Post transplant patients
Has anyone here had a solid organ transplant? My husband got new lungs a little over four years ago. I have seen some very old posts from transplant patients, but none within a year old. My husband has metastatic squamous cell cancer. He had the huge tumor removed from his face and was radiated. He can't get chemo due to…
popping in
I wanted to thank everyone for the good thoughts while in hospital. Still here, probably will be throughout next week. Wanted to clarify, I am not quite done fighting. Yes it seems the beast has decided to want to rear it's ugly head again. Well o.k., I am now going to confirm it by biopsy? Depending on the line of defense…
Just Wanted to Thank You
I only made a few post but gained much from reading others. Dr. said I was cancer free yesterday now the road to get my fourty pounds and muscle back. Good luck and God Bless to you all.
severe trismus/fibrosis after radiation treatment
My dear sister had radation following a 10 hour surgery for a rare from of head and neck cancer 14 years ago. Had one reoccurrence with more radiation two years ago. She struggles to eat and is terrified of having to get a feeding tube. Any advice for us?
Toncil Cancer....2 1/2 Years After Treatments
Hi Everyone, I don't post much but I am here reading all of your posts often. I remember when I was in my treatments, I loved to hear the good news stories. I am sharing my update in hopes of offering encouragement to those who are in treatments now. I had my 2 1/2 year check up last week. Doctor did the normal scope of my…
Memorial Day 2015
Hello Gang, I'm sorry I don't get back here to visit my old friends as often as I should. It's Memorial Day. For me that means the traditional start of summer, a day of remembrance of those I hold dear and a day of reflection. Speaking of reflection, about five years ago I was in a hospital bed recovering from an…
Got my MRI results
I just got the MRI results. There is a problem with the left maxillary sinus. A vertical septation is seen in the anterior aspect of the left maxillary sinus. All other parts including nasopharynx, oropharynx, parapharyngeal and paranasal sinuses are normal. I will see my ENT doctor Thursday. I have questions: 1) My…
can anyone help me know my possible outcome.... my dr just said we will treat this... i am 58 years old, female, a transplant paient (so a reduced immune system) i had a 2 inch squamous cell tumor (that grew in just 30 days) taken out of my neck, it was stage 4 cancer, including cancer in my lymph nodes on that side of my…
New member and diagnosed with tonsil cancer with one lymph node mets
Hi, I am new this discussion board. I was wondering if anyone out there has had HPV squamous cell carcinoma of the tonsil and one mets to the lymph node. If so what treatment did you do adn how was the outcome? I have been told that surgery and radiation had similar outcomes as radiation and chemo. I have decisions to make…
NED sweet NED
Hi all, today we got to hear the 3 magical words for the first time! And the doc congratulated Dima on graduating from this. Next step, to get the port out. We are so happy and thankful. I wanted to share the good news with the group. You were/are a part of our support system. We are thankful for the prayers, support,…
Celebrating 2 yrs 6 months NED!
