

My husband was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma base of the tongue. It was found when we noticed lymph nodes on each side of his neck contained lumps. After having the PET scan the areas of concern were the tonsils and base of tongue. A tonsillectomy was performed in Dec. 2017 which revealed no cancer in the tonsils. Since that time he has had excruciating headaches. He had a port and peg put in in Jan. 2018 and immediately started radiation and chemo treatments. He continually complains of these constants headaches and I mean constant as he has them 24 hours a day and it has pretty much put him in bed. Migraines have been ruled out especially since these headaches have been ongoing for over 3 months straight. They have given him pain medications (Percocet, Ibuprofen 800, fiorcet) and nothing works. Actually some of them seemed to even cause worse headaches. He was hospitalized for a week because he was becoming so weak and an MRI and CT scan were done and revealed nothing abnormal. He is taking motrin and tylenol every 2-3 hours through his tube as he is unable to eat at the moment. This gives only dulls the headache somewhat but doesnt get rid of it. He has undergone the 35 rads and 3 chemos and is still experiencing terrible headaches. Everyone keeps saying it is due to the radiation treatments but I keep telling everyone this started after the tonsillectomy and prior to any other treatment. Does anyone have any advice?


  • Curlyn
    Curlyn Member Posts: 189
    Just a thought, has he had

    Just a thought, has he had recent bloodwork for thyroid, diabetes? Is he still on same drugs that were prescribed following surgery? Is it possible he is sensitive or developing an allergy to them?

  • CatPerson
    CatPerson Member Posts: 9
    B Vitamins, Acetaminophen, Caffeine

    As Curlyn suggested, I would get labs done to check for all of the above and the meds review. I'd also check for any deficiencies. 

    I have chronic migraines and regular headaches. Anything containing opiods has often exasterbated certain headaches so I can somewhat understand what you're talking about. Baclofen also made headaches worse for me and Ibuprofen 800 didn't help.

    I learned at an early age that taking a B-complex reduced my headaches. I have since switched to a multi-vitamin that contains it. I use whatever I feel is going to help dull a particular headache when I get one; Anacin (Aspirin with Caffeine), Excedrine (Acetaminophen, Aspirin, Caffeine), Excedrine Tension Headache (Acetaminophen with Caffeine), Aspirin, Acetaminophen (regular or extra strength). I also get Botox injections. Nothing works to get rid of my headaches completely but they are more tolerable. Sometimes I just need to lay in a dark, quiet, cool room for several hours a day with a heating pad or cold compress and gentle massage.

    I hope your husband feel better and he gets some relief soon.