Temperature issue?
Hi Guys, I don't now if I am over-reacting or not (probably), but I thought I would throw it out there. Two nights ago I ran a low fever of 99.1 for about three hours until I took some Tylonal and it went away. Tonight I was feeling a little icky again and checked my temp and it was at 99.1 again. However, by the time I…
New (and best ever) C-word!
We had an appointment with my rad-onc last week--my annual visit with him. He went through a summary of my current status (ORN, trismus) and upcoming events (neck resecting in April) and then finished by saying that he considers my cancer to be cured! He is the first doctor to say that word to me, and it really hit home…
Haven't been on here much lately, at least as far as posting. I stop by and check in on everyone frequently. Tomorrow is my scan for my 6 month check up and have been having a lot of anxiety about it. Trying to keep myself busy and my mind busy but haven't been real successful. Would take all the prayers I can get for a…
woke up on wrong side of bed yesterday
I did a boner yesterday. The appointment had been bugging me for the past few weeks. Scanxiety or just fried....don't really know. I called and cancelled. Got more than alot of grief from family members. My last appointment the doctor told me (onc.) that pretty much nothing more could be done other than follow the…
Another bullet maybe
Have had a nagging sore throat, more like sore side of mouth and lousy earache for a couple of weeks now, when I put my finger in my mouth and feel the spot that hurts I can make it hurt more. At first thought it was my lousy fitting dentures but have not used them for a few days and still the same. have an appt with ENT…
1 year anniversary
I have been so busy at work I didn't realize 12/10 was my one year anniversary of my last treatment.getting ready for 1 year tests and all that crap but feelin ok-
7 rads to go and....
I have been plagued by a terrible gag reflex that now has be basically mute. Talking makes it happen and I have to drink water a million times just to say a few things. To me, it seems to be mostly in my head - like mentally I just can't get past the swollen feeling of my tongue and throat. They don't even hurt very…
All of the sudden
All of the sudden this weekend the scractchy throat and loss of taste has prevented me from eating like a did a couple days ago - I am only 13 treatments in - and now even soups are not working - I am guessing I will need to start using the PEG tube now for food - so looking for recommendations, help, sorry - don't want to…
A Light Bulb Just Came On In My Head
Hello All, Those of you that have actually been through this nasty mucus stuuf, please correct me if I'm giving wrong information. I see some of you posting about this strangling, foul tasting mucus & for some reason I didn't remember this until now. The last few times that Ron was hospitalized, he was provided with a…
Finished 28 of 33 rads I see a peg coming
We have not posted in forever. No excuses just trying to "geter" done. However we read all the posts and you guys have been so wonderful supporting those who need support and giving information straight from real experiences. That is a huge help. Brief update hubby finished 7 weeks of chemo. The deadly Erbitux Rash did go…
That Time Again
Hi everyone , while I don't post all that often anymore , I still stop by now and then to see how you are all doing . As for me I'm sitting waiting to go into my 6 month CT scan , had my labs earlier this week and all good, see my onco next wed for the checkup ... But still the scanexity ... Even though in 2 weeks I will…
PET results
As I stated in earlier post Jim had a PET from head to thigh on Tuesday but appointment for results not until January 14, 2014. Imagine our shock when the oncologist called yesterday with results. Nodules in lungs still progressing but slowly, cancer now in chest bones and left jaw bones. and fluid in left lung probably…
Bonehead klutz move almost killed me this morning!
Hello all, Was doing fine swallowing only 1 1/2 weeks of Rads left, eating my cream of wheat and enjoying it. Thought I would start back taking my vitamins I had to stop for g-tube surgery, so popped a big fish oil capsule in my mouth and then the fun began.... Started to gag as it got stuck somewhere in my throat. Tried…
Am extending my appreciation to all of you who have participated or enrolled in the Roll Call forum. Enrolling is voluntary. Roll call 2014 will be updated from the information posted in the "Roll Call 2013" thread. Someone brought up the 2012 thread and there were some updates listed. Do not repost and I will transfer…
ROLL CALL 2012 - Updated as of January 16, 2012 (CLOSED 10/12/2013)
In year 2011, we had 89 folks who registered or checked back in. You only need to enroll and check in once a year. If you have not enrolled and checked back in this year (2012), please do so. Thank you. How to Enroll We started this list a few years ago. It is a voluntary enrollment for Head and Neck Cancer folks and you…
First Mouth Soars
Just into 10th rad and past 2nd chemo and a mouth sore has appeared - yep the nurse said from the rads, yep the rad/onco said from the rads - I am swishing salt water and baking soda vociferously many many many times per day - according to them and the onco it will just get worse - I have read the magic mouth and mugard…
bad blood
Hello y'all! Haven't been here in a while. Been working and living and enjoying as much food as I can Lol. Had a recent scare though and who better to ask than you great people :) apparently, my last trip to the doc met with some questionable blood work :/ although she had originally told me I didn't need a pet right now,…
A post tx HAIR question
My hair is falling out in handfuls. It started towards the end of my radiation treatments (no chemo) and I asked my rad onc. (keep in mind...he is pretty much a jerk and I do not like him at all) This was our conversation: Me: My hair is falling out in handfuls, in the shower, when I brush it, etc.. Him: No, rads won't…
SNUC-my dad newly diagnosed. Advice please!
