When To Get The First PS/CT
As a number in our family are dealing with this issue, or have of recent, I would like to have a thread which only addresses this issue. For me, it was 2 1/2-months, and the results were "something might have shown" under my tongue. My ENT was so concerned about it that he scheduled my next PS/CT for 8-months later! Yeah,…
Hope your so busy at band practice you haven't been able to post lately.
leg weakness
My dad has finished his treatment a week ago. At the start of his treatment he suffered from dizzyness and his legs felt week. He was dehydrated and the chemo doctor took him off his blood pressure medicine and the dizzyness has went away, however he says his legs still feel week. The chemo doctor told him that it could be…
13 rads and 1 chemo down
Glenn is in his third week of treatment. He's had one Carbo/Taxol treatment and 13 radiation treatments so far. Nothing unexpected thus far. Throat pain and mucus starting to increase. Taste leaving but he still eats some things. Drinks Gatorade throughout the day. Again, I'm so grateful for the PEG and Glucerna being in…
loss of voiceand hoarseness months after treatment
Hi all I was wonder have anyone experience losing there voice for the first time months after treatment ? thats what im going through my treatments was months ago and just a few days ago my voice went out completly and returned but now im horse a little this has never happened before is this normal ? im getting kinda scared
formula for mucous
Is there a formula using baking soda, salt, and water for mucous? I cant find the measurements of formula. The Doctor said it worked great. Thankx Finz
Hibi-you should be ashamed of yourself, spamming our website.
Please stop and market your product appropriately.
Personality Change
My husband was diagnosed a year ago with stage 4 throat cancer including upper pallet. After Chemo and radation the Dr. diagnosed his cancer as terminal. My question is.....Has anyone seen a personality change?? He seems to get nasty verbally and then the next day sleep all day. We are going to the Dr. tomorrow but I…
I hate being so alone and the doctors telling me how thankful I should be, "to be alive." Noway! How is it a blessing to have my children see me suffer??? I can never uncerstand why this has happened to me, since their are others who have snoked for more than a decade. My children struggle with my condition, and deny that…
Tinnatus-hearing aid assistance available
Howdy, for those of us who might suffer long term hearing loss accompanied by tinnatus, hearing aids are often prescribed to lessen the sound in the ear/brain. Problem is, hearing aids are very costly, $2,500 or more. There are a couple of sources for financial and fitting support available. One is the Lions Club program,…
Hello everyone, Been off the board awhile while I got my body regulated. I got dependent on the pain meds and had to stop them. My question for anyone out there who is post treatment is, did anyone develop a sound in the ears for a temporary or permanent time after treatment? I lost a little hearing from the chemo, but…
CSN Map of Locations ~ Started to Update
I think I have figured a way for the CSN Locations Map using Google. I'm not exactly sure of all of the specifics as of yet. But I created one with the link below. http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Tampa,+Hillsborough,+Florida&oe=UTF8&msa=0&msid=108290908437938654290.0004899d469e1599afb49 If you can…
After The Trach
I had my Trach removed a week ago, I'm very happy, but have a few questions, someone that has had a Shiley #6 than went a #4, it was left in for 2 months, you no my l/s larnyx is paraylized, but when my throat was healing, it healed around the oval plug and rubbed till it got sore. to touch it is very firm and the whole is…
acceptence & what next?
This is my second attempt @ the posting as advised by "scam"? Thanks. I just need to vent a bit. I did not think I saw this all coming, or the events ahead. It seems that everything moves so quickly, overwhelmingly fast. I suppose that is a good thing. I have had the neck dissection. the tonsillectomy. now waiting for some…
Notable Hearing Loss = Change in Chemo Plan
Mark has "notable" hearing loss and doctors are changing his chemo from Cisplatin to Carboplatin + Taxol. I know I have read of others here who experienced the same thing. Greg, was it you that finished up with Erbitux? They say Carbo-Tax is equal. I said why not do it from jump? Then they have to say they prefer the…
Radiation and Chemo
I will not see my Oncologist until the end of the month and he will prescribe treatment for Squamous Cell Carcinoma, from what I was told at prior appoints it will be radiation and chem (Cisplatin IV). Has anyone finished treatment with a minimum of side effects and after what week of treatment did you need another driver…
Aaaiiieeee! Late Hair Loss?
