eating problem...Help!
First let Me say I have finished My radiation and chemo treatments 4 weeks ago....My CAT scan has come back clean and now waiting till August to take My PET scan... I do have a problem....I have a feeding tube and they wont remove it till I take in 80% My calories by mouth...right now I am doing 100% of My intake by My…
I hate to ask, but...
I need some prayers. I am sick and feeling awful. I know there are much worse issues on this board, but I need a little something. I started with a bit of a clogged ear Sunday. I cannot hear anything out of my ear now, and it hurts so bad. Coughing up crap, yadda yadda yadda. Went to the doc today and got antibiotics and…
Recurrent NPC neck/jaw/tongue problems
So a brief overview of my story is that i've been battling with NPC since 2011. I was diagnosed when I was 20, and have been fighting it ever since. I have periods of remission, and then recurrences. I am in my second clinical trial, and have been through about 4 different types of chemo and many radiation sessions. My…
Carboplatin and Taxol w or w/out Erbitux
Hello everyone. It's great to have all of you to learn from and get inspired by. So I was diagnosed with NPC end of 2014 and finished treatment Dec 31 2014 with radiotherapy and cisplatin. Unfortunately I had a I biopsy done last Friday due to a liver lesion. I was told likely mets. I may have bone mets as well but not…
As promised, an update from the MDA visit
I went to MDA today and met with Dr. Blumenshein. For those who don't know who he is, he's the head of the Head and Neck Oncology Department at MDA. Quite an impressive guy. At any rate, he spent a great deal of time with me and even went off to call my Doc here in Dallas to consult. The end result is while he does have a…
Parotid tumor--pity party/venting, sorry.
I give up. I have had a lump under my ear for at least 28 years which no one has ever been impressed by. Was told by my dentist is was probably scar tissue after my wisdom tooth on that side was removed. It has not changed or bothered me. I was diagnosed with anal cancer stage 3b in 03/14 and that is in remission, for now…
Head & Neck Goes To Lungs ,Please Help
I am a survivor of Head & Neck Cancer (Squamous Cell Carcinoma ) but although i still have a battle on many fronts my Cancer has not returned . unfortunately my Brother inlaw was diagnosed with the same cancer and underwent chemo therapy/ Radiation treatments and although that seemed to go well he later ended up with a…
From hope to despair, Erbitux
I have HPV p16 positive tonsilar cancer with 2 positives nodes. I am 3 weeks into radiation, minor sore throat. Ebitux got delayed 1 week due to insurance. Erbitux was my Dr's second choice. He wanted cisplatin. I was not willing to take the risks of cisplatin. In the two weeks starting Erbitux I have gone from hope to…
Is anyone still out there ? - NPC
Come on, between us, we can find a way to eliminate or at least counter these side effects.
post NPC radiation and chemo treatment
I am a 56 asian male and was diagnosed with stage 3 NPC. I finished 35 times of IMRT radiation and 4 times concurrent chemo with rad 2 weeks ago. I was treated in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. South East Asia countries oncologists are more familiar with NPC. I am able to eat soft food and fruits now but having lots of mucous…
RIG tube
Im gonna be highly dependent on my rig for a while, just wondering if anyone has any ideas of the types of stuff i can put through the tube. I dont think 2000 calories will be enough for me
Life after Cancer treatment
Hi everyone. I appreciate all the welcome notes from members. I haven't been on in a while because I got aspiration pneumonia again. If it happens again I get a J tube and won't be able to eat. I'm doing all sorts of throat exercises, thickening my liquids (yuk), and tucking my chin when swallowing. My swallowing…
Erbitux rash
I had my first loading dose of Erbitux last tuesday, by saturday morning I was covered including my scalp in the acne type rash. So much on my face seems like I can't even move it. My regimend is going to be 35 radiation treatments with concurrent Erbitux. Personaly, to me, Erbitux is cutaneous toxic. Almost not worth it.…
Base of tongue Cancer
Hi I was found to have base of tongue cancer last December 2002 and in neck glands had 37 Radiation and 5 cemo treatements last on Feb 5th 2003 have peg tube tube fitted as in end could not eat or drink was very hard have been told Tumer gone am still going to hospitat each month getting MRI in one week 22nd July I still…
Full recovery and beyond?
