Good morning all!! I am finally home recovering from my surgeries. Yes, surgeries with an S. Nothing comes easy. My original plan was to have one surgery on Monday August 9th to extract the oral cancer and then the neck dissection. While driving home from work on Friday the 7th, my mouth filled with blood, and this…
PET Scan due Wednesday
Hi everyone, looks like another PET scan is due this Wednesday at MD Anderson in Houston. My local doctors are a little concerned as I been have a lot of pain the head and neck again and they can seam to find the problem. As you know all my passed PET scans for the last 5 years came back dirty, but showing no new growth.…
First news update
Hi to all, I had my scans this morning and will know the results tomorrow. But the big news is...my PEG is gone..YIPPEE. Of course mine went like everyone else's with my doctor saying take a deep breath and he yanked and I howled. Then I cried because it was gone. The doctor told me to stay on the Boost and Ensure because…
Post NPC Questions
As I am in recovery phase, even though I have two chemo sessions to go Aug 9 and Aug 30, I have some questions about what to expect in the future. Finished my 40 rads about 6-7weeks ago. Port I have a port surgically inserted into the upper left portion of my chest just below my collar bone / shoulder socket. I heard and…
Needle Biospy not performed in 2005 (lump in 2006 was cancer)
Question concerning something that has been really nagging at me ever since my brother Michael's diagnois. He had a lump in his neck and went to ENT in Sav, GA sometime in 2005. He told me he thought it might be ear, tonsil, or tooth related (he did not have the best teeth even prior to rad treatment). At that visit the…
Trying to enjoy my garden
It has been tough with only about 20% taste to enjoy my garden this year, I am trying but alot of the flavors that I usually love are not coming through. I finally have my weight stable and am going to try to get my Peg tube removed tommorow at the ENT visit. Wish me luck, this whole eating thing is a pain in the butt for…
Drinking Ensure
Without having the full taste and from the very start, I never did like the taste of Ensure. I could tolerate Boost a little better. I am drinking vanilla Ensure because the VA has them, but not Boost. For veterans who need Ensure and under VA care, check with them since it is a prescription item. With advice from the food…
New Update
Hi all, I met with the ENT yesterday and had my PET repeated this morning. The ENT has said that he did not like seeing the new mess on the CT in my nodes, left tonsil and soft palate. He agreed that the PET did need to be repeated. But he also said he didn't feel that my tumor(on the BOT) would shrink much more. Said it…
Soft Tissue Necrosis!
Hey went for check up Monday and today! Saw ENT on Monday and Radiation Doc today. I was concerned about irritation on Right side where I got most of the radiation in mouth. The ENT said it was just healing still from Radiation treatment; that everything was healing good. Radiation team said I had a tiny amount of bone…
Three month PET scan results.
I went over my three month pet scan results with the doctors today, some hot spots still showing up. The conclusion was that in the last two months since my last pet scan the hot spot has shrunk by half, so it is half the size it was. I also had some biopsies done 6 weeks ago in that area and they came back as cancer free.…
Reluctant to Post
Yes I’ve been reluctant to post on this forum lately. I am now 1 week post treatment and after 4-5 rough days I am already feeling better. And I didn’t have it very rough to begin with. My treatment has been a walk in the park in comparison to what most everyone else has gone through. When I read the problems Debbie is…
12 day out of treatment
Glenn is doing really well. The first week was pretty rough and very typical of what others have gone through. He had lots of pain, weakness, mucus, lack of sleep.... He even had two days of not being able to swallow even water without chocking. I worried at that point but the head nurse on his team called me and kind of…
Care Giver Recognition Week - Per Kimba's Post
I wanted to let you all see my care giver since Kimba had such a great post and response. I changed my profile photo, this photo is of my lovely wife and care giver ~ Shelley....I know that it wasn't easy. Believe it or not, LOL, I can be quite the Butt-Hole when I'm irritated and don't feel well. Something that we all go…
feet swellingwith pain
Hi all I have pain and tingling and numbness I had in my feet is now turning into swlleing of hand and feet is with stiffness in bones my doc said is radiation damage have any of you go through this or have heard of it and will it go away?
