Medication from Canada?
My husband is being prescribed Capecitabine (generic form of Xeloda). 8 pills/day x7 days then 7 days off, repeat. Our cost for one month is $1,344. I see online that I can get this same drug from Canada for a lot less. Is this for real? Has anyone used medications from another country? The price difference is almost too…
husband is now a chemo for lifer
At 47 my husband was diagnosed with rectal cancer in Dec 2016, T3N1Mo. He had the standard radiation and chemo, then surgery which resulted in a colostomy because his tumor was so low and then had Folfox. He did pretty well with that and his side effects, expect for the neuropathy, were nearly gone before the next…
Scared of Chemo
I was just diagnosed at 38 with stage 3b colon cancer after resection and am freaking out. I have 2 small children 5 and 1. I’m meeting with an oncologist next week to make a plan. Chemo scares the Heck out of me. Anyone mind sharing experiences of first chemo round and symptoms you’ve had. Did you continue working? How…
Mom taking Stivarga
Hi all. I am new to this site. Mom has been fighting colon cancer with Mets. She cannot tolerate Xeloda; Folfox; Or Folfiri. Now taking Stivarga with lots of side effects. Any words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated!
Wishing you the best outcome after surgery today and complete and speedy recovery. Please let us know how you are doing. Please remember to not overdo it. It's going to be rough for rehabilitation but remember the pain is there to show you that something positive is happening. It will get easier but remember to also take…
IV Vitamin C
Anyone with experiece with IV vitamiin C?
Questions on LDN and Lufe Expectancy
Hi All, Has anyone heard of Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) treatment here in the US? A nurse at work suggested I look into it when it was prescribed for a co-worker. Although the initial study into it was done by a doctor in the US, Internet searches seem to indicate that published treatment mostly resides in the UK. Any info…
Proton Therapy for Lung and Liver Mets
Update- A friend of a friend contacted me last week about Proton Therapy. After looking at the information on the web and talking with me, he sent his scans to the Dr at Loma Linda, and unfortunately, he was not a candidate. A friend from Church just returned from Loma Linda where she was being treated for a Pancreatic…
Hair loss from Folfox?
When taking Folfox, did your hair fall out and if so....about what treatment? I'll be starting chemo next week and wanted to be proactive and get a wig now. I know, it's the vanity in me but I just don't want to walk around with patches of hair missing. I told my husband since I've always been a brunette, I could get some…
Hi, My husband is experiencing “anal leakage” in the form of mucous and coffee ground-like stool. I tried getting Depends and he refuses to wear them, saying it’s uncomfortable. Do any of you recommend a particular product that will catch anal leakage (and not just a product for bladder incontinence?)
I got "that" call only an hour ago
My doctor just called to let me know the biopsy from last week's colonoscopy was positive for simple squamous cancer. His nurse is lining up the colorectal oncologist appointment now. What can I expect at the first appointment? I thought he was calling to tell me all was fine. I'm still in shock. My husband and I got back…
Para-aortic lymph nodes in CT report....
Hello everyone, I am sincerely trying to calm my anxiety and not freak out. My husband has been diagnosed with rectosigmoid-sigmoid cancer. The CT report for “staging” says T3-4a, N2, M0. However, I’m concerned about a part of the report that mentions, “multiple, prominent para-aortic lymph nodes.” Is that what makes him…
I hate numbers!!!
My husband had a rise in his CEA levels a few months back so he was switched from Folfox w/avastain to Folfri w/Erbitux. His CEA had dropped to 26 under the new regime, scans last came back with a lot of mets gone and the rest measurable from CM's down to MM's. Now his CEA is rising again every 2 weeks from 26 to 31 now…
Surgery success!
