major set back/ anyone relate
After a fairly decent 4th, I started to feel a little poorly starting Saturday, by Tuesday, I was feeling very light headed, and having a hard time breathing, I recently had my trach removed from Stage 4 throat cancer, and have been fightig with this for over a year now, 3 rd time of going in an clearing things up, well…
Don't understand?
My Radiation ended last Monday and I had my last chemo dose on Wednesday and I still feel like like ****! Don't seem to be getting better; just weaker. maybe it's the chemo it's only been 4 days. I'm scared!!! I'm so, so tired of this! Please tell me that it will get better soon! :( Charles
Update on Hubby Day 2 and question
Hi all! Basketcase here again. Charlie did well with the taxotere today so next Tues. he'll get the erbitux, taxotere. We have a question. I think I told y'all I lost my teaching job. I carry the ins. on both of us which is in effect through Sept. and then we'd have to COBRA it to the tune of $952/month! Don't know that…
Pain after PEG normal????
I had a PEG put in on Thursday and I am still in pain (3 days later). It's all on the left side and it feels like something is moving around and pulling and burning inside. I have a bit of itching too. Does this sound normal to any of you that have traveled this road before? I would appreciate some insight. I just called…
cisplatin taxol combo therapy. help
my insurance company is saying that cisplatin and taxol combo therapy falls into an experimental category and they will not pay. My tx is now being postponed. I need a link to prove otherwise. Why I need to do this and they are not listening to my med. oncologist is beyond me. Can anyone help?
Freakishly well...
Hey everyone, I haven't posted in a while because I have been waiting for hard to hit. Well, hard hasn't hit yet. Mark is doing freakishly well with his treatments. Several weeks ago he was switched from cisplatin to carbo-tax, which has had very little side effects. Mark goes through his days pretty much like always with…
HAVE YOU EVER HEARD of stage 5 cancer
has anyone ever heard of a stage 5 cancer? debbie
What's the real deal with drinking and cancer? I think that it's the sugar? since we are there how about the consumption of my favorite. Cookies! I like a few beers. Not had this discussion with anyone.
power port
I had to have drains reinstalled in my neck this week. While in surgery the anesthesiologist was trying to put me out and all the drugs were infusing into my chest and shoulder. Hurt like hell! He ended up starting an iv in right arm just to put me down. Apparently this made the rounds at the hospital pretty quick the…
Tim in hospital
Hi everyone Been a long time since I posted, sorry. Tim started his second round of chemo for the cancer that metastized into his lungs, bones and skin. He was showing improvement with the new treatment but since last Tuesday has been in the hospital w/pneumonia. He is having a bronchosopy today to see what's going on in…
Exercise during treatment
There have been a few recent studies that have shown that moderate exercise during treatment can be quite beneficial to those going through this ordeal of ours. Moderate exercise being defined as 20-30 minutes / day of walking, yoga, easy bike riding etc. A couple of points I noted from these studies: There is less fatigue…
Cancer free!!!!
Hi everyone! I haven't been online much lately, but I thought I'd let folks know that there IS hope for for anyone who has gone through base of the tongue cancer. I know that at times, when you are going through treatment and even the months after, that you feel you will NEVER feel good again. Notice I didn't say "normal".…
ethyol injections to save salivary glands
Hi, I am currently in the early stage of chemo and radiation treatment for base of tounge c w/lymph metastisis.My wife suggested to the radioligist that we use ethyol to save the salivary glands.(she works at a hospital and speaks with many involved).Has anyone had any experience with ethyol? has it helped them? what kind…
10 more to go
Well, Glenn has 10 more radiation treatments to go and 1 more Chemo. He's got some side effects mostly low blood pressure, lots of fatigue and a very sore throat. He's swallowing soft foods (nothing tastes good) and pills but most nutrition through the PEG. We started the PEG early in an effort to keep his nutrition…
Update on Hubby
Hi all: Basketcase wife here again! Just wanted to let y'all know that Charlie did well with his first dose of Erbitux today. Actually he slept through it all! He'd taken one of his morphine tablets early this morning about 6 and then about 8:30 one oxycodone since we were going to be there a while and then of course they…
Will i always have this spit cup? :(
