Hi, I'm new here, just thought I would introduce myself. I had cancer on the base of my tongue and it spread to the lymph nodes to my right side and three places on the left side of my neck. So I had radical neck surgery to remove the cancer, it overtook my lymph node, it was 5 cm, and they removed some muscle, jugglar…
Please Help - Nasal Cancer - for Snoopneng
Hoping some "veterans" will see this post. Snoopneng posted on another thead: my dad has the same cancer a about a year ago new please tell me if ur cancer is still there and how do u take care of it. cause my dads cancer is getting worse. his on stage 4 which they say he could die any moment now. if anyone who could help…
Hairballs and Boost Breath
This is another one of those posts that sounds like a bad song title. Does anyone else feel like they are always trying to cough up a hairball? What makes it better? Also, does boost give you worse breath than ensure or is all bad? Thanks Stacey PS IS anyone here on Facebook? I am listed as Stacey Almos on FB, please…
Time off work!
Hey folks, How we doing? I have a general question. Would like to start a list of the average time people took off of work from the initial diagnosis, to surgery, then through chemo. When this started right before surgery even before asking the nurse gave me a employment note to be off 6-7 months. Since I have surgery in…
"Grossly Normal"? - PET Mostly Clean
Add another to the "three months out" club. Got my results today. Started late October 2009 with base of tongue stage IV - two nodes involved, one huge, one slightly enlarged. Did Induction Chemo, then rads with concurrent chemo. Tongue is clean now (per CT and PET - "no significant activity"). Formerly huge node is a…
Getting the PEG out
Good Morning everyone I hope everyone is feeling better today. I have an appointment tomorrow to get the PEG out. I was waiting until after my PET came back and what the outcome of that would be. Now that the scans are good I believe it is time. I have been using it still, supplementing with it. I have so much Jevity left…
Ok, I was wondering of the people that are post treatment what foods can you taste. I don't care if it's been 1 month post treatment or 10 years. Just want to see some positives of what foods people can taste! I have noticed though that there aren't too many long termer's on here. I was connected to two people who are from…
How did you all cope with fear? Here it is 4 AM and I can't sleep. I am just starting this journey and I wonder if I will have the strength to make it. I will be having G-tube surgery tomorrow and starting chemo and radiation on Monday.
Question about PEG tube
Hi-I need info on peg tube. Husband has end stage laryngeal cancer and down the road will probably need peg tube when he can't swallow anymore. I need to stay 3 steps ahead of everything. What kind of Dr. puts the tube in? Is it an out patient procedure? How do you take pain medication through the tube? Also how do you…
Good Morning. I would like to thank everybody that are replying to my posts, as you are helping me with my questions so much. Today, is a beautiful day here in Down Eastern North Carolina. Just beautiful, and we are having a family cookout today that is on my bucket list before I start Radiation next week on July 13th--YEA…
Operation coming up
Hi all I am fairly new here, and would like to know what to expect of the operation i have been scheduled for on the 26th July. I had a biopsy under the tongue - tested as positive as a cancer, and have a permanently swollen left side lymph glan on my neck. The operation is - left fom excision, right fom boipsy(frozen),…
ok some collective help is needed
I realize that i havent posted lately, and partly because of being out of town, but i am always reading what I can. What I do need is a little help. My boyfriend is really at a loss lately as to what else he can try to gain his weight. This is where he stands now: 8 months out of treatment, jaw cancer, 6 weeks rads/1 a…
PEG is out
My PEG was removed this morning. Mine had a good-sized flexible mushroom-shaped end to it. I still can't believe they were able to jerk that thing out through the little tube-sized hole. Yeouch! I was yelping like a puppy and squeezing the nurse's hand. No bravado here. With all due respect to the Marine who posted that it…
3 month PET scan is CLEAN
3month pet scan is clean. Initially, muscles near the Right hip lit up, but it was determined the inflammation is from me falling down (pulling out shrubs) a few days ago. So good to go!!
Started eating but can't eat anything now
I had my radiation and chemo end in Jan 08 and have been going through gradual healing. I was able to start eating a few things in late March, eventually only using my PEG tube at night. But, in the last two weeks, have eaten nothing with painful bloating, nausea and sometimes heartburn after eating the least little bit.
