Laryngeal Cancer T2N0
From the staging, you know that I have a "mild" cancer. It is almost totally confined to a vocal cord. I was lucky in that severe hoarseness was the presenting symptom. I also had ear aches and an almost constant cough. I am finishing 6 weeks of radiation; I have 3 treatments left. I opted for a milder pain medicine, and…
HELP PLEASE, NEED SOME ANSWERS - symptons, did you have these and SHOULD I BE WORRIED?
Hi, all. I am 9 months post 35 rad treatments. I felt good a while back but it seems i have new symptons that are starting to worry me. I would appreciate if you could let me know if you have any of these this far out of trmnt and could they indicate trouble. The symptons are: mouth (cheeks and roof) burns when I eat or…
One year check up
I had a great report (SCC, left tonsil, 2 lymph nodes). Everything looks good. I had a PET at 9 months and it looked good too. The doctor is very pleased with the progress. I have been reading this site every couple days since I ended treatment last August. I don't post often but feel a need to say thank you to everyone…
HPV+ Question
I keep seeing reference to HPV. What is it? How can I tell if I've been tested for it? What's the underlying impact of being or not being HPV+? My prayers are with all, keep up the good fight. Ed
Radical left neck disection
Hi everyone, I am new to the CSN and finally decided to join up and ask some questions. I was diagnosed with SCC 4 months ago after seeing a huge knot come up on my neck. I had an unknown primary wih a radical left neck disection. They removed 23 nodes with 3 being positive along with my jugular and left shoulder…
Trach Removed
I had My trach removed last monday, and was so glad, a few things that have come up, the hole healed in my neck, but now feels tight, i amd stretching my neck to get some relief, which seems to help, I also have noticed , my breathing gets shallow, and I need to mention my Left side of my larynx is paralyzed, we have no…
Need some advice
To make a long story short, I have a problem with lymph fluid (chyle) drainage in my neck. Over the past week; with a drain tube in my neck, a pressure dressing, and a modified diet, the fluid drainage output is almost zero - much to my ENT's surprise. Tuesday, he removed the drain but I still have the dressing and…
Laryngeal Cancer
I got a question for you all, how do you handle all the people that want to give you a pity party? i am 18 radiation treatments in of 35 for cancer of the larnynx and so far am still working 60 plus hours a week not saying its easy but heck i just schedule it in so it doesent affect work. The thing that bothers me the most…
tonsils removed
I had both tonsils removed on Thursday, 8/26, along with a righ partial discession. Went home on Friday. Both Friday and Sat were not to bad. I think now the anthestis had not worn completly off. WOW was Sunday and since a difference story. The pain in the throat is bad. The neck is tollerable. The pain med put you asleep…
Got some new news
Well I was all set to start my radiation next week on the 7th. I felt I was pretty prepared for all I had in store thanks to you guys! Well out of the blue they called me Monday to come in on Tuesday to talk with a different Oncologist. So I go and of course my mother tags along. The board of Oncologists decided it would…
Has anyone heard from Clearblue ?
has anyone heard from them. She was questioning treatment for her husband and I was wondering if she found out anything. Last contact said she was out of the country, getting a little concerned. thanks everyone Dave
pity party
I am feeling guilty, My husband is the one with the Cancer in his throat and here I am complaining and feeling sorry for myself! But I have lost half my family and I am only 50 Will be 51 next week. I lost the baby of the family in 1997 to a car wreck, my sister Karen (Beautiful young lady at age of 29) Lost my mother Mary…
SCC Unknown Primary
Hello everyone my name is Joel and I live in Rochester NY. I am 39 years old and married to a wonderful angel of a wife and we have two young children. One month ago I was diagnosed with SCC unknown primary after a biopsy was performed on a swollen lymph node I noticed on my left neck. A PET scan showed activity in my…
PET/CT results for Dad
We got good news yesterday. The oncologist said that the CT scan came back clear and the PET only showed a little activity in the original cancer site on the tongue. He said the number on the PET at the time of diagnosis was a 15 and now the number is 3. and anything over 4 is cancer. He seems to think that is really scar…
share your stories to give me hope?
hi all. my dad is currently in a fight for his life, radical neck dissection for squamous cell carcinoma in April failed to remove all of the cancer. The surgeon told my family that his illness was terminal, the cancer had spread to the chest wall and possibly to the vertabrae. He's been going through daily radiation and…
RE: What do you crave.
