Thrush and choking on mucus here!
I feel like I am going to choke on this mucus. Any ideas? I also got diagnosed with Thrush today and they put me on Fluconozole. Can't talk or move my tongue. Very painful.
The things that have helped me
SCC Right tonsil - lymph node involvement. After my treatment I was in the doldrums, totally, on the outside everyone thought I was doing fine, but, on the inside I was churning constantly about thoughts of my existence. As the old saying goes, time heals, it actually does, I got stronger emotinally everyday. The I went on…
Heard From the Surgeon - Couple of Questions
Heard from doctor today and the great news just keeps on coming.... of course the biopsy was positive for cancer, we found that out yesterday. Today's good news is that he will have to have the "big" surgery. He will have modified neck dissection surgery where they will take out a couple of lymph nodes on one side. He will…
Today was the longest amount of time I have spent away from the couch and TV. I had my first Appt. with my Radiation Oncologist. My wife and I like him allot. He is going to consult with my Surgeon and his colleagues to determine if giving radiation to the left side of my neck where there is NED is warranted. He says due…
Tonsil Cancer - 4 months post treatment
Hi all, what an awesome site, I am so happy to have found you all. I am 4 months out of treatment 35 radiation, 3 cisplatin, I had SCC right tonsil T1N1M0, 44 year old female, smoker and light drinker, although that does not seem to matter to much. I had IMRT treatment with great success and very little side effects, I…
Scoped again
Doctor scoped me this morning. he said he didn't see anything new. It's been 3 months since the last one. All clear. I am waiting for my Onco to call with the schedule for my six month PET. Waiting on the insurance approval. Still getting the lhermitts and dry throat. Salvia is much better. Eating is good. Maintaining…
Football Season! What's your Team? :)
Hi Folks, thought it would be nice to post something other than cancer stuff! So who is into football? What is your team. I am a BUFFALO BILLS fan. I was OAKLAND RAIDERS when I was younger but decided to join the rest of the western New Yorkers and support the local team! Go BILLS! Charles
Lhermitte's sign
I had a rather intense episode of Lhermitte's sign two nights ago, the first time I've experienced this. I'm now three months post rads and chemo. I was at the infamous Diamondback Grill, trying to (very slowly) eat my half order of bacon-cheddar cheeseburger with sweetpotato fries washed down with copious amounts of water…
Dancing with NED tonight!
My three-month PET-CT was this morning at Stanford. My doctor was able to review the results and discuss them with me late this afternoon. NO UPTAKE! NO AVIDITY! NO EVIDENCE OF DISEASE! The scoping and all the palpations were normal. Got a finger jammed down my throat again today and it seems to be getting easier. I…
Help Anyone?--3rd Time---Running out of Optiions???
Surgerically removed tumor back of mouth, left wrist flap, 30 days rad: Dec 2008; Recurred Oct 2009 flap issues due to previous RAD treatment. Received an additional 30 days rad, 30 HBOT and 6wks Carboplation. Recurred again 7/2010. Very close to carotid artery; can't have any more Rads; doctor says he cut out all that was…
I had my first post visit with my surgeon today and he kind of rocked my world. He met with the Tunor Board and the consus was to re stage my cancer. I was originally staged T2N2BM0 42A P16+ restaged T3N3M0 42B P16+. His explanation was a combination of the sizes of the tumors and the aggressive spread. he described the…
Going for seventh month checkup
Hi all I hope everyone is ok , Iam going for my seventh month check up in a week and im scared to death. and I go monthly how do some of you guys get through this ? it is haveck with constant thoughts of those dreadfull words you have cancer sometime the fear alone disrupt my sleep I have good days and then I have bad days…
Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
- Age 28 Male - Age of diagnosis or time since diagnosis April 2010 - Specific type of cancer (squamous cell, salivary gland, thyroid, others) Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma - Treatments: surgery, chemotherapy (if possible with names), radiation, etc. 8 Weeks of radiation complete 4 weeks of chemotherapy complete (cisplatin /…
PET results for Hondo
To all my Family here on CSN We had a very eventful day at MD Anderson as we waited for the doctors to come in the room with the report of the PET scan, of all days Friday 13th only bad things happen on this day. But not so today my PET showed clean no Cancer, the first time in 8 years. There are still a lot of major…
What do you crave?
