Energy Drinks?

Mattie65 Member Posts: 82 Member

I know it's a fancy question, but given the exhaustion that hits me now, towards the end of my radiation treatment, I wonder if it would be safe to have an energy drink now and then.

I'm usually not a consumer of energy drinks. My intake has been limited to 1-2 times a year, mainly for the taste of certain brands.

Given my extremely low energy level, I am wondering if an energy drink would, perhaps, help me achieve some daily tasks. So here's a rather stupid question: does anyone have any experience with taking energy drinks while in recovery? I'm still talking about one now and then, but I'm a bit desperate at the moment about how to get on my toes and get some things done.


  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,507 Member
    edited December 2020 #2
    My 2 Cents Thrown In

    I have no experience with them but I would say read the label and if none of the ingredients seem bad go ahead and try 1. If it works drink some more till you get through this. When dealing with cancer and treatment anything you can use in the battle is fair game-Take care-God Bless-Russ

  • Mattie65
    Mattie65 Member Posts: 82 Member
    I tried one today. Read the

    I tried one today. Read the label. The worst ingredients I could determine were caffeine and preserver. It helped me get on my bike and drive to my rads appointment. Won't do that every day, though but today, I felt so tired, that really helped a bit.

    I probably worry too much. I live quite a healthy life, specially compared to a decade ago.

  • Cariem
    Cariem Member Posts: 4 Member

    I drink red bull for energy sometimes. I am always looking for an alternative, but it does help me get thru the day. I feel like my energy level has dipped a lot since I have been on Letrozol. I had a lumpectomy 1 year ago, went thru 6 days of radiation. I feel more tired now than I did when going thru radiation.

  • jim108
    jim108 Member Posts: 34 Member

    I know you are asking about energy drinks, have you considered protein and or electrolyte drinks? They can also address low energy.

    One doc told me that plain water is not really as good as say milk or e drinks as pure water can just pass through you - and not be absorbed as well as water with something in it. I also asked for and was given IV bags & a pump to use at home with IV solution to help stay hydrated. Helped a lot - but they warned me too much would be bad for my heart. Good Luck. Jim