefully rips it in half, places 1/2 next to her husband and…
GI symptoms with Votrient
I am 62 and was diagnosed with stage 4 clear cell in 3/2012, had my kidney removed 4/2012 and 5/2012 lung biopsy with showed lung mets. I have been on Votrient 800mg since June. I was seen at Sloan Kettering and they recommended either that or Sutent...and I am being treated in Binghamton NY. I have had a fair number of…
Symptoms to watch for between scans?
Hi gang, sorry to just drop by when I have a question. I have been enjoying the last 5 months being in the 98% (as icemantoo says) who will not have any more issues after my RCC partial nephrectomy. I had my surgery in May 2012 and my first CT scan is scheduled for December. I had the MAG3 scan a couple weeks ago and my…
Newly diagnosed
Hi...I've been a lurker here for a couple months but was hesitant to post since I didn't have a definite diagnosis yet. A little background first: My name is Amanda, I'm 32, married and mom to two crazy boys, ages 14 and 5. I've always taken pride that I am (was) extremely healthy. I eat good, try to stay active...you…
Hello. Im on my 3rd cycle of sutent. I have had a lot of side effects. Ive been able to deal with most of them. However, the worst one is the hand and foot syndrome. My feet keep blistering, which makes it very difficult to walk. Im 36 years old and I can barely walk while I am on the sutent. However, within a day or two…
Off target, but - an encouraging story
I myself am Stage 4 RCC but this story is about my mom, in her 80s, who was diagnosed in the past summer with a nasty melanoma. She had it removed but the MDs thought it had spread and were dropping hints that her goose was just about cooked. She was very upset and pessimistic and fatalistic. Except she just got back her…
Others on here tell me what this means, if you know???
I found this on the scan report from my husbands recent visit. It wasn't discussed with us, hopefully because there is nothing to it or maybe because the doctor just had the prelimary report. I am going to call them Monday to see what they say but wanted to see if any of you have seen this before,if so what does it mean? I…
What happens when a trial ends?
Ok. This is probably a really stupid question - so glad this board is anonymous - but what happens if you are in a trial that is working for you and it ends? Are you just out of luck? I'm in a trial with two already FDA-approved drugs. But I guess the way this works is that their combination as a viable treatment has not…
Back in town...
Hello everyone. My goodness you are an active little bunch. I dropped off the forum for 8 weeks and have returned to what I can only describe as some funny, knowledgeable, inspiring and intellectual conversations about life with cancer. It's going to take me a week to get through them all :) So I decided I may as well get…
Affinitor Side Effects/Does It Work?
After 5 1/2 months on Votrient my husband had his second scans on Friday. They showed the spots on his lungs that had decreased in size with the first scans were double the size they originally started and there were new spots. They are going to try affinitor starting this week, does anyone have any information on what to…
BMS936558* Votrient trial (formerly MDX 1106) John's 18 week scan
John had his third CT scan on 9/12/12 since being on the MDX1106 (BMS936558)/Votrient trial. We received the RECIST (Response Evaluation Criteria In Solid Tumors) from the Radiologist this morning showing total shrinkage to date to be 46% (31% shrinkage first scan; 11% add’l. second scan; and 4% add’l. third scan). While…
Newly diagnosed
Hi, my name is Jan. My husband has been diagnosed with mRCC . He had a left radical nephrectomy on 9/24 and He has mets to his lungs - evidently it is all over his lungs with one nodule in the lining of the lung. He's been doing great since and even went back to work full time last week - only two weeks after surgery. He's…