As the subject states, what are your cravings? Because of my lack of eating, drinking my food, I miss the most simplest of things. What do you or did you miss during recovery? Breakfast: Sausage biscuit with egg Lunch/Dinner: Stuffed Shrimp w/crab PB&J Sandwiches Crackers and peanut butter Cheese...good cheese German wheat…
MY TUMOR WAS INOPERABLE. THEN RAdiation iodine treatment failed. now they are going to try to shrink the tumor which is near my windpipe and aorta with radiation and a low dose of chemo. but my esophagus is shot too and i may need a feeding tube as i have two strictures. did you ever hear of anyone never being able to…
Biopsy Results Back
No surprise - it's positive. We should hear from doc tomorrow I would think on what surgical approach he will take. I'm strangely calm about it, I guess because it is what we expected - doc gave no indications it would be anything else. Bob took it well. He had a regularly scheduled appt with Medical Oncologist (chemo doc)…
Need some answers from LadyforDarkNight
Hey Deb, I had my Trach out the same day you did, I Have expereinced the follong, neck is very tight, mainly from the hole healing, breathing is shallow, i still breath, but it seems muffled and congested. Any clues what this could be, when I sit i am fine, go to work after a few hours my breathing tires till I sit again,…
"The Big C" new TV series
The pop side of terminal melanoma is coming to a tv series titled "The Big C." It'll star Laura Linney--Jim Carey's tv wife in "The Truman Show". She has the cancer, and a raft of wacky neighbors and friends. She looks great in the trailers. I'm sure they'll include some over-the-top, philsophically aware moments for…
I have a question about your first post treatment scan. My husband finished treatment on 6/10th and is due for a scan next month. Did you have a CT scan and a PET scan or just one? Are both of them necessary?
Has anyone heard from Sash?? I enjoyed reading his posts. Mike
Well I've finally found the perfect food for saliva challenged survivors, okra. I know what most of you are going to say, "Yuck!". But, for those of you who like okra, lightly boiled and salted, you know it comes with its own built in saliva--some call it slime. It's what puts the "gum" in gumbo. It's also very healthy…
First PET/CT this week
Hi Everyone! Please keep my family in your prayers. My dad had his first post treatment CT and PET this week. We will see the doctor next Monday morning. I am scared to death that the cancer in his tongue is not gone. I will let you know what happens. Kathy
To all you Caregivers
Today my caregiver wife and I celebrated our 36 years anniversary; we did some little simple thing like going out and sharing an ice cream together. It was not much but just my way of saying thank you for all you have done for me. As each of us cancer survivors go through hell and back we sometimes forget the chain that…
Larynx T4n1mo Squamous cell , one more time
My husband.Non Smoker -non dranker Dx Jan 2009 T4 N1 mo Larynx cancer squamous Cell Cancer. Treatment Cisplatin Chemo and radation 7 weeks March to May 2009. face got a little red He lost a little over 50 pounds When I read about chemo and radation treatments and how people lost so much weight I worried . He was not so…
espohagus update
I had a barium swallow today that confirmed the stricture that has completely closed off my esophagus preventing any food or liquid from entering. The good news from this is that it pretty much ruled out a mass that's causing the problem. Also I have a new speech pathologist who *wants* to help which was encouraging. She…
Biopsy Monday
Please say a prayer, send good thoughts, howl at the moon - whatever it is that you do - for our family on Monday morning, bright and early. We are to be at hospital at 5:30 am for surgical biopsy of what doc thinks is recurrence of hubby's hypopharyngeal cancer. As you all know, recurrence is not good and I don't know…
I hope he doesn't shoot me...
...just had to post this new picture of Mark. Age: 54 Diagnosed April 13th 2010 SCC left tonsil Super sized tonsilectomy and radical neck dissection May 2010 30 Rads. 1 Cisplatin, 4 Carboplatin-Taxol He's doing great! Kim
Pet Scan 10 mos out!
Hi all! I am driving myself to NYC for my Pet scan on Monday 8/16/10. I am okay now, but I know I will be "reving" up by Sunday. Please keep me in your prayers, as I do you. I have never gone by myself, but am strengthened by my belief in the Lord that I am not done yet, I KNOW that! Thank you all for always being there…
Back from the Biopsy
Well, here we are, back from the biopsy. Went as expected - doc sees tumor and what appears to be cancer invaded into the pharyngeal (throat) wall behind the tumor. Biopsy pathology will not officially be back until Wed or Thurs, but he is taking Bob's case to the "Tumor Review Board" for discussion on treatement, as he is…