hello everyone. I was wondering if anyone here or know of anyone who has fully recovered and healed from cancer after treatment? Able to return to same or better physical health compared to pre-cancer. Or any articles or studies out there that you can share. We all need a little inspiration to know that we can achieve more…
Nausea side effect
My husband got his first round of cisplatin yesterday. He's nauseated and fatigue.. didn't feel like eating today.. how long is this fatigue and nausea usually last ? Do you have tricks on food intake? Thanks Kathy
New with the DX. Cisplatin VS Erbitux
I was missdiagnosed back in November with Chronic tonsillitis. Asked the Dr at the time could this be cancer? The response was a confident no. I ran with that. No followup. About a month ago I felt a new lump on my neck. Quickly went to ENT. BX Right tonsilar squamous cell cancer with lymph node cystic mets. I am told it…
nasopharyngeal cancer treatment complications
Hi, My dad had developed and been treated for nasopharyngeal cancer in 1994 which resurfaced in 1997 and has been successfully treated with chemotherapy and radiation therapy. From the treatments that he had received he developed some tissue scarring in the nose which he has to clean everyday. It seems to be a mixture of…
Post treatment pain
Hello everyone, I was diagnosed with cancer on my tonsil last December and I finished my treatment nearly 3 months ago (33 radiation and 3 Cisplatin chemo). I was doing just fine until I saw my ENT last week who thought my pains in the tongue, jaw and ear were a bit "worrisome". Needless to say that it was the only thing I…
Mom's treatment
My mom who is extremely claustrophobic made it through the making of the mask, measurements and the first treatment with two valium each time. She will try one valium tomorrow. Thanks all you prayer warriors, your prayers worked. Debbie
Tongue cancer with neck dissection but no other treatment
I was wondering if anyone else out there had just a partial glossectomy (about 1/4 of my tongue) and a selective neck dissection. I had a bump removed from my tongue in March, which in spite of biopsies to the contrary, turned out to be cancerous. Then I had to find a pain medication that worked (most narcotics do not work…
Medicare....AKA Headache time!!
Spent two hours this morning in a seminar about Medicare.....then another hour this afternoon with an advisor from my old insurance hashing it over again....Trying to figure out what to do for my only free enrollment is killing me (like I cannot be denied no matter what my health has been).....I'd be just as uncomfortable…
Spinal Cancer from Unknown Source Spread to Neck and Brain
My mother is 62 and her cancer diagnosis was made in January of this year (5 months ago). She was diagnosed with leukemia as well as metastatic cancer from an unknown source. The mets settled in her spine so she has diffuse small tumors up and down her spine and now spread to her neck area and base of the brain. She has…
Dry Mouth
I'm just about 3 1/2 years out of treatment from stage 4a SCC of the right tonsil, while it took some time I'd say my saliva is back to about 95% , I still drink lots of water every day, but there are still some nights that my mouth seems dry ...I mentioned this to my dentist one day and she gave me a sample of OraCoat…
Am just wondering
Hi gang All is well just about a year now post treatment back to work hate the 24/7 nite shift as my body goes up and down never liked it before all this happen.Am able to swallow and evn gum most of the comfort food I eat and have gained back 25 of the 55 pounds I lost.Last went in and they took about an inch of bone from…
Newly diagnosed Cystic Adenoid carcinoma
Hi All, My husband is recently diagnosed with cystic adenoid carcinoma believed to start from the salivary gland on left side. He's stage 4, spread to 1 lymph node, undetermine mets (T4N1Mx). He was told that surgery is not an option due to the extensive spread of the tumor. He will start proton therapy at Procure in NJ…
tongue cancer
Have tongue cancer, going for pet scan. What a deal life throws a curve sometimes. Trying to hang on pretty weary. Much love and courage to all who travel this road.
anyone heard from jcortney?
I don't think he posted in awhile....Hope you are ok my friend.
Proton Therapy
Just got back here after a few week absence. My 10 year old son has completed 10 proton radiation sessions so far. Wondering if anybody on here can tell me how bad the side effect may be? I've read all the literature from the proton Center, but wanted to come to my own experts :-) So far we have seen no side effects.…
Nasopharyngeal cancer (after radiation)
Hello, My father did radiation for Stage 1 nasopharyngeal cancer when he was 55 (2004). Ever since then he has been having back and neck spasms (severe) to the point where he cant sleep at night. His tongue has been deteriorate as well. Shrinking further back into the mouth and severe numbness where eating/drinking is a…