I didn't want to interupt y'alls post so I thought I'd ask it here, how long does it take to be able to eat the way you did before the treatments? I guess this is different for everyone, and I guess only people who are fully recovered can answer me, but I'm curious.
Neck Dissection & PT
Just a quick question. How many folks went to or requested physical therapy after their neck dissection? I'm about 3 1/2 weeks out from my partial right neck dissection, back to work but my neck is still very stiff/sore. The massage and heat trick works for a time, but about half way through the day the muscles start…
SPOHNC (anybody here familiar with this org)
I emailed our SPOHNC contact early yesterday morning looking for guidance about how to get my brother seen at a local hospital here since he is indigent & needing medical followup asap. I left her a voicemail too about 9:15 yesterday. No return email, no return call so far. Anyone have any experience or contact with…
How long do I need to stay on my meds?
Hello everyone, I am new to this and I am 5 weeks out from my last radiation treatment. I had an unknown primary with a radical left neck disection. They removed my jugular and they removed my left shoulder trapezoid along with 23 lymphnods which 3 were positive. My pain is limited but the meds seem to help me cope with my…
Good and Bad days,
We all have the Good and Bad day thing but I was wondering if there was something that helps you to have more of Good days then bad.
Do you look in the mirror
Hi all. Thanks for the responses to the survey. It is very interesting. I am wondering if any of you ever look in the mirror and say with an element of disbelief. You've had CHEMO and RADIATION. I certainly do. Its almost like it happened to someone else except you have the side effects xxx
three for three
4 1/2 weeks out now and things are looking up. 1st: My wife, Kusi, and I went to our fave Italian restaurant on Sunday and I was able to eat some of everything we ordered: the thinnest of thin crust margherita pizza, spaghetti napoletana, mussels arrabbiata (Kusi's choice) and some salad. I had tried some pizza just 2…
Hello all, hope things are good with everyone. I met with my Radiation Doc last week and met with my Chemo Doc today. We have the final plan and am ready to do some serious battle with Mr. C. I am having both sides of my neck radiated starting Sept. 8th. 6 weeks M-F. The Chemo portion will be 3 doses of Cisplatin over the…
Sad News
Hi all: I have very sad news to report. Charlie passed away Sat. night Aug. 21. He had a gi bleed; low blood pressure, electrolyte issues, low blood counts, severely dehydrated. He was admitted Thursday afternoon and was doing better; but on Sat. began having problems breathing and they had to keep pushing fluids to keep…
I should be two weeks into treatment by now; but due to some issues with lymph fluid (chyle)collecting in my neck and distorting the simulation scans, treatment is delayed. Last week, my ENT put a drain tube into my neck, along with yet another pressure dressing, and modified my diet. Tomorrow he will hopefully remove the…
Social Security Disability
Second bout with Malgnant Melanoma on my right neck. Diagnosis fortunatly is good. After surgery anyhow and now heading for some Radiation Treatments. That required some teethe removal for the radiation treatmennts. And with the disection of quite a few of the tendons in my shoulder it now droops a bit. Have applied for…
Hospital Stay - Suggestions?
With my husbands throat and neck surgery looming in the next couple of weeks (no date at the moment), and knowing there is a lot of experience on such stuff here - question for any of you who were hospitalized. Hubby will be in hospital for at least a week. Doc says couple of days in ICU, then 5-7 in regular room. I…
BOT Biopsy Tomorrow
I am heading into the OR tomorrow for a BOT biopsy. A couple of areas of interest popped up on the PET/CT scan and though my doctor says he is not too concerned about it he thinks they should check anyways since their approach with me has been so conservative ( unknown primary, T0N1M0 and surgery only ). Nonetheless,…
Surgery Recovery ???
I hate to keep posting all these questions, but I have searched the internet and can't find an answer. I realize I need to talk to the doctor about it, but am trying to save my questions for closer to surgery, so am hoping y'all can help. My husband will be having modified radical neck dissection (one side only), plus they…
A Heartfelt Thanks
Hi all: Basketcase checking in here. I've been on my own since Sat. now and it is very hard. I miss Charlie so much! The visitation and service were beautiful and so many people came by and to the funeral. Our church provided a luncheon after the service and it was just great! His brother and I spoke at the funeral service…