Post radiation surprises

phillyboy Member Posts: 23 Member

6 months post radiation after surgery to remove a very large neck tumor and some chemo. Still no taste and saliva as well as dry mouth. On peg tube 9 months and trying to supplement liquid feedings with whatever solids I can tolerate (not many) Hearing loss and constipation are also present. Easy to think about giving up but my DNA won't allow . I am confident the saliva conditions will improve but wondering when is troubling. Those of you that are experiencing the same situation I would suggest "hang in there and fight". You probably will recover even if partially. I am cancer free after my recent pet scan and am using that momentum to be patient. Prayers by my friends and my Christian beliefs are a comfort. Best of luck to those of you facing the unknown.


  • MikefromWinthrop
    MikefromWinthrop Member Posts: 31

    are you on opiods? I was, they mess up the bowels bad. try smoothies, high protein, high carb, no sugars. These are easy to swallow, and better than tube food

  • Frances_S
    Frances_S Member Posts: 54
    Swallowing Therapist

    If you are still on pain meds, you should talk to your doctor about coming off. The pain meds will diminish your ability to eat and drink. It will often cause constipation. 

    If you are having a problem with swallowing go and see a swallowing therapist. Stay positive and take one day at a time. With the help of God and your doctors you will get through this