Tongue biopsy pain

I'm having a really bad day. I had my tongue biopsied on Monday and I've had the usual pain that one would expect but today seems to be particularly bad. I'm a chronic pain patient and therefore I take narcotics on a daily basis for the pain of the two diseases I have. My pain management doctor that prescribes my narcotics allowed me to take two extra pills a day to help with the pain in my tongue. And everything was going along as expected but that's until this morning. My tongue hurts so bad today I can barely talk or eat. I've already lost 10 lb because I can't eat much. And since I'm very overweight that's not a bad thing. Anyway my question to you is how long does it take for the pain of the biopsy to subside? For me it's been 6 days and I still hurt quite a bit. Not as much as I did the first day by any means but it hurts to do anything like talking or eating. And because my other chronic pain is also acting up my patience is growing very thin. And of course all this pain and I still don't even know if I have cancer or not. I still have another week to go before I'll find out.


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member


    You are in a tough place. I would expect the pain from a tongue biopsy to be short lived.  For me, the surgery and biopsy on my tongue and neck went very well and I had no issues with pain.  It sounds right that you are under the care of a physician and your pain management is addressed for your situation.

    Fear not, the cloud of cancer hasn’t visited you yet and maybe it won’t.  I hope your biopsy comes back negative.  You can cross that bridge later.  For now, relax and try to think pleasant thoughts, pain free thoughts.