Neck is feels thick and not getting much air
My neck recently had a trach tube tacken out of it...2 weeks, the gave me oxycodonde, but have read due to the pain the meds may cause your breathing to be shalloer and harder, please let me know, feels like i'm being chocked, lay of the drugs for eight hours and see. thanks guys, I am slao taking hyberberica treaments,…
This one will suprise you!!!!! & Proton Thearpy
I am new to this site. I was diagnosed with stage 3 tonsil cancer with one lymp 2.7 in the right neck. (proballoy 3cm now) I have been to 2 each, ent, oncologist for opionons. For the record, they tried to remove tonisl but was not able to successfully do so. The tonsil is very small and lodged way back in my throat. Major…
happy holidays to everyone!
I hope everyone have a wonderfull and blessed fourth of july God bless you all.
weight loss
I am 30 or so pounds overweitht, and can stand to lose that and not hurt my stamina and strength. My Radiatin Nurse told me to expect to lose 30 to 40 pounds. She told me to eat everything, and anything that I wanted now to put weight on. She said the weight loss is to be expected. Then a Rep from a Health Care company…
Chemo brain is very real!
Hi Friends, Just opened my email ACS News Letter "New Connections". It recognizes & discusses the "mental fog" many survivors have complained about after chemo. http://www.newconnections-cancer.org/issue_33/01.html At least someone is acknowledging the connection. It's a start! Love & Prayers, Patty
More Birthdays!
More birthdays! Isn't that why we are all here? And why we went through this horrible treatment? It was my husband's birthday yesterday. I made a potato salad and grilled shrimp with butter and capers on the BBQ. I tossed zuchinni and summer squash in olive oil and italian seasoning, and grilled them too. I was able to eat…
First Visit with ENT
My dad has his first follow up visit with the ENT on Tuesday. Please keep us in your prayers that all goes well. I am a little worried trying not to get too worked up. Kathy
Heightened immune system
This post is not for anything bad that is affecting me right now (for a change!) but for something good. It has been well over a year since I have had a cold, sinus or flu of some kind. I was being so careful during chemo last year, careful of who got near me, what I touched, extra hand washing and trying very hard not to…
No evidence of disease
I toyed around with toying around with anyone who is interested in this news but decided that I am too grateful for all the amazing people in my life who have gone out of their way to tell and show me they care to mess around like that. Dr "Hee Hee" Lee, Doc Nuke 'Em, the radiation oncologist called and said of Monday's…
Leukoplakia (sp?)
Had my 8 month checkup with ENT Friday and he used a new 3 chip scope to look in my throat. Old cancer site looked good but he spotted a couple of little whitish spots on my vocal cords. Called it Leukoplakia and said it was the result of heavy smoking or GERD/ acid reflux. I've never been a smoker and although I have had…
Finished Radiation!
Well, peeps, I made it I finished my last dose of Rads today! I know I still have a long road ahead of me; but at least I made it through the hard part. I feel like if I made it through this alone I can make through anything. Just have one more dose of Cisplatin on wed, the done with chemo. I just pray and hope that this…
Pituitary Gland Tumor
I was told yesterday that I have a Pituitary Gland Tumor, that most are benign and treated with medicine. As most of the ol timers know, I am 19 months cancer free from my Esthesionueroblastoma, and now this. I had yet another fun MRI and am waiting the results..... Anyone had to deal with this? What can I look forward to?
numbness, hearing loss
Hi everyone. At the end of last week I noticed two things, 1) numbness in my hands and feet, and 2) tinnitus and hearing loss. The numbness is mainly in my pinkie fingers (mostly on my right hand) and big toes. The tinnitus is mainly in my right ear and things are sounding a bit muffled there too. I had a hearing test in…
Here we go again...
Hi everyone! Well, the last time I wrote in, I was delighted because the Dr's had "cleared" my husband of stage iv squammous cell carcinoma of the right tonsil. We even celebrated with a vacation to Florida. A week after we got home, Herb began having alot of pain in his head and neck again. After a few unanswered calls to…
back for more!
Well, I have been very busy as all of you would expect. Not only with all the Dr.s visits hospitals and comparisons. I read almost daily posts that I find here. There is so much info and heartfelt kindness and emotion. I read with great curiosity, fear, concern and tears. I'm a 48 yo grown man and I feel like such a child.…