Hello everyone my name is Tiffamy Tarango. My dad was recently diagnosed with SNUC on April 25,2013 post biopsy results. he is going to be treated UT Southwestern in Dallas tx. We met with the oncologist yesterday and he is at at stage 2 with no lymph node involvement. The tumor is large in his frontal sinuses, ethmoid…
Ct time once again on thursday
Hello everyone ! Well it's that time once again for my lung scan and spirometry testing. Seems like groundhogs day when your in the machine. (never ending) But in reality it's only minutes even with the contrast (unless they miss your vein a couple of times ... ouch !) Last time in I thought I was doing…
Need some help...
I am in my 6th week of a 7 week treatment. I have hit a wall with eating and I am now starving. I am basically on a liquid diet, which is fine. The problem is that Boost, Resource, Ensure, etc make me sick when I drink them. My body doesn't like them at all. I was doing really well with Carnation Instant Breakfast…
Very, very weird occurrence today
I woke up this morning and something was different, not bad but something was definitely not usual. The feeling lasted all morning and was nagging me until after lunch when I finally hit on what it was. I DIDN'T HURT. First time in almost two years that my throat didn't hurt. Pain has been advil class for the last three or…
Trach out
Haven't been on here for a while,finally after 2 years I got my trach out on 2-13-13, the day before Valentines Day, I prayed about it everyday, went through the worst gruelsome rads and chemo and got to the end of the tunnell, I'm blessed. bjw1955
organ donation on DL
Hello everyone, I have to renew my DL this coming January. I found out that I need to take off my listing as a donor (organs) due to my dx. I'm a little bummed, (35 yrs.) as I have always believed in this wonderful way of giving another a chance at life. I don't know if this is for all cancer dx's, but for sure mine. ADCC.…
G-tube cleaning inquiry
Hello Everyone. I have a feeding tube and have been using the bolus to pump the puree into my stomach. However, recently it has been clog more often than not. I was told to use Coke. Is there other alternative beside soft drink to clean the tube? Carbonate water? Canada dry? How often do I clean it...every time after each…
Cured vs. Healed
As I recover from cancer treatment, it's become quite evident that I've not been cured of my illness. When we speak of a disease, we often tend to think of it in absolute terms. Curable and incurable. This is due mostly to the way we think of medicine and the way modern society thinks of it. It doesn't take into…
Thera Breath gum alternative. For dry mouth?
Hey Guys, I recently tried Thera Breath gum (Dr. Katz) and its seemed to work well for me. ( It was the first time i chewed gum in over a year). How ever the price of the gum is outrageous. What other gums have you guys used with sucess? (I use xilememelts at night and they work great)
Something in the back of the throat
Hi All, I had NPC (stage 2) and finished treatment 2 weeks ago. When I swallow water or air, I feel there is something scraping the back of my throat. It feels like hard and sharp. Anyone had that? Or is it just the dryness and radiation burn of the throat making that sensation? Wound visiting an ENT who might put a camera…
Halfway through XRT
Hanging in after a second g-tube placement Monday that caused my BP to drop so low they could not get a reading on 3 BP machines and they kept me until 6 pm Monday so I missed my XRT that day. I was really leaning towards just having an NG tube placed for 4 weeks but the MD talked me out of that. The pain level was a 10…
Thanks to all of my CSN buds who sent me the encouragement only us in our "unlucky fraternity" could send. My scans were great. Continued shrinkage of the two lung tumors, and more important, the two Mediastinal Nodes are all but dead tissue. To the newcomers here, NEVER GIVE UP!! I have been stage 4, get your affairs in…