Hi all - I had my VATS wedge resection to remove the tumor in my lung, which was successful! Hurrah. I was in the hospital only 36 hours. This was way easier than abdominal surgery. The surgery itself took only an hour or so. I was scheduled for 7:30 and awake in recovery by 10 am. The pain has been minimal, no pain meds…
Pain Management...chronic rectal pain
My pain doctor wants me to try a “nuvectra spinal cord stimulator”? Anyone have any experience with this procedure? Thanks
First colonoscopy since April 2017 when I was diagnosed
Hi All: Just feeling a bit anxious, but confident in a positive result. Tomorrow will be my first colonoscopy since my stage 3C diagnosis, surgery and 6 months of Folfox 5FU. All of the blood works appears to be where it should be as of 2 weeks ago. But as I sit hear and begin the prepping for the colonoscopy (yechhhhh!),…
My husband has a blockage in his bile duct
AGAIN! I am so furious right now, we spent 6 months apr-sept of last year dealing with a tumor causing this. This time it’s most likely a stricture caused by that stupid hai chemo pump. One stupid mop up dose and everything ruined. He is so yellow and itchy and being a stubborn ****. Refusing to go to Sloan waiting for the…
side effects
6 days out since my first infusion of folfiri / avastin. I wore my pump for 46 hours. Day 1 was not too awful. Day 2 was pretty good. I figure all the steroids and meds were still working. The rest of the time I'm tired, nauseous, blah. yesterday I was vomiting a little. When does it get better? It's like I've had a…
Removing Oxipltin good or bad??
good afternoon, I am my husband caregiver and I was wondering if anyone else went on maintence chemo? He has colon cancer which metisized to lungs and kidneys. He was on oxiplatin,avastin, levarocon, 5fu pump, the 48 hr bag of 5fu wore home, then we would return to remove bag and get neulasta. He has had 12 treatment, his…
I am starting my third folfox treatment tomorrow. I am suffering from nausea I feel seasick everyday, I have to try to get back to work any solutions
Gilbert's Syndrome increases toxicity from chemo
I found out why I've had so many problems from chemo. I was diagnosed with Gilbert's syndrome, a genetic deficiency that means in part my liver does not filter out toxins like most people's livers. So I tend to get more ill from chemo and have an increased risk of jaundice and other problems from the chemo. I could never…
New therapy cures cancer with just one injection
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First HAI pump chemo and he is jaundice
his numbers for his liver are horrible, ast 444 alk 268 alt 218 Bilirubin 3.7 lactate dehydrogenase 333 so bad! This is chemo toxicity not cancer he is still NED obviously directly infusing his liver is not good for him, since this is mop up chemo he is telling them no more, and having them fill the pump with glycerin.…
Psychotic Episodes and Chemotherapy
Hi, Yesterday i witnessed my dad who has stage 4 colon cancer and is on Flurocil 5-FU have a pasychotic episode. Does anyone know if this medicine is known to do this. Thanks, Rafia
Cyberknife done
Hi all, I finished my Cyberknife treatment yesterday afternoon. I guess they say 2-3 months to see if it worked. They are also going to have the head radiologist at the hospital look at my scans to see if he can put a marker on the tumor near my heart. If so, we can cyberknife that one as well, if not, well, who know what…
stage4 colorectal -- advice welcomed
Hi Everyone, I'm just discovered this board about a month ago, and could really use some advice. I really admire all of you providing support and fighting this frustrating disease. First, a little background. Not that its related but I was first diagnosed with a rhabdomyosarcoma (tumor) at six months old as a (infant) boy…
Surgery or No Surgery??
My husband has Stage 4 rectal cancer. He has a rectal mass and one lung nodule. He has had 5 1/2 weeks of chemo pills/radiation, finishing up 5 radiation treatments to the lung nodule next week, and is now looking at surgery and 6 months of chemo afterward. He will have an iliostomy bag until the chemo is completed. We…
How long does it take to recover from Chemo and Radiation?
I know my Onc and Rad Onc told me that recovery could take up to a year or more, but still I thought that I would bounce right back. I didn't! I am seven months out from treatments, and still work through several side effects. - Neuropathy in both hands and feet. There has been great improvement in the hands, the numbness…
Laz’ 5 year Anniversary!
Dear Friends, Tomorrow will be the 5 year anniversary of my diagnosis. Clearly remember the dreaded phone call I received from my doctor in my office’s bathroom. I kind of knew, but was still shocked and went back to work. 10 months of treatment: radiation, chemo, surgery, more chemo. After I felt better divorce and hit…
need infor about high-dose IV vitamin C
Hi dear all, I read a few articles about high-dose IV vitamin C, I believe it will at least help with reducing the side effects from chemo. Since my husband will start chemo soon, I would like to have him give a try. So if you had experiences with high dose IV vitamin C, please help me with these questions: 1, what dosage…