Hello!! - Thank You!!
Hello guys, I just wanted to drop you guys a line as I will be AWOL for a while. My surgery is tomorrow morning and I am nervous. I just wanted to Thank you guys for making my trip to TX very memeriable!!!! I was nice to dance with merriman and bud. I hope that I didn't step on your feet. It has been a very long time!! I…
Is there a day without chemo coming?
Check out this article in the paper today. Wake Forest University is one of the 100 plus Comprehensive Cancer Centers here in the US. This study makes sense to me. It helps the body fight off the cancer naturally instead of "nuking/poisoning the hell out of one's body cells". I bet the pharmaceutical companies don't like…
Persistent Erbirash & 1 yr. anniversary
It's been FOUR WEEKS since my last Erbitux infusion and I STILL have the rash!!! How long does it take to go away?! I leave for Croatia next Monday and this rash HAS to be gone by then! OK, well maybe I should not complain. It was one year ago tomorrow (May 11, 2005) that my GI doctor performed a colonoscopy and informed…
Hi everyone, hope everyone is doing well. I was wondering if anyone is on or every was on Eribux/CPT11. My dad does not respond to Avistin or 5FU anymore and his tumors grew on Xeloda. This is his last resort. He is very very depressed. So much so that he does not leave the couch and only eats once a day. He lost 15 pounds…
Visiting Halifax ~ CP 4
Hi Everyone, For anyone interested in a free visitors guide of Halifax go to the link below. http://gocanada.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?zi=1/XJ&sdn=gocanada&zu=http://www.halifaxinfo.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Whats Needed To Enter Canada. . . . Americans do not a visa to visit Canada,…
ANy encouraging words for a postponed liver resection??
My sister in law went in for her liver resection today. They found lymph involvement & removed all of that & want to wait for the resection. She got her pump, and an Ileo -reversal, so that is 2 out of 3. She is still in recovery, and it just feels like it will be a real let down for her, as well as my brother. They will…
Options for pancreatic cancer
Hi, hope everyone is doing well. I got some very bad news about my aunt tonight, she has pancreatic cancer that has spread everywhere. They opened her up and closed again, and she is only 52. Does anyone know of options for pancreatic cancer, how about Quillians book, anyone heard of this working for this type of cancer?…
last entry
On April 15, 2006 my beloved husband passed away from colon rectal cancer. I could not remember this sight until now. Just wanted to say good luck to all of you that have this terrible cancer and hope that things work out better for ya'll. Candice
Mets in both lungs - feeling sad
Yesterday my friend Mark went for the usual check up with the oncologist. Unfortunately I wasn't able to make this appointment and I really felt anxious about this since I was afraid the Dr. would break down and show him his scan of six weeks ago before starting on the current trial. I saw the scan by accident and it…
God is good all the time and all the time God is good
I got my results back from the cat scan yestrday. I was nervous when I saw the cancer center's number on the caller id. The nurse asked how I was doing and instantly I knew it was bad news. I braced myself and she told me no cancer was detected in the stomach, pelvic or colon areas! All I could say was Thank you God and…
How frequently are you scoped?
Hi all - Gotta question. Last November I had my first post surgery colonoscopy (couldn't get all the way thru last May due to sigmoid tumor). Everything checked out and my gastro doc said to come back in two years. He even said that many docs say three years, but he is not comfortable with that. (I am Stage IV but…
Home from Ileostomy reversal surgery
Hi all, The reversal surgery itself was a breeze. I've hardly needed any pain relievers. I was also lucky enough to get a private room too, which made the three day hospital stay more comfortable. They kept me in hosptial possibly longer than normal because I had bowel obstructions last year following my original surgery.…
i saw a mention of halifax for a palooza???! when is that? i have my reversal surgery for my ileostomy this weekend and want to go on vacation sometime this summer!!!! i love nova scotia! claudia
Is there a standard amount for radiation?
another good question; (worth re-posting) radiation is cumulative; each individual has a lifetime amount they can tolerate, ask your Dr how many Rads/Gys you have received, how much is received from CT/x-ray, etc, and add them up. Ask him/her what your total number is, and what will result from going over that amount. (in…
Colonoscopy on Thursday..
