All I can say about this article is, WOW who knew!
Sciffin the Poacher LOL
Hey man hows it going was told to say hi so here I am Hi. Hope this finds you and family (dog included of course) LOL. Looks like I am in the fray again but what the hey
Trach tomorrow
Ended up in the ER on Thursday. Breathing problems. Knew it was going to be a bad day when I woke up able to talk Still in hospital. Tomorrow is a diagnostic scope of throat and esophagus to see where the tumor is and biopsies to check the margins. And also a trach. The tumor is behind the vocal cord and is messing up my…
Where to go for a second opinion
My surgeon reviewed the CT scans from today, and is leaning towards not operable. But, he will be conferring with a neurosurgeon tomorrow. I do want to get a second opinion - its not something that I ahve done before. What places would you recommend going to? - the cancer is in the neck, and I guess creeping down the…
Can NPC cancer spread to feeding tube site?
Hi everyone. Just a curious question. Can the cancer at the H & N metastasis to the PEG site? Anyone has experienced or know of such? What are the sign and symptom for the spread? Thanks. PM
PEG (feeding tube) stirring inside of the stomach
Hi everyone. I have a feeding tube and today it making me feel uncomfortable (inside the stomach). I ate soupy noodle then felt a little quiesy but did not throw up. The balloon or inside part of the feeding tube in the stomach has been turning, poking, throbbing...lots of movements. Felt like the stomach is trying to…
always hope and investigating options
Few of us have the adenoid cystic carcinoma dx. But I was given hope beyond belief from another fighting bone mets. (same dx) I need to ask for a scintigraphy (kind of like a PET scan) it will show any changes in the bones. I was told with our dx, I should be able to avoid anymore biopsies to confirm mets. (what a relief…
Swollen Larynx
My hubby is 7 weeks post treatment - epiglottis with 2 lymphs - his voice is getting hoarse, & it feels like the larynx is now swollen. Food is also getting stuck in his throat, which hasn't happened since before treatment began. Hoping this is effects from rads. He has an ENT appt tomorrow, so we'll find out for sure. His…
Last Christmas season I dont remember much due to chemo, radiation and pain meds. This year my eyes are wide open and have become the designated driver. I tried a sip of wine last month and I might as well drank battery acid. Damn did that burn and the taste lingered for most of the night even after washing out with water.…
I don't know if any of you have delt with this, but my husband had cancer way in the back of his tongue. He had that removed and a mass behind his ear on the right side, his jugular, his tonsils, a salavary gland, the nerve in his neck ( now he can't raise his arm but so far)(all on the right side), and they cut him from…
swollen larynx 4months
I finished chemo/rad in August. Clean scan in November. I've gone to my ENT every couple of weeks hoping it will be the day he'll take out my trache. Everytime he says my larynx is so swollen it is almost unrecognizable, It's been 4 months and still swollen. The vocal cords are paralyzed too. He says there is nothing we…
Post Radiation Question
My husband finished his radiation treatments for throat cancer on 12/24/13 (yay!) and we were advised it would get worse before it gets better. However, I think we were both hopeful that we would see a little improvement 10 days post radiation. I know that everyone is different, but those of you that have been through…
thick mucous
OK, it has been over 2 years since Jim's treatment ended and he still has thick sticky mucous which is worse at night. This causes him to choke when he takes pills or tries to eat anything. The thing that cuts it best is Gatoraid but he has to use it all day and half the night. Is this something others are going through…
my latest updates
Update on my fight: Last week through a series of scans, it appears that cancer has spread into my liver and to my rib and hip bones. I’m am currently receiving radiation for my ribs & hip. We will look at our options for the liver tumor (4.5 cm in size). My oncologist says that it is critical that we get the liver tumor…
Jeff Gordon Test Drive ~ Pepsi One
OK... With the New Year comes time to get the blood pumping, and funny bone tuned up... Jeff Gordon Test Drive This got a little chuckle from me..., kinda thinking of Phrannie taking Matt for a test drive, LOL... ~JG
Happy New Year - Just checking in to say hello :)
Hello Dear Old Friends... (ok, not old, old, - but we've been around over a year now, and yes somedays we do feel old :) Dan, my husband was diagnosed in Oct 2012, with Stage 4 Tonsil Cancer and it had metatisized to his limp nodes, all on the left side. We really wondered if we would be together this year for the holidays…
Face (cheeks) swell
Hi everyone. I had NPC and currently one month out of treatment. I've gained my appetite but no taste. I've been eating more than before my diganosis and I don't feel full. However, I noticed that my cheek areas are a bit swollen. Is this a normal healing process for the salivary glands? Before I had to spit constantly…
Still has enlarged lymph nodes....