I reposted this since it was added from last post which I know can get ignored! Hey, Thanks for everyone's replies! I truly, truly thank you from the bottom of my heart!! :) Have new question? Right the tough part is getting sleep, but it seems that I have constant secretions; not necessarily thick but constant. I know I'm…
Squmous cell cancer of cervical node with primary occult tumor
Well, I am relatively new to this site, and it has been the best place for me to find out what I have in front of me. Many of you have replied to my questions, and I appreciate the honesty in the answers. I have one in regards to my chemo, and that is Cisplatin. I am haveing radiaton 5 times a week for 7 weeks, and…
Half way home
Hi Folks, Sorry I haven't been on the past 2 weeks, as it turns out the internet server here was blocking this website (and a few others) inadvertently. After finally figuring out the problem was not with my computer, it was easily rectified. I am almost at the 1/2 way point in my treatment: 3 weeks of 7 RAD is complete…
Results in froms husband's endoscopy biopsy
HI all: Basketcase wife here again! The biospy from hubby's bleeding ulcer did show cancer! Needless to say, I've been a triple basketcase. We got the results last Thursday from the gastro; he did say it may be the same type he had in his neck and he thought it was treatable. We had seen the onc. for the horrible lower…
Awesome Help
I just wanted to say thank you to everyone on here who has taken the time to answer all my silly questions and help over the last couple of months. You are all awesome and without you all I would still be struggling. It's nice to have a place to come for concerns and questions and answers. God Bless you all. Debbie
Visit with Oncologist Today
Hi all: Basketcase wife here. I had posted earlier about Charlie's biopsy from bleeding ulcer showed cancer. Well, he had the abdominal ct scan and lower lumbar mri on Tuesday and we met with onc. today. It seems as if this is a very rare thing to have happened with head and neck cancer. It has returned not in his throat,…
New - questions about chemo
Hi all, my brother had primary tumor in max sinus removed, followed by radiation, then not long after developed lump near salivary gland, had second sugergy to remove, tumor was malignant with SCC along with 3 lymph nodes and one on the opposite side. Now, they want him to start chemo (his second surgery was three weeks…
SSD and retirement
Is there soemone that can answer my questions about ssd and retirement. It is not for today, but something to know for near future. I am 54 and had work for private industry for 26 years until dec. 2003, when company relocated to chicago, il. I was totally vested in my retirement and 401K. I took my 401K and reinvested it,…
any updates on Chefdaddy
I'm gettng really worried about Mike again. It has been a long time, does anyone have an update on Mike? Thank you in advance for replying. God Bless, debbie
Looking for long term users- Erbitux
Im still trying to do the best i can for my wife(see my users profile) ANYONE used erbitux over a long period of time? She had recurrence within 2 months but now latest PET CT after 9 weeks of Erbitux , no visible pathalogy sign of tumor, nor microscopic, except small nodule on lung, which they believe insignificant. So it…
Another Survivor
Not really a topic thread- JUST news of another long-term survivor. Got my Port flushed today. A new Nurse did it, and we got to talking about her Brother-In-Law, who battled larynx/neck C before she was "in the family." Told her a little about our ACS site, and that I just might post: According to this Nurse, her BIL was…
Chemo doctor
This is a follow up about the ENT my dad went to. When we went to see the chemo doctor today the first thing he told my was that the ENT told him he was really happy with my dad progress. I can not believe that he could not have said that to us. The chemo doctor could not see anything or feel anything that caused him…
Question- False Negatives and Positives
Hi there My wifes PET CT (4 months after a second partial larengectomy and 5 months after lung lumbectomy) came back clean and a mass of a previouse PETCT shrunk almost completely to 0.3 inches. but with no pathology lighting up there. So this is considered a reaon to be happy. 1.However there is a nodule about 0.2 inch on…
Need post treatment surgery. :-(
Hi Everyone, hope someone can give me their experience here. I'm three and one-half months out of chemo and radiation to the neck for primary base of tongue, mets to two lymph glands. One of the glands was removed for original biopsy. Now the three-month scan shows "borderline" activity in the remaining originally affected…
ENT visit did not go well
Hey everyone! My dad's visit with the ENT did not go well. Like before he talked only to the nurse and nothing to my dad. He looked in his mouth and felt the area around his neck. Then told him that he wanted him to go for a PET scan in 4 weeks. I questioned him about the chance of false positives showing up and it was not…