I have to have a colonoscopy on May 11th and will do the Phospho-soda prep for this..I also will have to do the prep again on May 16th for liver resection surgery on May 17th..My gastrenologist never completed the first colonoscopy because he couldn't get by my rectal tumor on Oct. 12th, 2005 so I need this done before…
Hi there... been meaning to tell you. For my radiation, I have red marker all over my right chest. My husband decided it looks like the State of New Jersey. Sooo... being the comical relief guy he is, he calls me Sandra. Because in the movie Miss Congeniality, Sandra Bullock played Miss New Jersey... The point of my story,…
Interesting Conversation w/ Oncologist
Hi all - I am not trying to call all the anti-chemo activists out of the woodwork - have to say that while I hated it it seems to have saved my life so far. But.......... I got into an interesting discussion with my oncologist today. She went to a meeting where some other local (DC area) oncologist was raving about…
Pic's From Palooza 3 In Austin
Dear Friends, Below is a link to look at some pictures from Colon Palooza 3. . . Give it a minute to load ~ then enjoy. Have A Wonderful Weekend, Lisa Rose http://media.putfile.com/CP-3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Palooza 4,…
scan today
It's my turn for my scan I haven't had one since January. It all good vibes today!
Is there a "standard" number of rounds of chem/radiation with 5FU administered. I've had 20 (taking a break). Radiation Oncologist mentioned 28 t0 32, for stage IIIx2 node rectal. Just wondering how many others have had?
Xeloda VS 5fu
nanuk 05-08-2006 08:22 AM EDT Re: chemoradiation w/5fu/Xeloda [reply] Good question;in my opinion, follow the bucks. They don't make any money on Xeloda, because it's Rx..there's more money in infusion.. Bud
What to use for colonoscopy prep...
I just wanted to share this with everyone. I saw it in todays paper. It might be something to discuss with your docs. I have a colonoscopy coming up and I have always used Fleets Phosphosoda. Yeeks........ Bowel cleansers get FDA warning The Associated Press Published: May 5, 2006 Last Modified: May 5, 2006 at 02:55 PM…
Giggle for the day
So, with all these CAT (CT) scans and PET scans, should I PET the CAT or get a new kitty, or get another pet???? Hugs, (from a very wierd sense of humor) Kathi
Remembering Fitlisa
Dear Friends, I just thought we could all take a moment today and remember Lisa Muldoon who left us one year ago on May 2nd. Lisa was a huge inspiration & good friend to all the semi-colons. Love, Lisa Rose
New at all of this at 32!!
My husband was diagonsed w/ colon/rectal cancer is Jan. Had surgery in March, he is doing quite well w/ the physical recover. Lympnodes were clear but ended up w/ an ileostomy. He was also diagonsed w/ bladder cancer in May of last year. This was also caught early. He is having a difficult time dealing w/ all of this. Was…
home now
Hiya dear friends....what a WONDERFULL time we had! The total time for our return journey was about 38 hours(which included 13 hours in San Francisco) and we have been home for just over 24 hours now.On the flight home I suffered incredible stomach pains and diarrhea, so spent many moments in the aircraft bathroom.…
CAT scan
I had my CAT scan done yesterday and this is the very 1st one out of 4 that I felt relaxed and comfortable if you can believe it. I just turned all of it over to God. I know He said He would never leave nor forsake us. I retired after 27 years of service last Friday cause the doctor told me to rest. Had a wonderful…
Hey all you awesome Semi-Colons!! Now that many of you are home from the CP3, and we are grieving as a family about Nettie, I thought we could share some postive aspects of having cancer. I'll start. Cancer gave me: My voice. I am bolder now to speak up, speak my needs, my feelings whether good or bad, my love for someone,…
husband looking for someone who is colon cancer survivor
My husband has stage iv colon cancer. 3 small polyps in colon, but very large liver met (in-operable). He's had 3 chemoembolizations and is now starting 6 month, bi-weekly chemo (5fu). It's really wearing him out. He doesn't sleep well (with very strong sleep aids) and is just worn out alot. He wants to correspond with…
Do you believe this!
Hi all, I know it has been mentioned before, but did you all notice that now we surpass breast cancer. I remember when we were 2,000 to 3,000 away and now we are ahead. Boy oh boy....mmmm Makes you think huh?!