Cancer free!!!!

fishingirl Member Posts: 188
edited March 2014 in Head and Neck Cancer #1
Hi everyone!

I haven't been online much lately, but I thought I'd let folks know that there IS hope for for anyone who has gone through base of the tongue cancer. I know that at times, when you are going through treatment and even the months after, that you feel you will NEVER feel good again. Notice I didn't say "normal". lol! Because, really, what IS normal, anyway?

I had the CT's, MRI's and finally a biopsy, a couple of weeks ago. And was told last week that I was cancer free!! I was so happy, and excited with life again! I am a changed person. For the good, I might add! lol!! So now I have a full time job to do my hardest to stay cancer free. Meaning, prayer, healthy eating, and always having an upbeat attitude on life. To appreciate the very smallest things in life:)

P.S. I had 6 weeks of radiation last Sept. My last treatment was last Oct. 28. And had a few scares with the scans. Every scan showed up like there was something there. Hot spots. As the biopsy turned out, it was just scarring. Whew!! So please, if you are still struggling, there is so much hope out there for you!!

Take good care,


  • MarineE5
    MarineE5 Member Posts: 1,035 Member

    That is fantastic news to hear. I am sooo happy that you are doing better. Yes, we do achive a new normal. But, little things don't bother us as much as they did before. Each day is wonderful, whether it be a rainy, damp, cloudy day, or a wonderful sunny day with a slight breeze. We enjoy them all.

    My Best to You and Everyone Here
  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    Cindy, it warms my heart to
    Cindy, it warms my heart to hear your wonderful news!!!! It is people who share their experience and troubles to be cancer free that the newbies need to hear. Congrats on your FANTASTIC, WONDERFUL, GREAT, STUPENDENCE, ETC, ETC, NEWS.
    God bless you Cindy,
  • Pumakitty
    Pumakitty Member Posts: 652
    I am so happy to hear this. Please enjoy your good news.

  • micktissue
    micktissue Member Posts: 430
    Awesome news
    Time to get a tat!!!



  • Kent Cass
    Kent Cass Member Posts: 1,898 Member

    Awesome news
    Time to get a tat!!!




    The most major of congratulations, Cindy. News like this helps us all. Thank you.


  • Kimba1505
    Kimba1505 Member Posts: 557
    Kent Cass said:

    The most major of congratulations, Cindy. News like this helps us all. Thank you.



    The best news...
    ...we ALL can hear! Thank you for sharing. Every person's success gives the rest of us hope.
  • Greg53
    Greg53 Member Posts: 849
    Kimba1505 said:

    The best news...
    ...we ALL can hear! Thank you for sharing. Every person's success gives the rest of us hope.

    Awesome Cindy!!!!!!
  • Pam M
    Pam M Member Posts: 2,196
    Woo Hoo

    Sorry you had to go through the worry of the "hot spots". Glad you got the word that it's just scarring, even if you did have to go through more biopsies.

    Cancer free is one of the best-sounding phrases I know of. Glad you heard it from the docs, and glad you shared it here with us.

    Keep up the good work
  • Pam M
    Pam M Member Posts: 2,196
    Woo Hoo

    Sorry you had to go through the worry of the "hot spots". Glad you got the word that it's just scarring, even if you did have to go through more biopsies.

    Cancer free is one of the best-sounding phrases I know of. Glad you heard it from the docs, and glad you shared it here with us.

    Keep up the good work
  • D Lewis
    D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member

    Thank you for sharing your wonderful news! It gives us all hope.

  • staceya
    staceya Member Posts: 720
    D Lewis said:


    Thank you for sharing your wonderful news! It gives us all hope.


    So glad to hear the good
    So glad to hear the good news! Cheering you on!
  • rozaroo
    rozaroo Member Posts: 665
    staceya said:

    So glad to hear the good
    So glad to hear the good news! Cheering you on!

    Congratulation's on your wonderfull new's! This gives hope to us all!
  • greg from pa
    greg from pa Member Posts: 86
    congtratulations fisingirl.Thanks so much for sharing your good news.When one of us wins we all win. I too was diagnosed w/ BOT w/lymph node mets. I have only had 8 out of 36 rads and 2 out of 6 chemo sesions so far .But, when I hear good news like yours it picks me up alot. thanks for sharing! Greg
  • Glenna M
    Glenna M Member Posts: 1,576

    congtratulations fisingirl.Thanks so much for sharing your good news.When one of us wins we all win. I too was diagnosed w/ BOT w/lymph node mets. I have only had 8 out of 36 rads and 2 out of 6 chemo sesions so far .But, when I hear good news like yours it picks me up alot. thanks for sharing! Greg

    Wonderful news!!!
    That is wonderful news, relax now and enjoy your new life!!

    I agree with greg from pa "when one of us wins we all win"

    My best to everyone,
  • davidgskinner
    davidgskinner Member Posts: 81
    Glenna M said:

    Wonderful news!!!
    That is wonderful news, relax now and enjoy your new life!!

    I agree with greg from pa "when one of us wins we all win"

    My best to everyone,

    Great News
    This thread has made my day start just wonderfully. You are another phoenix...
    Thank you and congratulations on being cancer free!
  • thegirlfriend
    thegirlfriend Member Posts: 142

    Great News
    This thread has made my day start just wonderfully. You are another phoenix...
    Thank you and congratulations on being cancer free!

    awesome news Cindy!!
    Well good news is multiplying because my boyfriend Paul, went for his follow up this past week and them to come and see me. His radiation oncologist or whatever he is called, strictly a science dude, no bedside manner, but he knows his stuff, examined him, poking, prodding, sticking tubes, checking every oriface above the shoulders where anything could grow, and found................................NOTHING!!! cancer free!!

    as for the distasteful side effects that keep him from eating solids, he said, "you will get better eventually".

    needless to say, he was thrilled with that news, but would still love to actually eat something solid. eventually, i suppose.