Greetings - My husband is now 41 days post chemo and 36 post last radiation treatment for tonsil cancer and lymph node involvment. He is eating enough to remove the feeding tube so that is great news. Hopefully that will happen next week. Still has the enlarged lymph nodes so we are wondering if anyone can tell us if they…
Another Test
Was just going to ask is it normal for the diet doctor to be concerned about colon cancer now that we have gone through this,was in today everything looks good have my Ct scan scheduled for the 6th of jan. for the new lump found and the dietetionist wants me to have a colonostomy (parden the spelling) on the 11th of…
She Said "Yes :)
I wanted to share the good news with my H&N family. I asked Marcia to marry me and she said yes :) I did the "Christmas Story" proposal. Those of you familiar with the movie "A Christmas Story" know that it's the story of a little boy who wants a Red Ryder BB gun for Christmas. He gets told by everyone including Santa…
I'm taking care of the hair issue next week...
My hair is so think it's pretty much transparent. It's still coming out in handfuls. I can't pull it up or back because you can see my scalp if I do. I'm cutting it OFF next week. Short, almost buzzed. I'm going to try starting over since the docs don't understand WHY it's coming out so crazy. I'm looking forward to it…
Happy New Year all
New year just arrived. Celebrated with a G&T just rolled it around my mouth ....tasted real good just as it should do.
Transoral Endoscoic Surgery for Tonsil Cancer
Does anyone have experience with this type of surgery? John Hopkins is advocating surgery for early stage cancers of small size. Website says: Many patients with smaller tumors in the mouth, throat and voice box may be candidates for tumor removal through the mouth (transoral). This is a minimally invasive technique that…
Chime in - if you wish
My husband has sme serious back issues now. Spinal Stenosis, lumbar fracture and a bulging disc. He was fine before cancer treatment, after that he has had a slew of health problems. The latest is the back. I am blaming the chemotherapy drugs for the bone deterioration. Here is a list of health problems from the past 3…
High TSH from contrast
Hi, I am slmost 2 years post treatment and haven't revisited this site for about that long (perhaps a pscychological defense mechanism). Firstly, to everyone who's new to this, do remember that the even the darkest hours would eventually come to pass. Things will get better, though as a lot people say, a new normal will…
Introduction from Switzerland
Hi, my name is David Jellison (hence, DaveJay). My wife and I moved from Denver, Colorado to Geneva, Switzerland about a year ago, in connection with my work with Siemens. Just as my current high-pressure project came to an end, I caught up with some administrivia, and finally got that physical the Swiss Social Security…
Social Security Disability ?
I got cancer in 2010 i think. I had stage 4 tongue cancer with 3/4 of my tongue removed and replaced with my thigh. I also had a double neck dissection with cancer on my left side and middle. I had chemo and radiation. For chemo i had Cisplatin. I lost hearing in both ears and a lot of hearing in my right ear. I was 45…
Preparing for Cancer Treatmet
Its been 10 days since I was diagnosed with SCC HPV+ of the left tonsil, possible cance in one lymph node on the same side. Was told after the biopsy that it was stage I but if its in the lymph node I guess that would change. I have seen the Oncologist, will see the Radiation Specialist this week and together with my ENT…
Soooo, for close to two weeks I have been running a pretty consistant fever in the evenings in the temperature range of 99.1 - 99.6. Most of the time I don't even realize it... but sometimes I can tell and I check my temp and sure enough... I ask my onc when I saw him Friday and he didn't seem to be concerned about it.…
Deformed bottom lip
has anyone got a deformed lip from neck dissection. After my op my lip drooped to the left really ugly and the muscle on the right side was drawn down making a line pulling my cheek down, when I talk or smile the left side of my mouth pulls down and I talk out of the side of my mouth. The right side of my bottom lip is so…