T.V. News story, Head & Neck
I just watched a news story on the local FOX television affiliate here in Houston. It featured Dr. Edward Kim, Chief, Neck Medical Oncology, Department of Thoracic/Head and Neck Medical Oncology, Division of Cancer Medicine, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX Dr. Kim addressed HPV directly and…
Hallways, and marathons.
My wife had a 3 month PET in late June 2010. The results were good, no trace of tumor in throat and only a small spot on the lung which is beneath the PET reolution. Next PET in October. A few days ago we saw a lump on the side of her neck, so we had an ultrasound which saw "a growth like mass") and on monday next week…
Adding chemo to prescribed radiaiton following neck dissection
I had a modified neck dissection 2 weeks ago and 1 out of 20 nodes biopsied showed positive for SCC. They believe the node in my neck (level 2a) began as a surface level SCC on my forehead (removed twice, once in 2003 and again in 2009), both times they thought they got clean margins. Because the positive node had extra…
Glossectomy surgery
My new ENT Doc just called to inform me that they would like to do a partial to full tounge removal or I could go through more chemo with no radiation to hold if off. I called my Oncologiest and he agreed with me that the glossectomy would be his last choice. So now I wait for the doc's to have a pow wow and discuss…
Sorry about the previous post
Sorry about venting,I have no reason to complain, i have had it easier than most of you here, and i want to thank you for not biting my head off. I will stick around here for what i am worth cant help much, but can share my experiences. The one thing i know is i have cancer it doesent own me. Thanks again Don
Swollen Jaw, All of a Sudden?
Has anyone experienced sudden swelling of the jaw after finishing up radiation and chemo for SCC of the neck? I read a little about infections in bone and salivary glands, but I'm a little worried about the suddeness of the whole thing and I know my dad is too! Dad looks like someone socked him in the jaw real good, it's…
nasopharyngeal treatment without radiation
I was hoping to find info from anyone who received successful treatment for NPC using chemo only. I was diagnosed with stage 4 NPC in May that had spread to my spine and other bones. After much consultation we decided to go ahead with Cisplatin and Gemzar as opposed to chemo and radiation concurrent or radiation only.…
I'm new and about to start radiation.
Hi everyone, I just joined not too long ago and all of your discussions have been very helpful thus far! Well I was just diagnosed in April with SCC and had surgery to remove my orange sized tumor growing out of my neck. I was 7 months pregnant during the surgery and had to wait to deliver the baby to start my radiation.…
Will i ever stop using Kleenex?
Does the stuffy nose and having to blow it all the time go away. The having to use the spit cup did, but this seems never ending. I guess i am feeling a little frustrated with it today. I hope the other 3 rounds of chemo don't make it worse. I am feeling better now that i am 6 weeks done with the radiation, but this nose…
Weird Pain in the back
Hey everyone, i have not been on here to long but wonder if anyone has experienced back pains that feel like sunburns. It's not over bearing, just really annoying. I am trying to figure out if it's from Rad. or Chemo. Then again it may be from the fact that i have lost 53 pounds and now that i am putting weight back on, my…
Chefdaddy-Mike Hopefully at Disneyland with the kids?
