WHAT TO EXPECT | Throat Cancer | Signs, Symptoms, Diagnosis, What Now? My Story to survive!

wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,507 Member
edited May 2024 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

I have throat cancer…once I was diagnosed I wanted to know more and found that YouTube didn’t have anyone documenting their journey. So I am going to do that in hopes it helps someone having to deal with this.

My throat cancer journey will be different than everyone’s however the process of radiation therapy is basically the same. What’s not the same is the severity (stages of cancer) being treated and the physical effects vary by person.

Regardless this is my story. For everyone beginning this journey, during or after … tell yourself just one more day.

WHAT TO EXPECT | Throat Cancer | Signs, Symptoms, Diagnosis, What Now? My Story to survive!

NEGU (Never Ever Give Up)

Take Care, God Bless