Just a quick upate to let everyone know we are still around and enjoying life! Kreg has celebrated 2 yrs and 6 months! Had his check up Thursday and NED was the word we got! For anyone fighting the battle.....there is light at the end of the tunnel. Hang in there, it gets better! God Bless you all, ~Cris
I do believe Katie is in the hospital with pneumonia, there is a posting in my facebook timeline. Hope I am wrong
dentist in Oregon
Hello I had tongue cancer and it spread to my lymphnodes when I was 21 years old. I'm 36 now and having constant dental issues because of the radiation. I just moved to Corvallis, OR and I'm looking for a Dentist who has experience with this issue. I'm willing to travel if there is an experienced dentist available. Any…
Meegs...Rest in peace
Dear friends, I am so sorry to tell you that our friend Meegs passed away on 14/5/2015 at the age of 29. Her fight started with esthesioneurblastoma but then the reoccurrence reached her brain and then spinal cord. I glad that I met her here and chatted with her over the past year, she was such an inspiration and supported…
Neuroendoctrine tumour
I seem to have hit the jackpot in cancers. My third cancer is very rare and hard to detect called neuroendoctrine tumour. I was diagnosed this month. My three cancers were unrelated. If I can get a hat trick in cancers why can't I win the lottery I would think the odds are the same. The tumour/tumours are in my small bowel…
Being released
Got cellulitis again last Sunday and was admitted Tuesday. Been on IV antibiotics, got c diff so then more antibiotics. Difference of opinion between infectious disease doc and my ENT on long term antibiotics. ENT concerned for necrosis on right jaw so wants to be in prevention mode. Other Doc says no issues with…
For Mother's Day(Not Cancer Related)
For all of you who remember me and those that don't know me, I hope eveyone had a pleasant Mother's Day. As you know, I lost my husband Ron two years ago followed by my daughter Debbie just ten months ago. It was a rather sad day for me as all holidays are for some of us. For the first time in nearly 50 years, I did not…
Surgery to Repair Soft Palate
Hi everyone! I am 8 years cancer free after being diagnosed with NPC in 2006!! My soft palate was heavily scarred because of my radiation treatments and I have had problems with hypernasality, food and drinks going into my nasal cavity, and then subsequently aspirating that food into my lungs when I breathe sometimes. I…
Hi. Here is a me, me, me message that leads to a question. I have base of the tongue cancer and I just finished my 3rd week with a combination of chemo and radiation. The treatment has killed almost all taste buds and many salivary glands. The total lack of taste has given me negative incentive to eat and I’m losing way…
Just wanted to help out Elaineh, she's new here.... So I'm helping her get started with her introduction and her first post about herself here on the forum.. John
Laryngitis and bronchitis after treatment for SCCa hypopharynx
Hi everyone. I was treated last year for piriform sinus Cancer with chemo then chemo radiation. I had an excellent response and am NED 15 months later. I did well during treatment, was able to eat the whole time and didn't lose an ounce of weight. I lost my voice for about a week. Then on completion of treatment late June…
Seek bless and help
I came here first July, last year. At that time, i guessed i have a NPC since i have a family history and bleeding mucus in the morning and painless swollen lymph nodes on left neck. But through CT scan and nasal endoscope, everything is good. I have done biopsy with needle and came back with no cancer cells. So i think…
what to do prior to starting treatment
Hi, I have just learned that I have stage 4 SSC of the tongue with 2 lymph nodes affected. I meet with the surgeon tomorrow to find out if I am a candidate for a hemi-glossectomy and I am assuming that a neck dissection is also in my future. The Radiation Oncologist told me that radiation treatments would be best after the…
Radiation Induced LARYNGITIS -
Hi All - Had my ENT visit today and all looks good (scope and finger exam). He certainly heard my voice and agreed it sounded pretty bad, I have been fighting this very weak and hoarse voice for about 2 weeks + now. During the scope he said to the nurse (who was taking notes) "extremely dry vocals". Nothing on them, they…
Dizzy spells 5 years after
Hello, I have just crossed the 5 year mark. Everything has been great but last month I started having dizzy spells. Saw the neurologist today and he thinks one of my arteries to the brain has harden. He says this can happen from people who have had radiation. Just wondering if anyone has heard of this happening to anyone.…
Drinking Aloe Vera
has anybody tried Aloe Vera as a remedy for burns from the Rads internally,I'm just preping for the burn to come all info appreciated! Thanks to all you guys and my HEROS! Ed , .
Checking In - 3 Years
Hi All I just wanted to check in as I haven't been on in quite some time. I was diagnosed with MEC back in 2012. All is well with me, and I went past 3 years all clear in March this year on my latest scan. This place was a fantastic help when I was 'on the bus', and for all of you in the early stages after diagnosis there…
Just Checking in to See How everyone is Doing
Do you ever stop worrying
now I'm swallowing again, which im over the moon with...I've started to worry ....what if.....the liquid or food dribbles into my lungs while it's going down. Do you know/feel if it's going the wrong way. I shouldn't be worrying about this, I read about people going into hospital because they get pneumonia from food going…
Pancreatic cancer
My friends mom was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer but I don't see a room for pancreatic cancer- any suggestions anyone?