SSD and retirement

DJG1 Member Posts: 121
edited March 2014 in Head and Neck Cancer #1
Is there soemone that can answer my questions about ssd and retirement. It is not for today, but something to know for near future. I am 54 and had work for private industry for 26 years until dec. 2003, when company relocated to chicago, il. I was totally vested in my retirement and 401K. I took my 401K and reinvested it, but I am eligable to apply and receive my reduced retirement in janary of 2011. The numbers tell you to take it now an not wait until 67 for full, since no additional investments were made since 2003. I currently work for the school system, and will probally never see retirement from them. As a Head and neck patient, IF, I were to apply for Social Security Disability,could I still draw my retirement in January of 2011. Some people have said yes, other said no, that you can not draw both. Does anyone have the experience or knowledge to answer the questions for me? Hope this is the correct discussion board to post.


  • chris731
    chris731 Member Posts: 24
    Not sure. I would go to the below link to find the answer.
  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    djg1, I applied for it and
    djg1, I applied for it and received it. I am 54 yrs old. Also, I have heard that cancer patients get "special" treatment. I know it only took me 4 months to be approved. I applied thru Bender and Bender and let them deal with any headaches.
    I wish you the best and I'll keep my fingers crossed.
    God bless you,
  • MarineE5
    MarineE5 Member Posts: 1,035 Member
    No expert, but here goes

    If I have this correct, you will be at the age of 55 in 2011 and will be able to receive a reduced retirement pension from your 26 years of prior employment at the private company.

    You may apply for Social Security Disability in the near future. From what I see on the internet, which can be a task while looking for exactly what you want answered, is this. You should be able to collect your retirement from your prior employer when you wish. And when you do apply for and if you are granted it, the Social Security will be taxed if your income total is more then $25K for single or $32K for joint filing. The SSD will be taxed for at least 85% of what you have received, which means the IRS does not tax the first 15% of your benefits. I would guess, in the very near future, all Social Security ( 100% ) will be taxed for anyone that might have any income over these limits.

    All sources of income at this age, be it a part-time job, plus any interest earned from savings, bonds and stocks. As mentioned by Debbie, you can find a local Social Security Lawyer to help you out. If I am not mistaken, they can only charge you 6 months worth of your awarded benefits for their fee. Or, you can try it on your own and have luck with a good person at Social Security. I read here recently that the Head and Neck cancers are now listed on the Compassionate Allowance list of Social Security.Started in 2008.

    I hope this is of some help

    My Best to You and Everyone Here
  • finz2lft
    finz2lft Member Posts: 43
    SS Disability
    Go to the SS Website and type in Compassionate Allowance in the search block. The head and neck cancer is one of the 'fasttrack" approval diseases. It usually takes about 6 days to get and answer from them. But, you have to request that it be treated as a "Compassionate Allowance" application to have the application processed quicker. Go to the Website and look under disability and there is a starter kit that gives you all of the information that you need to have your app processed. Be prepared, the more information that you have, the quicker it will be done. Have an original birth certificate, original SS card, last 3 bank statements, year to date income, last years taxes and w-2, name and adress of present employer, a copy of your last Social Security statement, name of wife(s), date of marraige, date of divorce, their SS number, type of cancer you have, and all of the information is under Disability on the website,and the more information you have with you, the quicker it can be processed. Ie) if they have to send off for a bank statement--DELAY, and so on. Best of luck, as I have my appointment on Thursday of this coming week,and I have all the required information and more. Good Luck to you, they take no prisoners, and it is hard to worry about all this while you have cancer in the back of your mind. God bless you lloyd