Operation coming up

colinc1 Member Posts: 14
edited March 2014 in Head and Neck Cancer #1
Hi all

I am fairly new here, and would like to know what to expect of the operation i have been scheduled for on the 26th July.

I had a biopsy under the tongue - tested as positive as a cancer, and have a permanently swollen left side lymph glan on my neck.

The operation is - left fom excision, right fom boipsy(frozen), left neck dissection(1-4),panendoscopy + tracheostomy

Could anyone please explain what the above means, meanwhile i am scared *****less.

And advice on how i should build up my strength and immune system in the short time i have before the op

All advice & info greatly appreciated



  • finz2lft
    finz2lft Member Posts: 43
    Neck Dissection
    You can go to You Tube where the entire operation is explained and shown. Or, just type in radical or modified neck disection in the search area, and it will bring up site to review the dissection. The radical is massive and modified, well, not as entensive. I am having one after chemo and rads. Dont worry, the Docs are great everywhere, and they will take great care of you. Remember, check the date of the search, because everything is changing so fast. But, I have found all my Docs to be fantastic. Dont worry, LLoyd
  • MarineE5
    MarineE5 Member Posts: 1,035 Member
    Some information
    Hello Colin,

    Sorry to hear that you have to have an operation, but you came to a great site to learn and ask questions to get your answers. What you are about to undertake, is very similar to what I went thru roughly 5 3/4 years ago. I had the radical neck disection along with the tracheodomy, part of my tongue removed and a Peg Tube inserted into my stomach.

    The Doctors will control your pain medicine and I was not in any pain. I was in the Hospital for basically 3 1/2 days. The neck disection was not uncomfortable to me at all except being careful to not get the drain tubes caught on anything while I had them in which was for about 12 days. The Tracheodomy is and will be a bit bothersome, but you can do this. You will need to clean it often and that causes you to have broken sleep.

    You will need to get as much nutrition into yourself in the recovery period as possible, so your body can work on healing. With the Trach, you will need to sleep in a inclined position, NOT FLAT. So, you have time to find yourself a nice chair that reclines so you can use it or buy some foam wedges to put in your bed to have your upper body at almost a 30-45 degree angle. You want to be set up similar to what you have in the Hospital bed if you can.

    I feel the lack of sleep was my biggest enemy, everything else I was able to handle. But, it is only for several weeks and once the trach and drain tubes are removed, you feel better as time goes on.

    With the neck disection, your neck and throat swell, so your air passage closes up a bit, so the need for the trach, to make sure you have air. With me having part of my tongue removed, I used the PEG Tube for all my nutrition with 8 cans of Nutren 1.5 unflavored, per day. I no longer need the Peg Tube as the operation was successful. I had it thru my radiation treatments though for a total of 6 months.

    Sorry for the long post, but I figured you wanted some answers and hopefully I have given you some. If I missed anything, and I am sure I have, there are allot of other people here that have walked the same path you are about to take. They will be very helpful. So, ask away with all your questions, that is why we come here to help others that are about to walk the path we have been down.

    My Best to You and Everyone Here
  • Hal61
    Hal61 Member Posts: 655
    Left neck dissection
    Hi Colin, sorry to hear of your situation, but glad you found this site. I've had chemo and radiation, and am now waiting for a date for a left neck dissection. Several of the great people here offered me their experience and I'm preparing as Marine and others have suggested. Your surgery will cover a bit more ground than mine--I've already got a peg, didn't need a trach--but from what people told me, you should be a little sore, manage the angle and the drainage, and get through it o.k. I'll be following your posts, and I will post as I go to let people know what I'm experiencing that might be helpful to members. I'm glad you have a surgery date. I'm still waiting for the ENT to call back with mine--their answer is a week overdue and I'm buggin' them for it.
    best, Hal
  • Scambuster
    Scambuster Member Posts: 973
    Immune Boost
    Hi Colin,

    Sorry you are a member of our club but just know that you can beat this. I have focused a lot of my recovery on diet and nutrition. I would recommend you find a good Naturopath to advise you on supplements etc. You can check my 'Expressions' page (Click on my name <<< and it will go to my page and click on the Expressions Tab) as I have listed all I take.

    If you are really serious about the diet and nutrition side, you can immediately start 'juicing' and cut out all rubbish foods : all processed foods, fried foods, all meats and dairy, sweets cakes, snack foods etc. Only buy food from the 'Fresh Produce' section of your supermarket. You may need some help. You can PM me for further help as it's a pretty big topic.