I pray for all of you each day and am sending cyber-hugs as well. I really miss Chefdaddy Mike and find myself concerned if no news is received for more than a couple of weeks. Has anyone heard from or spoken to him recently? If someone has I would really love to hear how he and the kids are. Peace to All Ella
new biopsies
Prayers needed for my husband. Jim has just finished treatment for hypopharyngeal and base of tongue cancer. When the gastroenterologist placed the feeding tube prior to treatment, he was very unnerved by the way Jim's esophagus looked. He will be doing biopsies Tuesday. I've known this physician for many years: I am more…
Reckon it is kinda significant- got my Power Port out this past Thursday morning. Had it since 1/29/09. And this is the last of the treatment hardware- gone. Woulda kept it, were it not for the $134/month flushes and lost work time. Still think about the 5-year thing, you know, and it's only been 17-months since my last…
Hi all. Haven't visited in a while. Can't sleep tonight and got the urge to share my experience/advice for those just starting into the adventure of Head & Neck. Wish I knew then what I know now....... With the exception of this site - don't research on the internet. Most of the stuff is wrong and your cancer is unique.…
Checking In
Hi all: Basketcase here. I just returned home from a long Labor Day weekend with my best friend and her family on the lake. It was good. It's just so hard to adjust not hearing my phone ring and Charlie calling me to check in with me or just to talk. I am doing pretty good about trying to go on with things as Charlie would…
swallow test
have to go in & have a barrium swallow test tomorrow. first on since surgery in april. anyone else had to do this after treatment. p.s. still have the trech in
I went shopping today with the family, everyone getting some warm clothes for the fall. I was trying on some clothes and took a look at myself in the full length mirror and did not like what I saw. I was seriously overweight but I have always been as strong as a bull moose and now after loosing over a 100 pounds in a fast…
Still Have Pain! :(
Hi, Folks! Happy labor Day! I wish I could be celebrating with a nice cold beer! But I will have one next year. Anyway, as some of you may know I am about 10 weeks post treatment today! 1) Energy level is getting there I ride my bike near the beach; haven't been going to the gym as much. 2) Taste is great I would say I am…
Last One!
I am currently sitting in my lovely chemo infusion hospital receiving my last chemotherapy treatment. Good o'l cisplatin is a running through me now and later I get my external pump connected for 5HU. I can't believe I made it this far, it seemed to go buy so fast the last three months. Crazy.. Best wishes to all!
Gratitude with my morning coffee
I would like to offer a sincere thank you to everyone here who told me that I would get through this terrible experience, that I COULD do this. I had no idea what I was up against, and I didn't believe you at the time, but because of all of your encouragement, I gave it my best shot. And, you know what? It worked. I got…
Mucus is not white or clear. Help anyone?
It has been a week since I ended my 33 radiations (also had four rounds of chemo) and the mucus is really bad. My question is that the first few days the mucus was clear or white and then it became yellow and eventually turned green. I went to the doctor and they ordered a chest ray to rule out pnuemonia (I have a cough…
surface peeling on tongue flap
hi, my husband & i are new to the group..wish we knew about it sooner. mike had a complete dissection of the tongue in april with a free flap made from back muscle & skin.lately when he rinses, he's noticed some of the surface peeling off, nothing major. we think it may be scar tissue from the rad. fyi, he had his last…
cancer treatment centers of america
anyone have experience with these hospitals
New to board
Hi, my name is Denise and I am new to this board. I have throat cancer. On the vocal cords. Two weeks ago when they did the biospy, they put in a trach for fear my throat my close. It did not, but now I have the trach. My results were a rare cancer, long name, but I understand it is considered T3, everything else a 0, if…
Trouble swallowing
Does anyone have an answer for trying to eat? Dave has the magic mouthwash and it does not help. He has a feeding tube and we will begin using it now, but I also want him to continue trying to swallow to keep his throat muscles working, any suggestions what will help with the soar throat. No sores yet so no problems there…
Anyone heard from Mary, I haven't seen anything from her in quite some time that I can remember anyways? JG
Chicken broth through G-Tube? Is it ok?
I have been feelilng so weak on Ensure and Gatorade and we called my Dietician yesterday and she was gone for the long weekend. Can someone tell me if it's OK to put chicken broth down the g-tube (I have a gastrostomy not a PEG) and my husband is making a chicken soup and is going to strain it and put it down the tube. Any…
More biopsies
Well yesterday I had another round of biopsies, the intial results showed no cancer but will have to wait a week for the official results. This round of biopsies has been really painful, having a hard time swallowing and a lot of ear pain. The doctors went deeper and more extensive this time. Brad
Feeding Tube - Check - Done!
PEG Tube done today, and Bob is spending night in hospital for observation and nutritional consult in the morning. We just got home, and he was resting comfortably when we left, on some good pain meds. He did have some pain from it - I guess from going through the stomach wall, blah blah... but he's ok. They showed me how…