Has anyone else here experienced "late" hair loss? I am roughly five weeks out from end of radiation, and six weeks out from my last cisplatin chemo. During treatment my hair thinned to roughly half of what I normally have, but as my hair is pretty thick, I still had scalp coverage. Hair got all dry and brittle, like it…
Boost Boost Boost and a Map?
Hello All, Boost After having a diet of Boost/Ensure for the last 3 months practically 24/7, I am curious about how others feel..do you prefer Boost or Ensure..or something else? (I prefer Boost, but Costco only sold ensure..I tried Scandishakes, which were 600 cals and very yummy but too expensive) Where is the cheapest…
The China Study - Author
A small world story. One of my nurse educators is teaching Neonatal Resuscitation today for some new residents who will be starting their rotations next week. One of the new residents is Thomas M. Campbell II. The co-author of The China Study! I'm waiting for them to get an afternoon break so I can talk to him.
Hi Everyone, Well the feeding tube is gone. One more step in this process. The doc had to work at it a little to get it to deflate but once he did, it just slid right out with no pain. Pretty much uneventful. Still got it bandaged up so I don't know if it's going to look like a bullet wound or a second belly button or…
Dad finished today!
My dad had his last rad treatment today and he finished chemo last Friday. He is very glad to be done. He told me that he feels better now then when he started. All together he lost around 10 pounds, he is still eating and drinking. He is looking foward to relaxing and stating to heal from the treatment. My mom and I are…
10 responses recieved on survey for Eagle Project to help Head and Neck patients, YOUR help URGENTLY
I have recieved 10 responses on my survey and am hoping for more Dear Patient, I need your help with My Eagle Scout Project My name is John and I am a Life Scout with Troop 511 in North West Austin, Texas. I am working on my Eagle Scout Project. My project is to create a brochure that lists foods and other comfort items…
High Cholesterol--Is it time for spinach shakes?
wow--all this custard, ensure and milkshakes..Just had my cholesterol checked and it is 246!! Now what? Yikes Stacey
One Year & Counting
I am just celebrating one year since my last treatment for stage 4 tonsil cancer. I am at a loss for words to say how much better I feel today. Even better today than a few weeks ago. I wanted to post this to give those out there some words of encouragement. A year ago I put on a good face for everyone but I really thought…
Husband had endoscopy today
Hi all: Basketcase wife again. Charlie had his endoscopy today and he does have a gastric ulcer. The gastro doc biopsied it and told us that it was slightly bleeding and was stopping. (Visit to onc. today blood counts had dramatically improved after having two units of blood last Friday). He is really a great doctor. He…
IrishGypsie-Report in, thats an Order : )
Irishgypsie, Just checking up on you to see how you are doing, we could use an up date on your situation. Report in as soon as you see this. That's an Order Airman : ) My Best to You and Everyone Here
Hey Dazey! Haven't heard from you. Hope all is alright. Could you just check in? PM me if you want. Just concerned. ((HUGS)) Patty
Eagle Project to help Head and Neck patients, YOUR help URGENTLY needed
Dear Patient, I need your help with My Eagle Scout Project My name is John and I am a Life Scout with Troop 511 in North West Austin, Texas. I am working on my Eagle Scout Project. My project is to create a brochure that lists foods and other comfort items that other Head and Neck Cancer Patients have found helpful and…
Chinasilk ?
Where are you from? I am south of Joliet. I went to U of Chicago There are a couple of more Illinoisians(sp) on the site also. Kent Cass went to NorthWestern like you he is from around the Quad cities. And rattface ended up at U of C also I believe he is from the burbs somewhere closer to Chicago than me. Glad you are…
Diabetes and Cancer treatment
Do any of you have Diabetes? If so, how did your treatment impact your Diabetes control? Glenn is a Diabetic. Nothing unusual happening yet but I expect to have to make some adjustments at some point.