Caring4Dad: You deserve your own thread.
Caring4Dad, (Michelle) I am sorry to hear about your dad and sorry that you have had a need to find this site...but find it you did...and it is an amazing place to get information, care, support and even warmth and laughter. It is place where others get what is going on for you and your father and it is open 24/7. I am…
Finished lymph node removal
Hi Everyone, I've caught up on posts and wish everyone the best. I've mainly been watching my favorite commercials this last week recuperating from neck dissection of the left side. Everything went smooth, but I want to quickly give a few specifics for those of you contemplating post treatment surgery to remove some of…
Another NED
Hi everyone, Just left the ENT and he scoped me and said everything looked perfect and I don't have to see him or get any more scans until December. A pretty good start to the day I must admit. Best to all, Steve
Post treament depression
Hi Everyone-my husband finished 7 weeks of chemo/rad on June 10th for BOT stage III SCC HPV+. He says that this is harder than going through the treatment, at least treatment had an end date. He is still not eating or drinking-even water irritates his mouth/tongue which is still very raw. He (we) thought that he would at…
Getting my MOJO back.
Sharing helps. I felt so lost and so lethargic, to reach out, and to write was such an effort. I am glad I posted my caretaker, post treatment funk (PTF); and recieved all of your wonderful responses. Also, Skiffin's thread with all of the pictures of the people around you all, who love and support and care for you...is…
Still in remission
Good Morning Everyone; Just wanted to share the great news I received yesterday. My latest scan shows that I am still in REMISSION!!! This scan was only for my lung cancer but I am being scoped every month to check the larynx and all of my doctors agree that I am doing great. Since I have had no problems and all of my…
Painful Scope
Since I have been diagnosed in April I have had 4 scopes through my nostril and down my throat. My 4th was this past Monday after going over my 3 month post surgery PET scan results. Up until this last scope they have not been painful but merely a tad uncomfortable, but on Monday it hurt like hell. It was like a giant…
BOT Biopsy
Hi all. My recent PET showed that my BOT has an SUV rating, that is a little higher than they like to see, on both sides. My Doc assures me that he does not think it is anything to worry about BUT since they are taking such a conservative approach with me ( surgery only no rads or chemo ) they would rather be safe than…
skin on neck still changing
hi all I hope all is well, my skin on my neck is still going from regular back to dark like it was when I was going through radiation and im six months out of treatment have any of you heard of this?
Tongue cancer
Hello to all I hope everyone is doing some what well. I am 25 years old, and in April of 2010 I got diagnosis with tongue cancer. I don't know what stage of what the correct name of the cancer is or shall I say was. On July 16,2010 I had my sergury to have part of my right tounge removed, along with the removal of my right…
stage four small cell squermous cell cancer
My name is Tina.My husband was given the news on his 38th birthday that he had squermous cell head and neck cancer, stage four .They treated him with cisplatin chemo every friday for six weeks and with 30min of radiation every day for six weeks.He was put in the hospital several times during treatment and ended up with a…
Taste buds and saliva/squamous cell
hi there- my husband just completed 60 radiation treatments & 9 chemo teatments for stage 4 squamous cell at the base of the tongue. We have 2 questions hoping someone can shed some light on: 1) Due to some of the saliva glands being permantly destroyed will food eventually dissolve in his mouth without saliva glands so he…
PET Scan ~ Fourteen Months Post Treatment
All clear NED.....
The Post Treatment Funk: A Caregivers Perspective
I am aware this forum is primarily for those with the diagnosis of cancer; and we who love you piggy back on this site to get our own form of support. I am writing this post with the intent of sharing my current experience. It is in no way intended to offend those of you who have had, or are, physically fighting this…
Chefdaddy? Are you okay?
Does anyone have any news on Chefdaddy?
Feeling dizzy
My dad is about 5 weeks post treatment. He had 35 rads and 6 doeses of cisplaitin. The week before his treatment started he had an issue with being dizzy, after the second dose of chemo they took him off his blood pressure meds. The problem went away, but has now returned. He says that he is only dizzy when he stands up…